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Created January 23, 2020 11:17
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Compile a String to a CoreExpr
module Main where
import GHC
import CoreSyn
import Inst
import Desugar
import TcRnMonad
import TcHsSyn
import RnExpr
import GhcMonad
import TcSimplify
import PrelNames
import Outputable
import GHC.LanguageExtensions.Type
import HscTypes
import ErrUtils
import HscMain
import TcExpr
import GHC.Paths ( libdir )
--GHC.Paths is available via cabal install ghc-paths
import DynFlags
targetFile :: String
targetFile = "B.hs"
main :: IO ()
main = do
res <- example
str <- runGhc (Just libdir) $ do
dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
return $ showSDoc dflags $ ppr res
putStrLn str
example :: IO CoreExpr
example =
defaultErrorHandler defaultFatalMessager defaultFlushOut
$ runGhc (Just libdir)
$ do
dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
let dflags' = foldl xopt_set dflags [Cpp, ImplicitPrelude, MagicHash]
setSessionDynFlags dflags' { hscTarget = HscInterpreted
, ghcLink = LinkInMemory
, ghcMode = CompManager
target <- guessTarget targetFile Nothing
setTargets [target]
load LoadAllTargets
let modBName = mkModuleName "B"
modSum <- getModSummary modBName
setContext [IIModule $ ms_mod_name modSum]
elaborateExpr TM_Inst
"(\\ x y -> ymappend x y == ymappend y x) :: (Eq a, YSem a) => a -> a -> Bool"
elaborateExpr :: GhcMonad m => TcRnExprMode -> String -> m CoreExpr
elaborateExpr mode expr =
withSession $ \hsc_env -> liftIO $ hscElabExpr hsc_env mode expr
hscElabExpr :: HscEnv -> TcRnExprMode -> String -> IO CoreExpr
hscElabExpr hsc_env0 mode expr = runInteractiveHsc hsc_env0 $ do
hsc_env <- getHscEnv
parsed_expr <- hscParseExpr expr
ioMsgMaybe $ elabRnExpr hsc_env mode parsed_expr
:: HscEnv -> TcRnExprMode -> LHsExpr GhcPs -> IO (Messages, Maybe CoreExpr)
elabRnExpr hsc_env mode rdr_expr = do
(msgs, maybe_tc_expr) <- runTcInteractive hsc_env $ do
(rn_expr, _fvs) <- rnLExpr rdr_expr
uniq <- newUnique
let fresh_it = itName uniq (getLoc rdr_expr)
orig = lexprCtOrigin rn_expr
(tclvl, lie, (tc_expr, res_ty)) <- pushLevelAndCaptureConstraints $ do
(_tc_expr, expr_ty) <- tcInferSigma rn_expr
expr_ty' <- if inst
then snd <$> deeplyInstantiate orig expr_ty
else return expr_ty
return (_tc_expr, expr_ty')
(_, _, _, residual, _) <- simplifyInfer tclvl
[] {- No sig vars -}
[(fresh_it, res_ty)]
_ <- perhaps_disable_default_warnings $ simplifyInteractive residual
zonkTopLExpr tc_expr
case maybe_tc_expr of
Nothing -> pure (msgs, Nothing)
Just tc_expr -> deSugarExpr hsc_env tc_expr
(inst, infer_mode, perhaps_disable_default_warnings) = case mode of
TM_Inst -> (True, NoRestrictions, id)
TM_NoInst -> (False, NoRestrictions, id)
TM_Default -> (True, EagerDefaulting, unsetWOptM Opt_WarnTypeDefaults)
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