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Created January 8, 2022 14:00
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Levitated type descriptions in Coq
Require Import Coq.Unicode.Utf8.
As far as I can tell, there is way more literature in Agda on datatype-generic
programming than in Coq. I think part of the reason is that the Agda literature
makes liberal use of induction-recursion and fancy termination/positivity
checking, to define fixpoints of functors. These features are not available in
But much of the fancy feature usage is unnecessary! In this file I define
descriptions for indexed inductive families, the same way as in Section 4 of
and I also define inductive sets of terms, as an alternative definition to
fixpoints. Generic elimination on described types turns out to be quite easy.
The non-fixpoint-based definition here seems to be more convenient in Agda as
well, because it is a lot more transparent to termination checking than the
direct fixpoint definition.
Inductive Desc (I : Type) : Type :=
| ret : I → Desc I
| sg : ∀ (A : Type), (A → Desc I) → Desc I
| ind : I → Desc I → Desc I
| hind : ∀ (A : Type), (A → I) → Desc I → Desc I.
Arguments ret {I}.
Arguments sg {I}.
Arguments ind {I}.
Arguments hind {I}.
Inductive Tm' {I}(i : I) (Γ : Desc I) : Desc I → Type :=
| tret : Tm' i Γ (ret i)
| tsg : ∀ {A B} a, Tm' i Γ (B a) → Tm' i Γ (sg A B)
| tind : ∀ {A j}, Tm' j Γ Γ → Tm' i Γ A → Tm' i Γ (ind j A)
| thind : ∀ {A B j}, (∀ a, Tm' (j a) Γ Γ) → Tm' i Γ B → Tm' i Γ (hind A j B).
Arguments tret {I}{i}{Γ}.
Arguments tsg {I}{i}{Γ}{A}{B}.
Arguments tind {I}{i}{Γ}{A}{j}.
Arguments thind {I}{i}{Γ}{A}{B}{j}.
Definition Tm {I} Γ i := @Tm' I i Γ Γ.
Definition Motive' {I} Γ A := ∀ i, @Tm' I i Γ A → Type.
Definition Motive {I} Γ := @Motive' I Γ Γ.
Fixpoint Methods' {I}{A : Desc I} : ∀ {Γ : Desc I}(P : Motive Γ)(Q : Motive' Γ A), Type :=
match A with
| ret i => λ Γ P Q, Q i tret
| sg A B => λ Γ P Q, ∀ a, Methods' P (λ i t, Q i (tsg a t))
| ind j A => λ Γ P Q, ∀ t, P j t → Methods' P (λ i u, Q i (tind t u))
| hind A j b => λ Γ P Q, ∀ f, (∀ a, P (j a) (f a)) → Methods' P (λ i t, Q i (thind f t))
Definition Methods {I}{Γ}(P : @Motive I Γ) := @Methods' I Γ Γ P P.
Fixpoint Elim' {I}{Γ}{A}{i}(t : @Tm' I i Γ A) :
∀ (P : Motive Γ)(Q : Motive' Γ A), Methods P → Methods' P Q → Q i t :=
match t with
| tret => λ P Q f g, g
| tsg a t => λ P Q f g, Elim' t P _ f (g a)
| tind t u => λ P Q f g, Elim' u P _ f (g t (Elim' t P P f f))
| thind t u => λ P Q f g, Elim' u P _ f (g t (λ a, Elim' (t a) P P f f))
Definition Elim {I}{Γ}(P : @Motive I Γ)(f : Methods P){i}(t : Tm Γ i) : P i t :=
Elim' t P P f f.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Inductive Nat' := zero' | suc'. (* Constructor tags *)
Definition NatDesc : Desc unit :=
sg Nat' (λ t, match t with zero' => ret tt | suc' => ind tt (ret tt) end).
Definition Nat : Type :=
Tm NatDesc tt.
Definition Zero : Nat :=
tsg zero' tret.
Definition Suc (n : Nat) : Nat :=
tsg suc' (tind n tret).
