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Andrei Duma AndreiDuma

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am andreiduma on github.
  • I am andreiduma ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCkJbHAUA7_z5K8e614U-tQ2213QZdmxU55gxd67uQM7wo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am andreiduma on github.
  • I am andreiduma ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAzyVD8JqaV4yCke7JRBwhTNKY69PZ0zRhX69soqoHXoQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

AndreiDuma /
Last active April 9, 2016 14:18
Schelet Python
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from math import sqrt, ceil
from random import choice, randint, randrange
from enum import Enum
class Status(Enum):
Playing = 0
Won = 1
Lost = 2

Ingrediente: 2 L lapte, 6 galbenusuri, 1 cutie amidon alimentar Dr Oetker, 2 esenta vanilie, 600 g zahar, piscoturi, fructe

Mod de preparare: aprox. 1,6L lapte se pun la fiert impreuna cu zaharul. Separat, se amesteca amidonul cu galbenusurile si restul de lapte, adaugat treptat pentru evitarea cocoloaselor. Acest amestec se adauga in laptele ajuns la temperatura de fierbere (in timpul acestei operatiuni luam cratita de pe foc, amestecam bine, apoi punem din nou la foc mic). Se va ingrosa rapid, deci trebuie sa avem grija sa nu se lipeasca! La final, se adauga esenta de vanilie. Crema se toarna calda peste piscoturile aranjate in tava. Fructele se pot pune la mijloc, asa cum am facut eu, sau deasupra prajiturii. Deasupra arata mai bine, dar mai trebuie adaugat peste fructe Tort Gelee rosu sau incolor de la Dr Oetker. E chiar mai simplu decat pare. Succes!

scores_file=~/dev/pc/scores.txt # TODO
echo '' >> $scores_file
pwd | grep -Eo [^/]+\.z >> $scores_file
tests_folder=../../tests # TODO
cp -r $tests_folder .
make # s-ar putea să dea fail la unii, trebuie să le corectezi Makefile-ul
mv allocator tests # și aici s-ar putea să dea fail
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AndreiDuma / Kbuild
Created January 5, 2016 09:57
SI EpicClock
obj-m = epicclock.o
set serveroutput on;
create or replace package colocviu as
function venit(ang in emp%rowtype) return number;
function grad(ang in emp%rowtype) return number;
function sef(ang in emp%rowtype) return emp%rowtype;
function este_sef(ang in emp%rowtype) return number;
function bonus(ang in emp%rowtype) return number;
-- Laborator 1
-- blocuri anonime imbricate secventiale
idemp number(4) := 7839;
nume varchar(10);
select ename into nume from emp where empno = idemp;
dbms_output.put_line('Numele ang este: ' || nume);
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