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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Silent night Of Xmas In The Key Of F#
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// F# and games in celebration times
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// (c) Andrea Magnorsky 2014 {@silverspoon}
// Distributed under the open-source MS-PL license
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#r @"C:\source\TwelveDaysOfXmasInTheKeyOfFSharp\packages\OpenTKWithOpenAL.1.1.1589.5942\lib\NET40\OpenTK.dll"
#load @"C:\source\TwelveDaysOfXmasInTheKeyOfFSharp\packages\FSharp.Charting.0.90.9\FSharp.Charting.fsx"
open System
open OpenTK.Audio
open OpenTK.Audio.OpenAL
open FSharp.Charting
let toFrequency (note:string) =
match note.ToUpper() with
| "C" -> 261.626f
| "C#" -> 277.183f
| "D"-> 293.665f
|"D#"-> 311.127f
|"E"-> 329.628f
|"F"-> 349.228f
|"F#"-> 369.994f
|"G"-> 391.995f
|"G#"-> 415.305f
|"A"-> 440.0f
|"A#"-> 466.164f
|"B"-> 493.883f
|_ -> 369.994f (*Defaults to F# because xMas ;) *)
let samplingFrequency = 44100.0
let generateNote (freq:float32) =
let noteLength = 0.5
let seqLength = int (samplingFrequency * noteLength)
Seq.init seqLength (fun i ->
(2.0 * Math.PI * float freq) / samplingFrequency * float i
|> Math.Sin
|> ( * ) (float Int16.MaxValue)
|> int16
let playSong (song: string) =
let notes = song.Split ' '
use audioContext = new AudioContext()
let buffer = AL.GenBuffer()
let audioSourceIndex = AL.GenSource()
let freqToWaves = toFrequency >> generateNote
let data = notes
|> Seq.collect freqToWaves
|> Array.ofSeq
AL.BufferData (buffer, ALFormat.Mono16, data, data.Length * 2, int samplingFrequency)
AL.Source(audioSourceIndex, ALSourcei.Buffer, buffer)
Console.WriteLine("Errors: {0}", AL.GetError())
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
// Clean up after ourselves
AL.DeleteBuffer buffer
AL.DeleteSource audioSourceIndex
let mysterySong = "F# F# G# F# B A#"
let main argv =
printfn "%A" argv
let silentNight = "F# F# G# F# F# D# D# D# F# F# G# F# F# D# D# D#"
playSong silentNight
0 // return an integer exit code
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