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Andreas S. AndreasS2501

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AndreasS2501 / For
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
Thoughts on Programm - Reuseability

Thoughts on Programm - Reuseability

Hi Jessica!

I just heard your interview here: Its interesting to hear about your thoughts, as always. I want to share some thoughts about two topics from the interview:


I find it very natural that you use that tool. The first time I saw it it created an imidiate reaction about a tool that could be usefull. I mean we have computers which are compared to other (analog) media nealry unlimited. But creating a text file with just endless lines is a weak impression of infinity.

AndreasS2501 /
Last active January 30, 2016 02:23
Solving programming

Hi Luis,

I try to answer your great article : You have used a budget of about 7000 words I try to keep below of that.

From your article I took three questions which can help us in answering the big question (How to solve programming)

  1. What is Programming
  2. What is a Computer
  3. What is Progress in Context of Programming

reply to:

I think this you can view this from a different point of view.

In my opinion this is because what people think software is.

So if you see software as code which expresses what you want, the question is what do you do when it does not do what you want wrong, or do you want something additionally.

So software really is our desire for some specific thing. But it is also a tool which can express arbitrary things. So its a mirror which reflects back on us to discover our real intentions and desires.

AndreasS2501 /
Last active October 17, 2016 18:45
For Simon

Civilization Perspektive - Rückwärts

Dieser interessante Beitrag untersucht in wie weit das Spiel Civilization sich an der realen Weltgeschichte orientiert. Die Beispiele zu Keramik, Eisen und Bronze sind gut gewählt und in Teilen kann man durchaus verstehen das Aufgrund von vereinfachter Spielmechanik Sachverhalte verschoben, verzerrt oder vereinfacht wurden.

Und trotzdem bleiben da die Fragen: Was wäre wenn man zu erst Bambus- Katapult Bomben mit Schwarzpulver hätte bevor man die Musketen bekommt? Besonders kritisch sieht der Autor die Euro-zentrische Perspektive des Spiel in Bezug auf Epochen und Kulturentwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Auch hier wieder eine Vereinfachung der Spielmechanik. Weil es in Europa ein Mittelalter gab muss es das auch so in China oder Südamerika geben? Islam und Konfuzius kommen viel zu kurz.

Man könnte dies wieder auf die Spielmechanik schieben. Ich frage mich jedoch. Ob es nicht viel interessante

Paul End of Apps Alan Kay dynmaic , flow, boarder less

@fogus simulation is ever important

@etorrebore onwards specs 3

to build a crypto utopia

Bulding a Dashboard for Progress

Rethinking the Office

  • Measure how long People talk to each other
  • create models from discussions
  • have the company as a model
  • writing specs and having programs to conform to them is simply to slow, error prone and creates too much complexity
  • you can see how the old media (written notes, accounting) creep into what could be new processes Ü(experimentation and colaboration in models)
  • get rid of documents all together
  • create sources of proof (chain of trust) as momental representations
  • help build oracles ( predict how models might look like with certain parameter modifications)