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Created March 5, 2021 18:27
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{-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections --without-K #-}
-- Notes for
-- checked with Agda 2.6.1 + stdlib 1.5
open import Data.Product renaming (proj₁ to ₁; proj₂ to ₂)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
renaming (subst to tr; sym to infix 6 _⁻¹; trans to infixr 5 _◾_; cong to ap)
open import Data.Nat
open import Function
open import Induction.WellFounded public
-- link to paper:
-- FSCD submission: model lots of universe features: ordinal-bounded hierarchy,
-- cumulativity, internal type for levels with elimination principle
-- Agda: Level : Set₀
-- universe-polymorphism: (quantify over levels and level bounds using Π types)
-- Coq-style cumulativity (by coercive cumulative subtyping)
-- A : Set₀
-- A : Set₁
-- coercive : lift A : Set₁
-- (All of this can be modeled with U+IR)
-- Stronger universes in MLTT
-- ω*ω, etc.
-- Idea: try to model some large cardinal axioms using type theoretic rules
-- Predicative & constructive versions of large cardinal axioms
-- predicative vs. impredicative: former can be analyzed in a useful way
-- latter is completely hopeless
-- Grothendieck, Super, Mahlo, IR, ordinal-indexed universe
-- model of TT with internal type of levels
coe : ∀ {α}{A B : Set α} → A ≡ B → A → B
coe refl x = x
coe∘ : ∀ {i}{A B C : Set i}(p : B ≡ C)(q : A ≡ B)(a : A)
→ coe p (coe q a) ≡ coe (q ◾ p) a
coe∘ refl refl _ = refl
◾-inv : ∀ {i}{A : Set i}{a b : A}(p : a ≡ b) → p ◾ p ⁻¹ ≡ refl
◾-inv refl = refl
ext : ∀{i j}{A : Set i}{B : A → Set j}{f g : (x : A) → B x}
→ ((x : A) → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g
exti : ∀{i j}{A : Set i}{B : A → Set j}{f g : ∀ {x} → B x}
→ ((x : A) → f {x} ≡ g {x}) → (λ {x} → f {x}) ≡ g
Π≡ : ∀ {i j}
{A₀ A₁ : Set i} (A₀₁ : A₀ ≡ A₁)
{B₀ : A₀ → Set j}{B₁ : A₁ → Set j} (B₀₁ : ∀ a₀ → B₀ a₀ ≡ B₁ (coe A₀₁ a₀))
→ ((x : A₀) → B₀ x) ≡ ((x : A₁) → B₁ x)
Π≡ refl B₀₁ rewrite ext B₀₁ = refl
unAcc : ∀ {α β A R i} → Acc {α}{β}{A} R i → ∀ j → R j i → Acc R j
unAcc (acc f) = f
Acc-prop : ∀ {α β A R i}(p q : Acc {α}{β}{A} R i) → p ≡ q
Acc-prop (acc f) (acc g) = ap acc (ext λ j → ext λ p → Acc-prop (f j p) (g j p))
-- Idea: weaker universes --> stronger universe --> IR (strongest)
-- Assumption: Agda Set₀ (view Set₀ as Type, El in some ambient theory)
-- We just use IR to model the different univs
Fam : Set₁
Fam = Σ Set λ A → A → Set
FamMorph : Fam → Fam → Set₁
FamMorph (U , El) (U' , El') = ∃ λ (f : U → U') → ((a : U) → El a ≡ El' (f a))
-- internal family
Famⁱ : Fam → Set
Famⁱ (U , El) = Σ U λ A → (El A → U)
-- a set is contained in a family:
Elemˢᶠ : Set → Fam → Set₁
Elemˢᶠ A (U , El) = ∃ λ A' → El A' ≡ A -- (we could also have iso)
-- family contained in a family
Elemᶠᶠ : Fam → Fam → Set₁
Elemᶠᶠ (A , B) U = Elemˢᶠ A U × (∀ a → Elemˢᶠ (B a) U)
-- universe : Fam closed under basic type formers (ℕ, Π, etc...)
