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Last active August 18, 2020 14:22
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  • Save AndreasH96/5da1a5a75411b662d2b2c357734b8c0e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AndreasH96/5da1a5a75411b662d2b2c357734b8c0e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Modified version of hubs\src\components\floaty-object.js with the added ability to snap video objects and shared screens to objects. Usage: 1.replace the floaty-object.js file. 2. Create an image within Spoke named "snapobject" (see line 39). Now when you share a screen it should snap onto the image when released closed enough.
/* global AFRAME */
const COLLISION_LAYERS = require("../constants").COLLISION_LAYERS;
AFRAME.registerComponent("floaty-object", {
schema: {
// Make the object locked/kinematic upon load
autoLockOnLoad: { default: false },
// Make the object kinematic immediately upon release
autoLockOnRelease: { default: false },
// On release, modify the gravity based upon gravitySpeedLimit. If less than this, let the object float
// otherwise apply releaseGravity.
modifyGravityOnRelease: { default: false },
// Gravity to apply if object is thrown at a speed greated than speed limit.
releaseGravity: { default: -2 },
// If true, the degree to which angular rotation is allowed when floating is reduced (useful for 2d media)
reduceAngularFloat: { default: false },
// Velocity speed limit under which gravity will not be added if modifyGravityOnRelease is true
gravitySpeedLimit: { default: 0 } // Set to 0 to never apply gravity
init() {
this.onGrab = this.onGrab.bind(this);
this.onRelease = this.onRelease.bind(this);
// ---------------------------CUSTOM----------------------------
this.media_loaders = AFRAME.scenes[0].querySelectorAll("[media-loader]");
this.snapobjects = [];
this.currentTick = 0;
this.currentSnapTarget = 0;
let i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < this.media_loaders.length; i++) {
// If the object to snap onto has a 3D object
if (this.media_loaders[i].object3D != null) {
// Check if object is of the desired type
if (this.media_loaders[i], 10).toLowerCase() == "snapobject") {
// ----------------------- CUSTOM CODE, Various Functions --------------------------
snap(toSnap, snapOn) {
// Align rotation
toSnap.el.object3D.setRotationFromQuaternion(snapOn.object3D.getWorldQuaternion()); //.rotation.copy(snapOn.object3D.);
// Align position
// Set to same scale
// Move slightly to avoid texture tearing
// Make snap target invisible
this.currentSnapTarget.object3DMap.mesh.material.opacity = 0;
getClosestSnapObject() {
// Get the media object, not necessary since it's just "this.el"
const mediaObject = this.el;
let closestObject = this.snapobjects[0];
for (let snapobject of this.snapobjects) {
if (
mediaObject.object3D.getWorldPosition().distanceTo(snapobject.object3D.getWorldPosition()) <
) {
closestObject = snapobject;
return closestObject;
updateSnapTarget(closestObject) {
// Check if closest object already is colored
if (this.currentSnapTarget != closestObject) {
// If not, empty list of colored objects, since there should be only one colored object
if (this.currentSnapTarget != 0) {
this.currentSnapTarget.object3DMap.mesh.material.opacity = 1;
// Mark closest object by changing its opacity
closestObject.object3DMap.mesh.material.opacity = 0.5;
this.currentSnapTarget = closestObject;
clearSnapTarget() {
if (this.currentSnapTarget != 0) {
this.currentSnapTarget.object3DMap.mesh.material.opacity = 1;
this.currentSnapTarget = 0;
snapTargetWithinRange(closestObject) {
// A multiplier depending on the size of the snap-object for better snapping range
const scaleMultiplier = (closestObject.object3D.scale.x * closestObject.object3D.scale.y) / 2;
if (
this.el.object3D.getWorldPosition().distanceTo(closestObject.object3D.getWorldPosition()) <
0.4 + scaleMultiplier * 0.2
) {
return true;
return false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
tick() {
if (!this.bodyHelper) {
this.bodyHelper = this.el.components["body-helper"];
const interaction = AFRAME.scenes[0].systems.interaction;
const isHeld = interaction && interaction.isHeld(this.el);
// ----------------------Custom Code for highlighting snapping object where video will be snapped---------------
this.currentTick = this.currentTick + 1;
// Every 15th tick check if video object is nearby snap-object
if (this.currentTick % 15 == 0) {
// Check if floaty object is currently held by user and that it is of type media-video
if (isHeld && this.el.getAttribute("media-video") != null) {
// Check that there are any snap-objects in the environment
if (this.snapobjects.length > 0) {
// Get the closest snap object
const closestObject = this.getClosestSnapObject();
// Check if close enough to snap
if (this.snapTargetWithinRange(closestObject)) {
} else {
// If no object is close enough, then set objects to normal opacity
if (this.currentTick > 1000000) {
this.currentTick = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (isHeld && !this.wasHeld) {
if (this.el.getAttribute("media-video") != null) {
if (this.snapped) {
this.snapped = false;
if (this.wasHeld && !isHeld) {
//------------------------------- Custom code for snapping videos--------------------------
// Check that the object is a video loader.