Definition NatElim (P : Nat → Type)(pz : P Zero)(ps : ∀ n, P n → P (Suc n)) n : P n :=
@Elim unit NatDesc
(λ i, match i with tt => _ end)
(λ tag, match tag with zero' => pz | suc' => ps end)
tt n.
Theorem Zeroβ P pz ps : NatElim P pz ps Zero = pz.
reflexivity. Qed.
Theorem Sucβ P pz ps n : NatElim P pz ps (Suc n) = ps n (NatElim P pz ps n).
reflexivity. Qed.
(* Examples *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Inductive Vec' := nil' | cons'. (* constructor tags *)
Definition VecDesc (A : Type) : Desc nat :=
sg Vec' (λ t, match t with
nil' => ret 0
| cons' => sg nat (λ n, sg A (λ _, ind n (ret (S n)))) end).
Definition Vec A :=
Tm (VecDesc A).
Definition nil {A} : Vec A O :=
tsg nil' tret.
Definition cons {A}{n} (a : A) (v : Vec A n) : Vec A (S n) :=
tsg cons' (tsg n (tsg a (tind v tret))).
Definition VecElim {A}
(P : ∀ n, Vec A n → Type)
(pn : P _ nil)
(pc : ∀ n a v, P n v → P (S n) (cons a v))
{n} v : P n v :=
Elim P (λ t, match t with nil' => pn | cons' => pc end) v.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Definition WDesc (A : Type) (B : A → Type) : Desc unit :=
sg A (λ a, hind (B a) (λ _, tt) (ret tt)).
Definition W A B := Tm (WDesc A B) tt.
Definition sup {A}{B}(a : A)(f : B a → W A B) : W A B :=
tsg a (thind f tret).
Definition WElim {A}{B}
(P : W A B → Type)
(psup : ∀ s f, (∀ b, P (f b)) → P (sup s f))
(w : W A B) : P w :=
@Elim unit (WDesc A B) (λ i, match i with tt => _ end) psup tt w.
Theorem supβ {A}{B} P psup s f : @WElim A B P psup (sup s f) = psup s f (λ b, WElim P psup (f b)).
reflexivity. Qed.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Inductive Desc' := ret' | sg' | ind' | hind'.
Definition DescDesc (I : Type) : Desc unit := (* description of descriptions ("levitation") *)
sg Desc' (λ t, match t with
| ret' => sg I (λ _, ret tt)
| sg' => sg Type (λ A, hind A (λ _, tt) (ret tt))
| ind' => sg I (λ _, ind tt (ret tt))
| hind' => sg Type (λ A, sg (A → I) (λ _, ind tt (ret tt)))
Definition LevDesc (I : Type) := Tm (DescDesc I) tt.
Definition LevRet {I} (i : I) : LevDesc I :=
tsg ret' (tsg i tret).
Definition LevSg {I} A (B : A → LevDesc I) : LevDesc I :=
tsg sg' (tsg A (thind B tret)).
Definition LevInd {I} (i : I) (A : LevDesc I) : LevDesc I :=
tsg ind' (tsg i (tind A tret)).
Definition LevHind {I} (A : Type)(i : A → I)(B : LevDesc I) : LevDesc I :=
tsg hind' (tsg A (tsg i (tind B tret))).
(* ElimLevDesc is left to the reader *)
(* Generic size function for finitary types, counting constructors *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* It should be possible to automate Finitary with classes or tactics *)
Fixpoint Finitary {I} (A : Desc I) : Prop :=
match A with
| ret i => True
| sg A B => ∀ a, Finitary (B a)
| ind i A => Finitary A
| hind A i B => False
Search False.
Fixpoint gsize' {I}{Γ A : Desc I}{i}(t : Tm' i Γ A) : Finitary Γ → Finitary A → nat :=
match t with
| tret => λ fΓ fA, S O
| tsg a t => λ fΓ fA, gsize' t fΓ (fA a)
| tind t u => λ fΓ fA, gsize' t fΓ fΓ + gsize' u fΓ fA
| thind t u => λ fΓ fA, False_rect _ fA
Definition gsize {I}{Γ : Desc I} (fΓ : Finitary Γ){i}(t : Tm Γ i) : nat :=
gsize' t fΓ fΓ.
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