-- subuniv : FamMorph U U'
-- recursive subuniv : FamMorph where (f : U → U') preserves type formers
-- f (Π' A B) ≡ Π' (f A) (f B)
-- internal subuniv : internal family in U which is a sub-univ of U
-- (U, El) : Fam
-- (u, el) : Famⁱ (U, El)
module SimpleUniv where
-- Closed under type formers.
-- α is 0-inaccessible if ∀ β < α, 2^β < α (closed under powersets)
-- set theory: 2^β ~ Pow(β)
-- LEM + powersets --> impredicative
data u : Set
el : u → Set
data u where
ℕ' : u
Π' : (A : u) → (el A → u) → u
el ℕ' = ℕ
el (Π' A B) = ∀ a → el (B a)
-- large elimination, polymorphic function over u
-- (u : Ty Γ) El
-- (A : u) → ...
module Grothendieck where
-- (U, El) Grothendieck
-- Every (A : U) is in an internal sub-universe of U
-- (U, El) is *not* an internal sub-universe of (U, El) ≤ (external sense)
-- α is 1-inaccessible if
-- - α is 0-inaccessible
-- - for every β < α, there is 0-inaccessible γ, s.t. β < γ < α
-- "universe operator"
module _ (U : Set) where
data u : Set
el : u → Set
data u where
ℕ' : u
Π' : (A : u) → (el A → u) → u
U' : u
el ℕ' = ℕ
el (Π' A B) = ∀ a → el (B a)
el U' = U
-- Grothendieck U
data U : Set
El : U → Set
data U where
ℕ' : U
Π' : (A : U) → (El A → U) → U
u' : U → U -- u' A yields an internal sub-universe of U
El ℕ' = ℕ
El (Π' A B) = ∀ a → El (B a)
El (u' A) = u (El A)
-- yields (recursive) internal sub-universe
-- (in model of TT: recursive sub-U corresponds to Lift which preserves type formers)
-- alternative: el' : (A : U) → El (u' A) → U as constructor (easier as well)
el' : ∀ {A : U} → El (u' A) → U
el'≡ : ∀ {A}(a : El (u' A)) → el _ a ≡ El (el' a)
el' ℕ' = ℕ'
el' (Π' a b) = Π' (el' a) λ α → el' (b (coe (el'≡ a ⁻¹) α))
el' {A} U' = A
el'≡ ℕ' = refl
el'≡ (Π' a b) = Π≡ (el'≡ a) λ α → el'≡ (b α)
◾ ap (El ∘ el' ∘ b) (ap (λ p → coe p α) (◾-inv (el'≡ a)) ⁻¹)
◾ ap (El ∘ el' ∘ b) (coe∘ (el'≡ a ⁻¹)(el'≡ a) α ⁻¹)
el'≡ U' = refl
-- u' ℕ' < U
-- u' (u' ℕ') < U
-- u' (u' (u' ℕ')) < U
-- not cumulative! (not sub-universes of each other)
-- flattened hierarchy
-- U
-- u'₀, u'₁, u'₂, u', u'
u0 = u' ℕ'
u1 = u' u0 --- U' symbol for u0
u2 = u' u1
fun : El u1
fun = Π' U' λ A → {!!}
el01 : El u0 → El u1 -- embedding from u0 to u1
el01≡ : ∀ (A : El u0) → el _ A ≡ el _ (el01 A)
el01 ℕ' = ℕ'
el01 (Π' A B) = Π' (el01 A) λ a → el01 (B (coe (el01≡ A ⁻¹) a))
el01 U' = U'
el01≡ ℕ' = refl
el01≡ (Π' A B) = trivial where postulate trivial : _
el01≡ U' = {!!} -- ℕ ≢ u ℕ !!
uₙ : ℕ → U
uₙ n = u' (case n of λ {0 → ℕ'; (suc n) → uₙ n})
-- we can quantify over uₙ types in large U
f : U
f = Π' ℕ' λ n → Π' (uₙ n) λ A → Π' (el' A) λ _ → el' A
-- we can manipulate (u n) in u (suc n), but can't decode
A : El u1
A = Π' U' λ _ → U' -- function type u0 → u0
module Super where
-- Palmgren (Rathjen about ordinal analysis of super univ)
-- Every (F : Famⁱ U) is in an internal sub-universe of U
-- We can send (F : Famⁱ U) to (reflect F : Famⁱ U), s.t. F' is a universe
-- reflect (reflect (reflect F))
-- we can iterate this: reflect^α F is a cumulative hierarchy.
