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Last active March 16, 2021 11:08
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Notes on normalization-by-evaluation modulo monad laws for monadic language
-- Compiler: staging, memory layout control, etc (small + self-hosting + useful soon)
-- Surface language:
1. CBV + side effects (ML)
2. CBV + typed effect system:
- Eff monad
- Eff monad, row of effects
f : Int -> Eff [IO, Exc e, MutRef a, MutRef b] Int
- (extensible / algebraic / resumable effect handlers)
-- Intermediate language:
Assume CBV + printing
pure language: admissible substitution (beta-reduce, inline, delta-contraction (CSE))
effectful language: doesn't work
issue: partial evaluation + effects: don't work together
(effectful things cannot be substituted, (reordered, dropped))
- effects are in a monad
- GHC doesn't have a monad in Core, uses token passing to compile IO
- unsound
- only linear token-passing models (some) IO
State hack, runST performance, unsafeInlineIO, ...
(mandatory late inlining runST, runRW# etc.)
1. Monad in core for everything which is effectful (M)
- guarantees: partial eval + NBE still works, conversion checking modulo laws (efficiently, and in a sound way)
- I don't know anything about the intension of my effects
Optimization: could be State transformer (locally)
finite number of mutable locations used in lexical
put x; get ~ pure x
put x; put x; ~ put x
throw e; e2 ~ throw e
limitation of usual State monad: (ST has stronger interface than State)
- I formalized ST monad in Agda: (requires parametricity to prove heap well-typed)
refs : List (MutRef Int)
n : Int
write (lookup n refs) 100
f refs foo bar -- out-of-line call
-- erase all info in symbolic state
-- ("symbolic" state, lookup n refs ↦ 100)
-- something similar
implementation: CBV + Eff + mutable refs
interface for call-by-need:
Lazy : Type -> Type
delay : A -> Eff (Lazy A)
(delay foo, delay foo) =/ let x = delax foo in (x, x)
"strengthening for delay" : (let x = delay foo in e) ~ e if x ∉ FV(e)
force : Lazy A -> IO A
result : A -> Lazy A -- returns an already force value (useful for compiler opt)
Stuff I looked at:
- 97: partial eval with side effects (monadic translation) ("preactions")
- administrative normal form only for effectful computations
(monadic program: the same thing!)
res <- f (g(x, y), h(y, z))
res1 <- g(x, y)
res <- f (res1, h(y, z))
x <- foo
y <- x
surface (f : () -> Int) ---> f : () -> M Int
let f() = print "foo"
CBV monadic translation:
- limitation: unknown functions are always monadic
higher-order function:
comp : (B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C
comp f g x = f (g x)
comp : (B -> M C) -> (A -> M B) -> A -> M C
comp f g x = do
gx <- g x
f gx
annoying with curried unknown functions
foo : (Int -> Int -> Int) -> (Int, Int)
foo f = (f 0 1, f 0 2)
foo' : (Int -> Int -> Int) -> (Int, Int)
foo' f = let f0 = f 0 in (f0 1, f0 2)
foo : (Int -> M (Int -> M Int)) -> M (Int, Int)
foo f = do
f0 <- f 0
f01 <- f0 1
f0' <- f 0
f02 <- f0' 2
return (f01, f02)
-- cheating : assume that unknown functions are only M in the return type
foo : (Int -> Int -> M Int) -> M (Int, Int)
foo f = do
f01 <- f 0 1
f02 <- f 0 2
return (f01, f12)
-- not the same program!
foo : (Int -> Int -> M Int) -> M (Int, Int)
foo f = do
let f0 = f 0;
f01 <- f0 1
f02 <- f0 2
return (f01, f12)
-- CBV --> monadic (optimize unknown function calls?)
-- (just write functions from tuples to result?)
-- (use n-ary function in surface language, but allow partial application via currying subtyping)
-- (+) : (Int, Int) -> Int
-- (+) 10 : Int -> Int --> elaborated to \y -> (+) (10, y)
surface: foo : ((Int, Int) -> Int) -> (Int, Int)
monadic: foo : ((Int, Int) -> M Int) -> M (Int, Int)
foo f = let f0 = f 0 in (f0 1, f0 1)
elab: foo f = let f0 = \y. f (0, y) in (f0 1, f0 2)
CBPV (call-by-push-value)
- point: combine effects + by-value + by-name
- lots of noise arising from CBV and CBN (by-name!)
