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Created August 2, 2022 18:26
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Cursed Mixed Array
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnliftedDatatypes #-}
module Main where
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.IO
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Data.Kind
data SA = SA (SmallMutableArray# RealWorld Any)
mkArray :: Int -> a -> IO (SA)
mkArray (I# n) initial = IO $ \s ->
case unsafeCoerce# (newSmallArray# n initial s) of
(# s', arr #) -> (# s', SA arr #)
readLifted :: SA -> Int -> IO a
readLifted (SA arr) (I# i) = IO (\s ->
unsafeCoerce# (readSmallArray# arr i s)
data UWrap (a :: UnliftedType) = UWrap a
-- UWrap is just here because we can't return unlifted types in IO
-- If you don't need your result in IO you can eliminate this indirection.
readUnlifted :: forall a. SA -> Int -> IO (UWrap a)
readUnlifted (SA arr) (I# i) = IO (\s ->
case unsafeCoerce# (readSmallArray# arr i s) of
(# s', a :: a #) -> (# s', UWrap a #)
writeLifted :: a -> Int -> SA -> IO ()
writeLifted x (I# i) (SA arr) = IO $ \s ->
case writeSmallArray# (unsafeCoerce# arr) i x s of
s -> (# s, () #)
writeUnlifted :: (a :: UnliftedType) -> Int -> SA -> IO ()
writeUnlifted x (I# i) (SA arr) = IO $ \s ->
case writeSmallArray# arr i (unsafeCoerce# x) s of
s -> (# s, () #)
type UB :: UnliftedType
data UB = UT | UF
showU :: UWrap UB -> String
showU (UWrap UT) = "UT"
showU (UWrap UF) = "UF"
main :: IO ()
main = do
arr <- mkArray 4 ()
writeLifted True 0 arr
writeLifted False 1 arr
writeUnlifted UT 2 arr
writeUnlifted UT 3 arr
(readLifted arr 0 :: IO Bool) >>= print
(readLifted arr 1 :: IO Bool) >>= print
(readUnlifted arr 2 :: IO (UWrap UB)) >>= (putStrLn . showU)
(readUnlifted arr 3 :: IO (UWrap UB)) >>= (putStrLn . showU)
return ()
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