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Created February 6, 2019 23:43
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Mutable day 21
#!/usr/bin/env stack
--resolver lts-12.20
--package text,trifecta,containers,parsers,mtl,vector,deepseq
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-}
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.))
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as M
import Data.Vector.Unboxed ((!))
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as Unboxed
import Debug.Trace
import Text.Trifecta
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MV
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
type Registers = MV.IOVector Int
type Register = Int
data Instruction = Instruction
{ kind :: !OpKind
, a :: !Int
, b :: !Int
, out :: !Register
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type IP = (Register, Int)
data OpKind
= Addr
| Addi
| Mulr
| Muli
| Banr
| Bani
| Borr
| Bori
| Setr
| Seti
| Gtir
| Gtri
| Gtrr
| Eqri
| Eqir
| Eqrr
deriving (Show, Eq)
runProgram :: IP -> Vector Instruction -> Registers -> IO (Maybe Int)
runProgram (register, initialValue) instructions registers =
go IntSet.empty initialValue 0
go :: IntSet.IntSet -> Int -> Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
go seen pointerValue lastSolution = do
MV.unsafeWrite registers register pointerValue
Vector.unsafeIndex program pointerValue -- <- run the function
nextPointerValue <- (+ 1) <$> MV.unsafeRead registers register :: IO Int
-- ^ Retrieve register with pointer value, increment
if pointerValue == 28
then do
value <- MV.unsafeRead registers 5
if IntSet.member value seen
then return $ Just lastSolution
else let seen' = IntSet.insert value seen
in --trace (show $ IntSet.size seen') $
else go seen nextPointerValue lastSolution
program = run instructions :: Vector (IO ())
rs = registers
run :: Instruction -> IO ()
run Instruction {..} = do
-- traceM (show kind)
x <- if (a < 0 || a >= M.basicLength rs) then return 0 else MV.unsafeRead rs a
y <- if (b < 0 || b >= M.basicLength rs) then return 0 else MV.unsafeRead rs b
let result =
case kind of
Addr -> x + y
Addi -> x + b
Mulr -> x * y
Muli -> x * b
Banr -> x .&. y
Bani -> x .&. b
Borr -> x .|. y
Bori -> x .|. b
Setr -> x
Seti -> a
Gtir ->
if a > y
then 1
else 0
Gtri ->
if x > b
then 1
else 0
Gtrr ->
if x > y
then 1
else 0
Eqri ->
if x == b
then 1
else 0
Eqir ->
if a == y
then 1
else 0
Eqrr ->
if x == y
then 1
else 0
-- in Unboxed.modify (\vec -> M.unsafeWrite vec out result) rs
MV.unsafeWrite rs out result
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- parseString inputP mempty <$> readFile "data.txt"
case input of
Failure parseError -> print parseError
Success (ip, instructions) -> do
registers <- (length [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
result <- runProgram ip instructions registers
print result
-- Parsing stuff
instructionPointerP :: Parser IP
instructionPointerP =
(,) <$> (string "#ip" *> whiteSpace *> (fromIntegral <$> natural)) <*> pure 0
instructionP :: Parser Instruction
instructionP = Instruction <$> opKindP <*> number' <*> number' <*> number'
number' = fromIntegral <$> (whiteSpace *> natural)
opKindP =
Addr <$ string "addr" <|> Addi <$ string "addi" <|> Mulr <$ string "mulr" <|>
Muli <$ string "muli" <|>
Banr <$ string "banr" <|>
Bani <$ string "bani" <|>
Borr <$ string "borr" <|>
Bori <$ string "bori" <|>
Setr <$ string "setr" <|>
Seti <$ string "seti" <|>
Gtir <$ string "gtir" <|>
Gtri <$ string "gtri" <|>
Gtrr <$ string "gtrr" <|>
Eqir <$ string "eqir" <|>
Eqri <$ string "eqri" <|>
Eqrr <$ string "eqrr"
inputP :: Parser (IP, Vector Instruction)
inputP =
(,) <$> instructionPointerP <* whiteSpace <*>
(Vector.fromList <$> many instructionP)
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