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Created March 22, 2024 19:57
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snippet fragment
snippet aside
snippet fence
snippet panel
::: {.panel-tabset}
snippet column
:::: {.columns}
::: {.column width="50%"}
Left column
::: {.column width="50%"}
Right column
snippet header
## ---------------------------
## Script name: ${1}
## Project:${2}
## Purpose of script: ${3}
## Author: Andrei Wong Espejo
## Date Created: `r paste(Sys.Date())`
## Email:
## ---------------------------
## Notes: ${4}
## ---------------------------
## Program Set-up ------------
options(scipen = 100, digits = 4) # Prefer non-scientific notation
## Load required packages ----
if (!require("pacman")) {
pacman::p_load(here, datapasta, dplyr, readr, janitor, tidyverse)
## Runs the following --------
snippet create_filename
paste0(paste(format(Sys.Date(),"%Y"), format(Sys.Date(),"%m"), format(Sys.Date(),"%d"), sep = "_" ), ".csv")
snippet h2
# ├ ${1}
snippet end
`r strrep(ifelse(substr("$$", 1, 1) %in% c("-", "="), substr("$$", 1, 1), "#"), 84 - rstudioapi::primary_selection(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext())$range$start[2])`
snippet endhead
`r paste0("-", 88 - rstudioapi::primary_selection(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext())$range$start[2]), collapse = "")`
snippet reproduci
<details><summary>Reproducibility receipt</summary>
## Datetime
## Repository
## session info
snippet show_ex
show_in_excel <- function(.data){
tmp <- paste0(tempfile(), ".csv")
write.csv(.data, tmp)
#fs:: file_show(path = tmp)
snippet loadpack
if (!require("pacman")) {
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, tidylog, janitor, openxlsx, here, purrr, ${1})
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