if (this.el.getAttribute("media-video") != null) {
// Check if there are any snap objects in the scene
if (this.snapobjects.length > 0) {
// Get the closest snap object
const closestObject = this.getClosestSnapObject();
// If the closest object is close enough
if (this.snapTargetWithinRange(closestObject)) {
// Snap onto it
this.snap(this, closestObject);
this.el.setAttribute("pinnable", { pinned: true });
this.snapped = true;
if (!isHeld && this._makeStaticWhenAtRest) {
const physicsSystem =["hubs-systems"].physicsSystem;
const isMine = this.el.components.networked && NAF.utils.isMine(this.el);
const linearThreshold =;
const angularThreshold =;
const uuid = this.bodyHelper.uuid;
const isAtRest =
physicsSystem.bodyInitialized(uuid) &&
physicsSystem.getLinearVelocity(uuid) < linearThreshold &&
physicsSystem.getAngularVelocity(uuid) < angularThreshold;
if (isAtRest && isMine) {
this.el.setAttribute("body-helper", { type: "kinematic" });
if (isAtRest || !isMine) {
this._makeStaticWhenAtRest = false;
this.wasHeld = isHeld;
play() {
// We do this in play instead of in init because otherwise NAF.utils.isMine fails
if (this.hasBeenHereBefore) return;
this.hasBeenHereBefore = true;
if ( {
this.el.setAttribute("body-helper", {
gravity: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }
setLocked(locked) {
if (this.el.components.networked && !NAF.utils.isMine(this.el)) return;
this.locked = locked;
this.el.setAttribute("body-helper", { type: locked ? "kinematic" : "dynamic" });
onRelease() {
if ( {
const uuid = this.bodyHelper.uuid;
const physicsSystem =["hubs-systems"].physicsSystem;
if ( === 0 ||
(physicsSystem.bodyInitialized(uuid) && physicsSystem.getLinearVelocity(uuid) <
) {
this.el.setAttribute("body-helper", {
gravity: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
angularDamping: ? 0.98 : 0.5,
linearDamping: 0.95,
linearSleepingThreshold: 0.1,
angularSleepingThreshold: 0.1,
this._makeStaticWhenAtRest = true;
} else {
this.el.setAttribute("body-helper", {
gravity: { x: 0, y:, z: 0 },
angularDamping: 0.01,
linearDamping: 0.01,
linearSleepingThreshold: 1.6,
angularSleepingThreshold: 2.5,
} else {
this.el.setAttribute("body-helper", {
gravity: { x: 0, y: -9.8, z: 0 }
if ( {
onGrab() {
this.el.setAttribute("body-helper", {
gravity: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
remove() {
// ----------- CUSTOM CODE -------------
if (this.el.getAttribute("media-video") != null) {
if (this.snapped) {
this.snapped = false;
// -------------------------------------
if (this.stuckTo) {
const stuckTo = this.stuckTo;
delete this.stuckTo;
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