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Created April 16, 2021 08:01
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NbE with case commutation for sum types
{-# language Strict, BangPatterns, LambdaCase, ViewPatterns, OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# options_ghc -Wincomplete-patterns #-}
-- NbE with case commutation for sum types.
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
type Name = String
data Tm
= Var Name
| App Tm Tm
| Lam Name Tm
| Let Name Tm Tm
| Unit
| Case Tm Name Tm Name Tm
| Inl Tm
| Inr Tm
deriving Show
data Val
= VVar Name
| VApp Val Val
| VLam Name (Val -> Val)
| VUnit
| VCase Val Name (Val -> Val) Name (Val -> Val)
| VInl Val
| VInr Val
type Env = [(Name, Val)]
app :: Val -> Val -> Val
app t u = case t of
VLam _ t -> t u
VCase t x l y r -> VCase t x (\v -> app (l v) u)
y (\v -> app (r v) u)
t -> VApp t u
vcase :: Val -> Name -> (Val -> Val) -> Name -> (Val -> Val) -> Val
vcase t x l y r = case t of
VInl t -> l t
VInr t -> r t
VCase t x' l' y' r' -> VCase t x' (\u -> vcase (l' u) x l y r)
y' (\u -> vcase (r' u) x l y r)
t -> VCase t x l y r
eval :: Env -> Tm -> Val
eval env t = let
go = eval env
goBind x t u = eval ((x, u):env) t
in case t of
Var x -> fromJust $ lookup x env
App t u -> app (go t) (go u)
Lam x t -> VLam x (goBind x t)
Let x t u -> goBind x u (go t)
Unit -> VUnit
Case t x l y r -> vcase (go t) x (goBind x l) y (goBind y r)
Inl t -> VInl (go t)
Inr t -> VInr (go t)
quote :: [Name] -> Val -> Tm
quote ns t = let
go = quote ns
goBind x t = quote (x:ns) (t (VVar x))
fsh x | elem x ns = fsh (x ++ "'")
| True = x
in case t of
VVar x -> Var x
VApp t u -> App (go t) (go u)
VLam (fsh -> x) t -> Lam x (goBind x t)
VUnit -> Unit
VCase t (fsh -> x) l (fsh -> y) r -> Case (go t) x (goBind x l) y (goBind y r)
VInl t -> Inl (go t)
VInr t -> Inr (go t)
nf :: Tm -> Tm
nf = quote [] . eval []
instance IsString Tm where fromString = Var
infixl 7 $$
($$) = App
ite b t f = Case b "_" t "_" f
true = Inl Unit
false = Inr Unit
comp = Lam "f" $ Lam "g" $ Lam "x" $ "f" $$ ("g" $$ "x")
not' = Lam "b" $ ite "b" false true
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