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Last active November 24, 2021 08:46
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Dumping table from SQL server to SQLite
#! /usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# Invoke this script; dump-to-csv <database> <schema> <table> -U sa -P 'P455word!!!' -S localhost
# The output will be written to stdout, redirecting to where you need your csv to go. Make sure `bcp`
# is in your path, in the docker images it can be found in /opt/mssql-tools/bin
declare database="$1"
declare schema="$2"
declare table="$3"
declare header_query="
select column_name
from information_schema.columns
where '${database}' = table_catalog
and '${schema}' = table_schema
and '${table}' = table_name
order by ordinal_position
# A few notes here; `bcp` just writes to stdout and nothing else if no file is provided, it will also
# output messages every time with warnings and a summary of what has been done. Which pollutes the
# the output if you want to work with it as a stream. Good for us everything on *nix is a a file and
# that bcp is a little naive in this regard, using `cat` in a subshell as a file will allow us to
# write to stdout without adding the extra stuff to it.
bcp "$header_query" queryout >(sed -E 's/^/"/g;s/,"$//g' | cat - <(echo '')) -c -t'' -r'","' -d "$database" "${@:4}" > /dev/null;
bcp "$schema.$table" out >(sed -z 's/\r/\\r/g;s/\n/\\n/g;s/"\\n/"\n/g' | sed 's/^/"/g' | cat -) -c -t'","' -r'"\n' -d "$database" "${@:4}" >&2
#! /usr/bin/env bash
dump_to_sqlite__as_b64_bcp_command() {
local query="$1" bcp_arguments=("$2")
echo "bcp \"${query}\" queryout >(cat) ${bcp_arguments} > /dev/null" | base64 --wrap=0
dump_to_sqlite__create_and_populate_information_schema_table() {
local db_file="$1" database="$2" schema="$3" table="$4"
local bcp_arguments=("-c" "-t'\t'" "-r'\n'" "${@:5}")
local create_table_information_schema_tables="
create table if not exists information_schema__columns (
table_schema text,
table_name text,
column_name text,
ordinal_position integer,
is_nullable integer,
data_type text,
primary key (table_schema, table_name, column_name)
create table if not exists information_schema__table_constraints (
constraint_schema text,
constraint_name text,
table_schema text,
table_name text,
constraint_type text,
primary key (constraint_schema, constraint_name, table_schema, table_name)
create table if not exists information_schema__key_column_usage (
constraint_schema text,
constraint_name text,
table_schema text,
table_name text,
column_name text,
primary key (constraint_schema, constraint_name, table_schema, table_name, column_name)
local select_columns="
select table_schema, table_name, column_name, ordinal_position, is_nullable, data_type
from information_schema.columns
table_catalog = '${database}'
and table_schema = '${schema}'
and table_name = '${table}'
local select_table_constraints="
select constraint_schema, constraint_name, table_schema, table_name, constraint_type
from information_schema.table_constraints
constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY'
and table_catalog = '${database}'
and table_schema = '${schema}'
and table_name = '${table}'
local select_key_column_usage="
select key_column_usage.constraint_schema, key_column_usage.constraint_name, key_column_usage.table_schema, key_column_usage.table_name, key_column_usage.column_name
information_schema.table_constraints table_constraint,
table_constraint.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY'
and table_constraint.table_catalog = '${database}'
and table_constraint.table_schema = '${schema}'
and table_constraint.table_name = '${table}'
and table_constraint.constraint_name = key_column_usage.constraint_name
and table_constraint.constraint_catalog = key_column_usage.constraint_catalog
and table_constraint.constraint_schema = key_column_usage.constraint_schema
and table_constraint.table_catalog = key_column_usage.table_catalog
and table_constraint.table_schema = key_column_usage.table_schema
