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Created October 23, 2021 02:40
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-- add modules compiled with luarocks on lua path (see the pallene file for details)
-- just replace YOUR_USER_HERE with your username
package.cpath = package.cpath .. ';/home/dreunix/.luarocks/lib/lua/5.4/?.so'
local teste = require 'codes.teste'
-- below the actual experiment, this is a port from Lua-SDL2 tutorial:
-- tutorial.lua -- 02 opening a window
-- import lua binding
local SDL = require 'SDL'
-- give error function and SDL bindings to pallene side
teste.bind_sdl(SDL.init, SDL.createWindow, SDL.delay)
-- run the "game" here on the Lua side
local ret, err = teste.init { SDL.flags.Video }
if not ret then
local win, err = teste.create_window {
title = "02 - Opening a window", -- optional
width = 320, -- optional
height = 320, -- optional
flags = { SDL.window.Resizable } -- optional
if not win then
-- Let the window opened a bit
-- now, re-run the tutorial, but from the pallene side
teste.run_sdl_test({ SDL.flags.Video }, { SDL.window.Resizable })
local m = {}
-- std types and bindings
-- this is how it works in general, Pallene can't import C functions (but it's planned I guess),
-- however, we can:
-- * give Lua values through functions, including Lua functions
-- * declare module-local variables and overrides them with functions
-- in short, what is done is that first a prototype is declared as a module-local function with a placeholder value,
-- then the value is override with a function, which should receive the actual binding implementation from Lua side.
typealias int_arr = {integer}
local error_impl: string -> () = function(string) end
function m.bind_stdlib(errorimpl: string -> ())
error_impl = errorimpl
-- SDL type bindings
typealias createwin_args = {
title: string,
width: integer,
height: integer,
flags: int_arr
-- the SDL functions comes from the Lua side, and these functions comes from a Lua binding of SDL
-- called Lua-SDL2:
-- then, I build this binding with luarocks using pallene's Lua on --with-lua (and --with-version=5.4):
-- $ luarocks install --local --lua-dir=$PWD/vm/src/ --lua-version=5.4 lua-sdl2
-- finally, I add this bindings on the lua path on the lua script
local sdl_impl_delay: integer -> () = function (integer) end
local sdl_impl_init: int_arr -> (any, any) = function (int_arr) return false, 'binding not initialized' end
local sdl_impl_create_window: (createwin_args) -> (any, any) = function(createwin_args) return false, nil end
function m.bind_sdl(
sdl_init: int_arr -> (any, any),
sdl_create_window: (createwin_args) -> (any, any),
sdl_delay: integer -> ()
sdl_impl_init = sdl_init
sdl_impl_create_window = sdl_create_window
sdl_impl_delay = sdl_delay
-- function wrappers :)
function m.init(flags: int_arr): (any, any)
local ok, err = sdl_impl_init(flags)
return ok, err
function m.create_window(args: createwin_args): (any, any)
local ok, err = sdl_impl_create_window(args)
return ok, err
function m.delay(ms: integer)
-- and yes! we can make our "games" in pallene too :]
function m.run_sdl_test(init_flags: {integer}, create_window_flags: {integer})
local ret, err = m.init(init_flags)
if not ret then
local win, err = m.create_window {
title = "02 - Opening a window", -- optional
width = 320, -- optional
height = 320, -- optional
flags = create_window_flags -- optional
if not win then
-- Let the window opened a bit
return m
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