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Last active August 24, 2023 10:48
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Save AndrasKovacs/9229103 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Well-typed interpreter from the Idris tutorial ( in Haskell.
LambdaCase, GADTs, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies, DataKinds #-}
data Type = TInt | TBool | Type :=> Type
-- Needs GHC >= 7.8
type family Interp (t :: Type) where
Interp TInt = Int
Interp TBool = Bool
Interp (a :=> b) = Interp a -> Interp b
data Var (cxt :: [Type]) (t :: Type) where
ZVar :: Var (t ': ts) t
SVar :: Var ts t -> Var (t2 ': ts) t
data Expr (cxt :: [Type]) (t :: Type) where
Val :: Int -> Expr cxt TInt
Var :: Var cxt t -> Expr cxt t
Lam :: Expr (a ': cxt) t -> Expr cxt (a :=> t)
Op :: (Interp a -> Interp b -> Interp c) -> Expr cxt a -> Expr cxt b -> Expr cxt c
App :: Expr cxt (a :=> b) -> Expr cxt a -> Expr cxt b
If :: Expr cxt TBool -> Expr cxt a -> Expr cxt a -> Expr cxt a
data Env (cxt :: [Type]) where
ZEnv :: Env '[]
SEnv :: Interp t -> Env ts -> Env (t ': ts)
lookupVar :: Var cxt t -> Env cxt -> Interp t
lookupVar ZVar (SEnv x xs) = x
lookupVar (SVar i) (SEnv _ xs) = lookupVar i xs
lookupVar _ _ = undefined
eval :: Env cxt -> Expr cxt t -> Interp t
eval env = \case
Val i -> i
Op f a b -> f (eval env a) (eval env b)
Var i -> lookupVar i env
Lam f -> \x -> eval (SEnv x env) f
App f a -> eval env f $ eval env a
If p a b -> if eval env p then eval env a else eval env b
eval' :: Expr '[] t -> Interp t
eval' = eval ZEnv
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