-- if we have infinitary types in U: transfinite cumulative hierarchy
-- universe operator
module _ (U : Set)(El : U → Set) where
data u : Set
el : u → Set
data u where
ℕ' : u
Π' : (A : u) → (el A → u) → u
u' : u
el' : U → u
el ℕ' = ℕ
el (Π' A B) = ∀ x → el (B x)
el u' = U
el (el' A) = El A
data U : Set
El : U → Set
-- reflect : Famᴵ U → Famᴵ U
data U where
ℕ' : U
Π' : (A : U) → (El A → U) → U
u' : (A : U) → (El A → U) → U
el' : ∀ {A : U}{B : El A → U} → El (u' A B) → U -- not ind-ind!
El ℕ' = ℕ
El (Π' A B) = ∀ x → El (B x)
El (u' A B) = u (El A) (El ∘ B)
El (el' {A}{B} a) = el _ _ a
-- cumulative countable universes:
û : Famⁱ (U , El) → Famⁱ (U , El)
û (A , B) = (u' A B) , el' {A}{B}
uₙ : ℕ → Famⁱ (U , El)
uₙ zero = ℕ' , (λ _ → ℕ')
uₙ (suc n) = û (uₙ n)
uω : U
uω = u' {!!} {!!}
-- -- -- codes for some transfinite universes
-- -- Uω : V
-- -- Uω = UU' (Σ' ℕ' λ n → û^ n .₁) (λ {(n , a) → û^ n .₂ a})
-- -- Uω' : V
-- -- Uω' = UU' ℕ' (₁ ∘ û^)
-- data O : Set where
-- zero : O
-- suc : O → O
-- lim : (ℕ → O) → O
module Mahlo where
-- (U, El) is Mahlo if
-- For every (F : Famⁱ U → Famⁱ U) there is an internal sub-universe of U closed under F
-- reflect : (Famⁱ U → Famⁱ U) → Famⁱ U
-- s.t (G : Famⁱ U) G is contained in reflect F then F G is contained in (reflect F)
-- κ is α-inaccessible: for all β < α, β-inacessibles are unbounded below κ
-- κ is hyper-0-inaccessible: κ is κ-inaccessible
-- κ is hyper-1-inaccessible ...
-- κ is hyper-hyper-0-inaccessible ...
-- κ is hyper^α-inaccessible ...
-- κ is Mahlo : κ is hyper^κ-inaccessible
-- There is no internal inductive U in Agda, s.t. U is Mahlo (not strictly positive definition!)
-- but Set itself is Mahlo.
-- reflect : (Famⁱ U → Famⁱ U) → Famⁱ U is not strictly positive!
-- a Mahlo universe is not inductive (does not support induction on type codes)
-- Agda: Setᵢ supports IR, therefore Setᵢ is Mahlo
-- (Set) is Mahlo
-- Idris2 bug:
data Fun (F : Type → Type) : Type where
app : Type → Type → Type
app (Fun F) = F
app _ = id
omega : Type
omega = ...
-- IR
-- IR is at least as strong as Mahlo, but upper bound is not known precisely
-- "autonomous Mahlo" is also IR-definable, but stronger than Mahlo
-- autonomous Mahlo (Setzer)
-- large IR
-- Π₃-reflecting universe (Setzer)
-- ? ? ?
-- other stuff: model transfinite / level polymorphic / internal levels in TT
-- why have fancy universe features, if we can just add IR?
-- "native" features: level inference, implicit coercion (subtyping), convenient
-- Inductive families vs. W-types and Id types
-- Issue: we pick any ordinal α, we want cumulative hierarchy indexed by β < α,
-- i < j, U i should be recursive sub-universe of U j
-- Lift, Lift should preserve type formers (+ term formers)
-- Problem: Super, Mahlo, it's not known how to combine transfinite + recursive sub-univ
-- recursive embedding: u i, u j (internally to a Super universe)
-- (OK if i and j are finite)
-- (Doesn't work if u i < u ω )
-- Solution:
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