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Created October 25, 2016 17:15
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  • Save AndreMikulec/aceb20a0b6c170027b035519ca7a3adb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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## meant to be an R Package zoo S3 object
seq.yearqtr <- function(from, to, by, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...) {
# R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
require(zoo) # zoo_1.7-13
# exactly two of 'to', 'by' and 'length.out' / 'along.with' must be specified
# seq.Date - missing
if (missing(from))
stop("'from' must be specified")
if (!inherits(from, "yearqtr"))
stop("'from' must be a \"yearqtr\" object")
if (length(as.yearqtr(from)) != 1L)
stop("'from' must be of length 1")
if (!missing(to)) {
if (!inherits(to, "yearqtr"))
stop("'to' must be a \"yearqtr\" object")
if (length(as.yearqtr(to)) != 1L)
stop("'to' must be of length 1")
if (!missing(along.with)) {
length.out <- length(along.with)
else if (!is.null(length.out)) {
if (length(length.out) != 1L)
stop("'length.out' must be of length 1")
length.out <- ceiling(length.out)
status <- c(!missing(to), !missing(by), !is.null(length.out))
if (sum(status) != 2L)
stop("exactly two of 'to', 'by' and 'length.out' / 'along.with' must be specified")
# seq.Date - by management
if (missing(by)) {
from <- unclass(as.yearqtr(from))
to <- unclass(as.yearqtr(to))
res <-, to, length.out = length.out)
return(structure(res, class = "yearqtr"))
if (length(by) != 1L)
stop("'by' must be of length 1")
# meant for inherited from "difftime" or was a "character" test and manipulation
# does not apply to this code
valid <- 0L
if (!is.numeric(by))
stop("invalid mode for 'by'")
if (
stop("'by' is NA")
# always TRUE because 'by' never inherited from "difftime" nor was a "character" and
# never did the inherited from "difftime" or was a "character" test and manipulation
if (valid <= 2L) {
from <- unclass(as.yearqtr(from))
if (!is.null(length.out))
res <-, by = by, length.out = length.out)
else {
to0 <- unclass(as.yearqtr(to))
res <-, to0 - from, by) + from
res <- structure(res, class = "yearqtr")
# do not try to convert to POSIX__
# so skip
if (!missing(to)) {
to <- as.yearqtr(to)
res <- if (by > 0)
res[res <= to]
else res[res >= to]
# seq.yearqtr(as.yearqtr("2000 Q1"),as.yearqtr("2002 Q1"))
# Error in seq.yearqtr(as.yearqtr("2000 Q1"), as.yearqtr("2002 Q1")) :
# exactly two of 'to', 'by' and 'length.out' / 'along.with' must be specified
# seq.yearqtr(as.yearqtr("2000 Q1"),as.yearqtr("2002 Q1"), length.out = 2)
# [1] "2000 Q1" "2002 Q1"
# seq.yearqtr(as.yearqtr("2000 Q1"),as.yearqtr("2002 Q1"), length.out = 3)
# [1] "2000 Q1" "2001 Q1" "2002 Q1"
# seq.yearqtr(as.yearqtr("2000 Q1"),as.yearqtr("2002 Q1"), length.out = 4)
# [1] "2000 Q1" "2000 Q4" "2001 Q2" "2002 Q1"
# seq.yearqtr(as.yearqtr("2000 Q1"),as.yearqtr("2002 Q1"), by = 0.25)
# [1] "2000 Q1" "2000 Q2" "2000 Q3" "2000 Q4" "2001 Q1" "2001 Q2" "2001 Q3"
# [8] "2001 Q4" "2002 Q1"
# seq.yearqtr(as.yearqtr("2002 Q1"),as.yearqtr("2000 Q1"), by = -0.25)
# [1] "2002 Q1" "2001 Q4" "2001 Q3" "2001 Q2" "2001 Q1" "2000 Q4" "2000 Q3"
# [8] "2000 Q2" "2000 Q1"
# copy and paste yearqtr with yearmon
# example/test run data has been adjusted
## meant to be an R Package zoo S3 object
seq.yearmon <- function(from, to, by, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, ...) {
# R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
require(zoo) # zoo_1.7-13
# exactly two of 'to', 'by' and 'length.out' / 'along.with' must be specified
# seq.Date - missing
if (missing(from))
stop("'from' must be specified")
if (!inherits(from, "yearmon"))
stop("'from' must be a \"yearmon\" object")
if (length(as.yearmon(from)) != 1L)
stop("'from' must be of length 1")
if (!missing(to)) {
if (!inherits(to, "yearmon"))
stop("'to' must be a \"yearmon\" object")
if (length(as.yearmon(to)) != 1L)
stop("'to' must be of length 1")
if (!missing(along.with)) {
length.out <- length(along.with)
else if (!is.null(length.out)) {
if (length(length.out) != 1L)
stop("'length.out' must be of length 1")
length.out <- ceiling(length.out)
status <- c(!missing(to), !missing(by), !is.null(length.out))
if (sum(status) != 2L)
stop("exactly two of 'to', 'by' and 'length.out' / 'along.with' must be specified")
# seq.Date - by management
if (missing(by)) {
from <- unclass(as.yearmon(from))
to <- unclass(as.yearmon(to))
res <-, to, length.out = length.out)
return(structure(res, class = "yearmon"))
if (length(by) != 1L)
stop("'by' must be of length 1")
# meant for inherited from "difftime" or was a "character" test and manipulation
# does not apply to this code
valid <- 0L
if (!is.numeric(by))
stop("invalid mode for 'by'")
if (
stop("'by' is NA")
# always TRUE because 'by' never inherited from "difftime" nor was a "character" and
# never did the inherited from "difftime" or was a "character" test and manipulation
if (valid <= 2L) {
from <- unclass(as.yearmon(from))
if (!is.null(length.out))
res <-, by = by, length.out = length.out)
else {
to0 <- unclass(as.yearmon(to))
res <-, to0 - from, by) + from
res <- structure(res, class = "yearmon")
# do not try to convert to POSIX__
# so skip
if (!missing(to)) {
to <- as.yearmon(to)
res <- if (by > 0)
res[res <= to]
else res[res >= to]
# seq.yearmon(as.yearmon("2000-01"),as.yearmon("2000-07"))
# Error in seq.yearmon(as.yearmon("2000-01"), as.yearmon("2000-07")) :
# exactly two of 'to', 'by' and 'length.out' / 'along.with' must be specified
# seq.yearmon(as.yearmon("2000-01"),as.yearmon("2000-07"), length.out = 2)
# [1] "Jan 2000" "Jul 2000"
# seq.yearmon(as.yearmon("2000-01"),as.yearmon("2000-07"), length.out = 3)
# [1] "Jan 2000" "Apr 2000" "Jul 2000"
# seq.yearmon(as.yearmon("2000-01"),as.yearmon("2000-07"), length.out = 4)
# [1] "Jan 2000" "Mar 2000" "May 2000" "Jul 2000"
# seq.yearmon(as.yearmon("2000-01"),as.yearmon("2000-07"), by = 1/12)
# [1] "Jan 2000" "Feb 2000" "Mar 2000" "Apr 2000" "May 2000" "Jun 2000" "Jul 2000"
# seq.yearmon(as.yearmon("2000-07"),as.yearmon("2000-01"), by = -1/12)
# [1] "Jul 2000" "Jun 2000" "May 2000" "Apr 2000" "Mar 2000" "Feb 2000" "Jan 2000"
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