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Last active January 25, 2024 22:31
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Save Andreal2000/8d876ba97b70240b50b68e5993119584 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Whitespace Programming Language evaluator written in Scala using the Scala Parser Combinators
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.JavaTokenParsers
import scala.collection.mutable.{Stack, Map}
import{readLine, readInt}
class WhitespaceParser extends JavaTokenParsers {
override val whiteSpace = """[^ \n\t]+""".r
var stack = Stack[Int]()
var heap = Map[Int, Int]().withDefault(_ => 0)
var subroutines = Map[String, Int]()
var returnAddress = Stack[Int]()
var inputBuffer = List[Char]()
var line = 0
var pc = 0
def space = " " // "[Space]"
def lf = "\n" // "[LF]"
def tab = "\t" // "[Tab]"
// Numbers can be any number of bits wide, and are simply represented as a series of [Space] and [Tab], terminated by a [LF].
// [Space] represents the binary digit 0, [Tab] represents 1.
// The sign of a number is given by its first character, [Space] for positive and [Tab] for negative.
// Note that this is not twos complement, it just indicates a sign.
def number = opt(space ^^ {_ => "+"} | tab ^^ {_ => "-"}) ~ rep(space ^^ {_ => "0"} | tab ^^ {_ => "1"}) <~ lf ^^
{case s ~ n => Integer.parseInt(s.getOrElse("") + (if (n.isEmpty) {"0"} else {n.mkString("")}), 2)}
// Labels are simply [LF] terminated lists of spaces and tabs.
// There is only one global namespace so all labels must be unique.
def label = rep(space | tab) <~ lf ^^ {_.mkString("")}
def program = rep(command)
def command = (stackManipulation | arithmetic | heapAccess | flowControl | io) ^^ {c => line += 1; c;}
def stackManipulation = space ~> (stackPush | stackDuplicateTop | stackCopyToTop | stackSwapTop | stackPop | stackSlide)
// Push the number onto the stack
def stackPush = space ~> number ^^ {n => () => stack.push(n)}
// Duplicate the top item on the stack
def stackDuplicateTop = lf ~> space ^^ {_ => () => stack.push(}
// Copy the nth item on the stack (given by the argument) onto the top of the stack
def stackCopyToTop = tab ~> space ~> number ^^ {n => () => stack.push(stack(n))}
// Swap the top two items on the stack
def stackSwapTop = lf ~> tab ^^ {_ => () => {val f = stack.pop(); val s = stack.pop(); stack.push(f, s);}}
// Discard the top item on the stack
def stackPop = lf ~> lf ^^ {_ => () => stack.pop()}
// Slide n items off the stack, keeping the top item
def stackSlide = tab ~> lf ~> number ^^ {n => () => {val top = stack.pop(); stack = stack.slice(n, stack.size).push(top);}}
// Arithmetic commands operate on the top two items on the stack, and replace them with the result of the operation.
// The first item pushed is considered to be left of the operator.
def arithmetic = tab ~> space ~> (addition | subtraction | multiplication | integerDivision | modulo)
def addition = space ~> space ^^ {_ => () => {val r = stack.pop(); val l = stack.pop(); stack.push(l + r);}}
def subtraction = space ~> tab ^^ {_ => () => {val r = stack.pop(); val l = stack.pop(); stack.push(l - r);}}
def multiplication = space ~> lf ^^ {_ => () => {val r = stack.pop(); val l = stack.pop(); stack.push(l * r);}}
def integerDivision = tab ~> space ^^ {_ => () => {val r = stack.pop(); val l = stack.pop(); stack.push(l / r);}}
def modulo = tab ~> tab ^^ {_ => () => {val r = stack.pop(); val l = stack.pop(); stack.push(l % r);}}
// Heap access commands look at the stack to find the address of items to be stored or retrieved.
def heapAccess = tab ~> tab ~> (heapStore | heapRetrieve)
// To store an item, push the address then the value and run the store command.
def heapStore = space ^^ {_ => () => {val v = stack.pop(); val k = stack.pop(); heap(k) = v;}}
// To retrieve an item, push the address and run the retrieve command, which will place the value stored in the location at the top of the stack.
def heapRetrieve = tab ^^ {_ => () => stack.push(heap(stack.pop()))}
// Flow control operations are also common.
// Subroutines are marked by labels, as well as the targets of conditional and unconditional jumps, by which loops can be implemented.
// Programs must be ended by means of [LF][LF][LF] so that the interpreter can exit cleanly.
def flowControl = lf ~> (markLocation | callSubroutine | jump | jumpZero | jumpNegative | endSubroutine | endProgram)
// Mark a location in the program
def markLocation = space ~> space ~> label ^^ {l => subroutines(l) = line; () => ();}
// Call a subroutine
def callSubroutine = space ~> tab ~> label ^^ {l => () => {returnAddress.push(pc); pc = subroutines(l);}}
// Jump unconditionally to a label
def jump = space ~> lf ~> label ^^ {l => () => pc = subroutines(l)}
// Jump to a label if the top of the stack is zero
def jumpZero = tab ~> space ~> label ^^ {l => () => if (stack.pop() == 0) {pc = subroutines(l)}}
// Jump to a label if the top of the stack is negative
def jumpNegative = tab ~> tab ~> label ^^ {l => () => if (stack.pop() < 0) {pc = subroutines(l)}}
// End a subroutine and transfer control back to the caller
def endSubroutine = tab ~> lf ^^ {l => () => pc = returnAddress.pop()}
// End the program
def endProgram = lf ~> lf ^^ {l => () => pc = -2}
def io = tab ~> lf ~> (outputChar | outputNumber | inputChar | inputNumber)
// Output the character at the top of the stack
def outputChar = space ~> space ^^ {_ => () => print(stack.pop().toChar)}
// Output the number at the top of the stack
def outputNumber = space ~> tab ^^ {_ => () => print(stack.pop())}
// Read a character and place it in the location given by the top of the stack
def inputChar = tab ~> space ^^ {_ => () => {
inputBuffer = inputBuffer match {
case h::t => heap(stack.pop()) = h; t;
case Nil => val input = (readLine() + "\n").toList; heap(stack.pop()) = input.head; input.tail;
// Read a number and place it in the location given by the top of the stack
def inputNumber = tab ~> tab ^^ {_ => () => heap(stack.pop()) = readInt()}
def run(commands:List[() => Any]) = {
while (pc >= 0 && pc < commands.size) {
pc += 1
object WhitespaceEvaluator {
def main(args:Array[String]) = {
args.foreach{file =>
val p = new WhitespaceParser
val input =
p.parseAll(p.program, input) match {
case p.Success(result, _) =>
case x => println(x.toString)
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