and table_constraint.table_name = key_column_usage.table_name
sqlite3 -cmd ".timeout 5000" -cmd ".mode tabs" "${db_file}" <<-SQL
.import '|echo "$(dump_to_sqlite__as_b64_bcp_command "${select_columns//[$'\n']/\ }" "${bcp_arguments[*]}")" | base64 --decode | bash' information_schema__columns
.import '|echo "$(dump_to_sqlite__as_b64_bcp_command "${select_table_constraints//[$'\n']/\ }" "${bcp_arguments[*]}")" | base64 --decode | bash' information_schema__table_constraints
.import '|echo "$(dump_to_sqlite__as_b64_bcp_command "${select_key_column_usage//[$'\n']/\ }" "${bcp_arguments[*]}")" | base64 --decode | bash' information_schema__key_column_usage
select printf(
'[ %s ] has [ %d ] columns'
, table_name
, count(*)
-- group_concat order is arbitrairy so it does look a little weird. At this time I can't really be bothered firguring out
-- how to fix this. Although the documentation does suggest that it is possible using window functions
--, group_concat( column_name, ', ' ) over (order by ordinal_position desc)
from information_schema__columns
table_schema = '${schema}'
and table_name = '${table}'
order by ordinal_position desc
select printf(
'Constraint [ %s ] of type [ %s ] on [ %s ] using columns [ %s ]'
, table_constraint.constraint_name
, table_constraint.constraint_type
, table_constraint.table_name
, group_concat( key_column_usage.column_name )
from information_schema__table_constraints as table_constraint
join information_schema__key_column_usage as key_column_usage using (constraint_name)
table_constraint.table_schema = '${schema}'
and table_constraint.table_name = '${table}'
group by table_constraint.constraint_name
dump_to_sqlite__create_table() {
local db_file="$1" database="$2" schema="$3" table="$4"
# The type here are taken from:
# And the mappings are made using common sense, for any floating point number that is lossy it is mapped
# to a real but decimal, money, etc are mapped to blobs as these are not lossy. Maybe there should be a
# way to override this?
local sqlite_columns_query="
type_map ( data_type, sqlite_type ) as (
('bigint', 'integer'),
('bit', 'integer'),
('smallint', 'integer'),
('int', 'integer'),
('tinyint', 'integer'),
('numeric', 'blob'),
('decimal', 'blob'),
('smallmoney', 'blob'),
('money', 'blob'),
('float', 'real'),
('real', 'real'),
('date', 'text'),
('datetimeoffset', 'text'),
('datetime2', 'text'),
('smalldatetime', 'text'),
('datetime', 'text'),
('time', 'text'),
('char', 'text'),
('varchar', 'text'),
('text', 'text'),
('nchar', 'text'),
('nvarchar', 'text'),
('ntext', 'text'),
('binary', 'blob'),
('varbinary', 'blob'),
('image', 'blob')
case is_nullable
when 'YES' then ''
when 'NO' then 'not null'
from information_schema__columns
join type_map using (data_type)
table_schema = '${schema}'
and table_name = '${table}'
order by ordinal_position
local sqlite_columns="" ; sqlite_columns=$(sqlite3 "${db_file}" -noheader -cmd ".separator ' ' ','" "${sqlite_columns_query}")
local primary_key_name_query="
select constraint_name
from information_schema__table_constraints
constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY'
and table_schema = '${schema}'
and table_name = '${table}';
local primary_key_name=""; primary_key_name=$(sqlite3 "${db_file}" -noheader -cmd ".mode tabs" "${primary_key_name_query}")
local primary_key_columns_query="
select group_concat( column_name )
from information_schema__table_constraints as table_constraint
join information_schema__key_column_usage using (constraint_name)
table_constraint.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY'
and table_constraint.table_schema = '${schema}'
and table_constraint.table_name = '${table}';
local primary_key_columns=""; primary_key_columns=$(sqlite3 "${db_file}" -noheader -cmd ".separator ' ' ','" "${primary_key_columns_query}")
sqlite3 -cmd ".timeout 5000" "${db_file}" <<-SQL
create table ${table} ( ${sqlite_columns%?} );
create unique index ${primary_key_name} on ${table} ( ${primary_key_columns%?} );
dump_to_sqlite__dump_table_to_sqlite() {
local db_file="$1" database="$2" schema="$3" table="$4"
