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Last active June 2, 2023 15:53
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  • Save AndreaCatania/fdf9bd9942779ac9ec0c58be26393fd4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AndreaCatania/fdf9bd9942779ac9ec0c58be26393fd4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Header that defines some utility macro that allows to expose C++ class parameters to Godot editor.
/// This file is an utility to avoid write the same code over and over to expose
/// the variables in Godot.
/// To use it you can include this into your header, and use `SETGET` to define
/// the variable you want to expose:
/// ```
/// #include "scene/3d/node_3d.h"
/// #include "godot_expose_utils.h"
/// class TestNode : public Node {
/// GDCLASS(TestNode, Node);
/// /* Exposed members */
/// SETGET(real_t, variable_1, 0.2);
/// SETGET(bool, variable_2, false);
/// SETGET(Transform, variable_3, Transform);
/// }
/// ```
/// Into the cpp file you can define and expose the variables.
/// NOTE that is needed define the __CLASS__ macro with the name of the class:
/// ```
/// #include "test_node.cpp"
/// #define __CLASS__ TestNode
/// SETGET_IMPL(real_t, variable_1);
/// SETGET_IMPL(bool, variable_2);
/// SETGET_IMPL(Transform, variable_3);
/// void TestNode::_bind_methods() {
/// EXPOSE(FLOAT, variable_1, PROPERTY_HINT_RANGE, "0,1,0.01");
/// EXPOSE_NO_HINT(BOOL, variable_2);
/// EXPOSE_NO_HINT(TRANSFORM, variable_3);
/// }
/// ```
/// If you want to contribute, please write a comment, I'll update the code.
/// License: MIT.
/// This macro can be used, in the header, to define public variable with
/// public setter and getter functions.
/// You can implment those using the macro: `SETGET_IMPL`.
#define SETGET_PUB(__TYPE__, __VAR_NAME__, __DEF__) \
__TYPE__ __VAR_NAME__ = __DEF__; \
void set_##__VAR_NAME__(__TYPE__ p_val); \
__TYPE__ get_##__VAR_NAME__() const;
/// This macro can be used, in the header, to define a private variable with
/// public setter and getter functions.
/// You can implment those using the macro: `SETGET_IMPL`.
#define SETGET(__TYPE__, __VAR_NAME__, __DEF__) \
private: \
__TYPE__ __VAR_NAME__ = __DEF__; \
public: \
void set_##__VAR_NAME__(__TYPE__ p_val); \
__TYPE__ get_##__VAR_NAME__() const; \
/// This macro can be used in the cpp file to implement the set and get of variable
/// Please define the macro `__CLASS__` with the class you want to use in the cpp
/// file:
/// ```
/// #define __CLASS__ TestNode
/// ```
#define SETGET_IMPL(__TYPE__, __VAR_NAME__) \
void __CLASS__::set_##__VAR_NAME__(__TYPE__ p_val) { \
__VAR_NAME__ = p_val; \
} \
__TYPE__ __CLASS__::get_##__VAR_NAME__() const { \
return __VAR_NAME__; \
/// This macro can be used into the function `_bind_methods()` to expose the
/// specified variable to editor.
/// Please define the macro `__CLASS__` with the class you want to use in the cpp
/// file:
/// ```
/// #define __CLASS__ TestNode
/// ```
#define EXPOSE(__TYPE__, __VAR_NAME__, __HINT_MODE__, __HINT__) \
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_" #__VAR_NAME__, #__VAR_NAME__), &__CLASS__::set_##__VAR_NAME__); \
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_" #__VAR_NAME__), &__CLASS__::get_##__VAR_NAME__); \
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::__TYPE__, #__VAR_NAME__, __HINT_MODE__, __HINT__), "set_" #__VAR_NAME__, "get_" #__VAR_NAME__);
#define EXPOSE_NO_HINT(__TYPE__, __VAR_NAME__) \
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_" #__VAR_NAME__, #__VAR_NAME__), &__CLASS__::set_##__VAR_NAME__); \
ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_" #__VAR_NAME__), &__CLASS__::get_##__VAR_NAME__); \
ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::__TYPE__, #__VAR_NAME__), "set_" #__VAR_NAME__, "get_" #__VAR_NAME__);
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