- by-name is practically useless!
- Extended CBPV : extending CBPV with call-by-need evaluation
CBV (by default) + effects + some delimited call-by-need
Intermediate lang, opt, PE, side effects, monadic, CBPV, CBPVE, subst
Surface lang: monadic or plain cbv,
monadic thunks
deeply embedded monadic effect for PR
{-# language Strict, LambdaCase, BangPatterns, ViewPatterns, BlockArguments,
EmptyCase, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# options_ghc -Wincomplete-patterns #-}
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
First: monadic term language + effect + NbE + conversion checking
- normal forms modulo monad laws
- conversion checking with definitional monad laws
- potential issue: "quadratic binding" (Haskell: CPS)
- conversion checking for monadic expressions?
- dep. typed language + M : we need conversion checking (unification etc)
- simply typed language + M + dependently typed static stage language (prove equality of runtime expressions)
(lots of research questions about proving equality of runtime programs in static stage)
-- "untyped" language
-- typed, just don't have types
type Name = String
data Tm
= Var Name
| App Tm Tm
| Lam Name Tm
| Let Name Tm Tm
| Bind Name Tm Tm -- monadic bind
| Return Tm -- monadic return
| Hello -- Hello : M ()
| Tt -- Tt : Unit
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Val
= VVar Name
| VApp Val Val
| VLam Name (Val -> Val)
| VBind Name Val (Val -> Val)
| VReturn Val
| VHello
| VTt
type Env = [(Name, Val)]
-- open evaluation of programs, performs pure computation, keeps effects in the same order
vVar :: Env -> Name -> Val
vVar e x = fromJust $ lookup x e
vApp :: Val -> Val -> Val
vApp t u = case t of
VLam _ t -> t u
t -> VApp t u
vBind :: Name -> Val -> (Val -> Val) -> Val
vBind x t u = case t of
VReturn t -> u t
VBind y t t' -> vBind y t (\vy -> vBind x (t' vy) u)
t -> VBind x t u
eval :: Env -> Tm -> Val
eval e = \case
Var x -> vVar e x
App t u -> vApp (eval e t) (eval e u)
Lam x t -> VLam x (\vx -> eval ((x, vx):e) t)
Let x t u -> case eval e t of t -> eval ((x, t):e) u
Bind x t u -> vBind x (eval e t) (\vx -> eval ((x, vx):e) u)
Return t -> VReturn (eval e t)
Hello -> VHello
Tt -> VTt
fresh :: [Name] -> Name -> Name
fresh ns "_" = "_"
fresh ns x | elem x ns = fresh ns (x ++ ",")
| otherwise = x
quote :: [Name] -> Val -> Tm
quote ns = \case
VVar x -> Var x
VApp t u -> App (quote ns t) (quote ns u)
VLam (fresh ns -> x) t -> Lam x (quote (x:ns) (t (VVar x)))
VBind (fresh ns -> x) t u -> case quote (x:ns) (u (VVar x)) of
Return (Var x') | x == x' -> quote ns t
u -> Bind x (quote ns t) u
VReturn t -> Return (quote ns t)
VHello -> Hello
VTt -> Tt
nf0 :: Tm -> Tm
nf0 = quote [] . eval []
instance IsString Tm where fromString = Var
-- Execution only for closed values with type IO a
infixr 4 >>>
(>>>) :: Tm -> Tm -> Tm
t >>> u = Bind "_" t u
-- closed value, with (M a) type
exec :: Val -> IO Val
exec = \case
VReturn t -> pure t
VBind x t u -> do {t <- exec t; exec (u t)}
VHello -> VTt <$ putStrLn "hello"
_ -> undefined
run :: Tm -> IO Val
run = exec . eval []
test1 =
nf0 ((((((Hello >>> Hello) >>> Hello) >>> Hello) >>> ((Hello >>> Hello) >>> Hello)) >>> Hello) >>> Hello)
(Hello >>> Hello >>> Hello >>> Hello >>> Hello >>> Hello >>> Hello >>> Hello >>> Hello)
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