local bcp_arguments=("${@:5}")
sqlite3 -cmd ".timeout 5000" -cmd ".mode csv" "${db_file}" <<-SQL
.import -v '|echo "$(base64 --wrap=0 <<<"dump-to-csv '${database}' '${schema}' '${table}' ${bcp_arguments[*]} | tail -n +2")"| base64 --decode | bash' ${table}
dump_to_sqlite__help() {
printf '%s\n'\
'dump-to-sqlite - Dump one or more tables from MSSQL to a sqlite database ' \
' ' \
'Usage: ' \
' dump-to-sqlite [options] <sqlite db file> <tables...> ' \
' ' \
'sqlite db file: ' \
' Path to the SQLite database file ' \
' ' \
'tables: ' \
' List of tables to dump to sqlite, these must be unqualified ' \
' ' \
'Options: ' \
' -U, --username <username> Username provided to MSSQL ' \
' -P, --password <password> Password provided to MSSQL ' \
' -S, --server <address> Server where to find the instance of MSSQL. Note ' \
' that this is not a standard URI format and port- ' \
' numbers are seperated using comma. ' \
' -d, --database <database> The database name ' \
' -s, --schema <schema> The schema name ' \
' ' \
' -?, --help Shows this help message ' \
' ' \
'Examples: ' \
' dump-to-sqlite -U sa -P "P455word!!!" -S "localhost,1433" -d "databeast" -s "dbo" /tmp/fuzzies.db "Fuzzies"' \
' ' \
dump_to_sqlite__main() {
local username password server database schema
local db_file tables
while (( $# )); do
echo "$1" > /dev/null;
case $1 in
"-?" | --help) dump_to_sqlite__help ;;
-U | --username) username="$2" ;;
-P | --password) password="$2" ;;
-S | --server) server="$2" ;;
-d | --database) database="$2" ;;
-s | --schema) schema="$2" ;;
db_file="$1" ; shift
tables=( "$@" )
break 2
shift 2
if [[ -z "$username" ]] ; then printf "[ dump-to-sqlite ] 'username' was empty\n" >&2 ; exit 1
elif [[ -z "$password" ]] ; then printf "[ dump-to-sqlite ] 'password' was empty\n" >&2 ; exit 1
elif [[ -z "$server" ]] ; then printf "[ dump-to-sqlite ] 'server' was empty\n" >&2 ; exit 1
elif [[ -z "$database" ]] ; then printf "[ dump-to-sqlite ] 'database' was empty\n" >&2 ; exit 1
elif [[ -z "$schema" ]] ; then printf "[ dump-to-sqlite ] 'schema' was empty\n" >&2 ; exit 1
elif [[ -z "$db_file" ]] ; then printf "[ dump-to-sqlite ] 'db_file' was empty\n" >&2 ; exit 1
elif [[ -z "$tables" ]] ; then printf "[ dump-to-sqlite ] 'tables' was empty\n" >&2 ; exit 1
local bcp_arguments=("-U" "$username" "-P" "'${password}'" "-S" "$server" "-d" "$database");
for table in "${tables[@]}"; do
dump_to_sqlite__create_and_populate_information_schema_table "$db_file" "$database" "$schema" "$table" "${bcp_arguments[@]}" ;
dump_to_sqlite__create_table "$db_file" "$database" "$schema" "$table" ;
dump_to_sqlite__dump_table_to_sqlite "$db_file" "$database" "$schema" "$table" "${bcp_arguments[@]}" ;
(return 0 2>/dev/null) || dump_to_sqlite__main "$@"
#! /usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# Invoke this script; dump-to-tsv <database> <schema> <table> -U sa -P 'P455word!!!' -S localhost
# The output will be written to stdout, redirecting to where you need your tsv to go. Make sure `bcp`
# is in your path, in the docker images it can be found in /opt/mssql-tools/bin
declare database="$1"
declare schema="$2"
declare table="$3"
declare header_query="
select column_name
from information_schema.columns
where '${database}' = table_catalog
and '${schema}' = table_schema
and '${table}' = table_name
order by ordinal_position
# A few notes here; `bcp` just writes to stdout and nothing else if no file is provided, it will also
# output messages every time with warnings and a summary of what has been done. Which pollutes the
# the output if you want to work with it as a stream. Good for us everything on *nix is a a file and
# that bcp is a little naive in this regard, using `cat` in a subshell as a file will allow us to
# write to stdout without adding the extra stuff to it.
bcp "$header_query" queryout >(cat - <(echo '')) -c -t'' -r'\t' -d "$database" "${@:4}" > /dev/null;
bcp "$schema.$table" out >(cat - <(echo '')) -c -t'\t' -r'\r\n' -d "$database" "${@:4}" >&2
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