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Last active December 17, 2015 03:09
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Save AndrasKovacs/5541570 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pricing options with a binary tree approximation (CRR). Branches with very small differences in share price (beyond the precision of 64bit floats) are treated as equal and thus not recomputed.
import Text.Printf
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
data OptType = Call | Put deriving (Show, Enum)
data Continent = Am | Eur deriving (Show, Enum)
optPrice optType continent s k sigma rf dt n divPayments = let
u = exp (sigma * sqrt dt)
d = 1 / u
df = exp (-rf*dt)
pu = (1 / df - d) / (u - d)
pd = 1 - pu
intrVal = max 0 . ([negate, id] !! fromEnum optType) . (-) k
divf s t = maybe s ($s) (HM.lookup t divPayments)
eurOpt (s, t) = go eurOpt (divf s t, t)
amOpt (s, t) = do
let s' = divf s t
nxt <- go amOpt (s', t)
return $ maximum [nxt, intrVal s, intrVal s']
memoize k arg = gets (HM.lookup arg) >>=
maybe (do res <- k arg
modify (HM.insert arg res)
return res)
go k (s, t) | t == n = return $ intrVal s
go k (s, t) = do
[down, up] <- mapM (memoize k) [(d*s, t + 1), (u*s, t + 1)]
return $ (pd*down + pu*up) * df
in evalState (([amOpt, eurOpt] !! fromEnum continent) (s, 0)) (HM.empty)
test :: [(Integer, (Double -> Double))] -> IO ()
test divs = sequence_ [printf "%s %s: %.3f\n" (show a) (show b) price |
a <- [Am, Eur], b <- [Call, Put],
let price = optPrice b a 150 200 0.2 0.09 0.5 100 (HM.fromList divs)]
main = do
printf "---- Options ---- \n\n"
printf "No dividend:\n"
test []
printf "\nVariable dividend:\n"
test [(2, (*0.9)), (10, (*0.8))]
printf "\nFix dividend:\n"
test [(2, subtract 15)]
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