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Created October 24, 2019 08:55
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  • Save AndreiPashkin/432e20a8a50adcf8b3e12435d0a65bae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Dev Raw Data Source ignores batch size
"pipelineConfig" : {
"schemaVersion" : 6,
"version" : 14,
"pipelineId" : "test213a3bfd-8099-4184-b12a-f99912cede29",
"title" : "test",
"description" : "",
"uuid" : "52c068b0-0487-4426-8dfc-6910b827a03e",
"configuration" : [ {
"name" : "executionMode",
"value" : "STANDALONE"
}, {
"name" : "edgeHttpUrl",
"value" : "http://localhost:18633"
}, {
"name" : "deliveryGuarantee",
"value" : "AT_LEAST_ONCE"
}, {
"name" : "testOriginStage",
"value" : "streamsets-datacollector-dev-lib::com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_devtest_rawdata_RawDataDSource::3"
}, {
"name" : "startEventStage",
"value" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib::com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_destination_devnull_ToErrorNullDTarget::1"
}, {
"name" : "stopEventStage",
"value" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib::com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_destination_devnull_ToErrorNullDTarget::1"
}, {
"name" : "shouldRetry",
"value" : true
}, {
"name" : "retryAttempts",
"value" : -1
}, {
"name" : "advancedErrorHandling",
"value" : false
}, {
"name" : "notifyOnStates",
"value" : [ "RUN_ERROR", "STOPPED", "FINISHED" ]
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"name" : "emailIDs",
"value" : [ ]
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"name" : "constants",
"value" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "badRecordsHandling",
"value" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib::com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_destination_devnull_ToErrorNullDTarget::1"
}, {
"name" : "errorRecordPolicy",
}, {
"name" : "statsAggregatorStage",
"value" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib::com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_destination_devnull_StatsDpmDirectlyDTarget::1"
}, {
"name" : "workerCount",
"value" : 0
}, {
"name" : "clusterSlaveMemory",
"value" : 2048
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"name" : "clusterSlaveJavaOpts",
"value" : "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -Dlog4j.debug"
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"name" : "clusterLauncherEnv",
"value" : [ ]
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"name" : "mesosDispatcherURL",
"value" : null
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"name" : "logLevel",
"value" : "INFO"
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"name" : "hdfsS3ConfDir",
"value" : null
}, {
"name" : "rateLimit",
"value" : 0
}, {
"name" : "maxRunners",
"value" : 0
}, {
"name" : "shouldCreateFailureSnapshot",
"value" : true
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"name" : "runnerIdleTIme",
"value" : 60
}, {
"name" : "webhookConfigs",
"value" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "sparkConfigs",
"value" : [ ]
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"name" : "clusterConfig.clusterType",
"value" : "LOCAL"
}, {
"name" : "clusterConfig.sparkMasterUrl",
"value" : "local[*]"
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"name" : "clusterConfig.deployMode",
"value" : "CLIENT"
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"name" : "clusterConfig.hadoopUserName",
"value" : null
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"name" : "clusterConfig.sparkAppName",
"value" : "${pipeline:title()}"
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"name" : "clusterConfig.stagingDir",
"value" : "/streamsets"
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"value" : false
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"name" : "clusterConfig.yarnKerberosKeytabSource",
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"name" : "clusterConfig.yarnKerberosKeytab",
"value" : null
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"name" : "clusterConfig.yarnKerberosPrincipal",
"value" : "name@DOMAIN"
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"name" : "databricksConfig.baseUrl",
"value" : null
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"name" : "databricksConfig.credentialType",
"value" : null
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"name" : "databricksConfig.username",
"value" : ""
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"name" : "databricksConfig.password",
"value" : ""
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"name" : "databricksConfig.token",
"value" : ""
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"name" : "databricksConfig.provisionNewCluster",
"value" : true
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"name" : "databricksConfig.clusterId",
"value" : null
}, {
"name" : "databricksConfig.clusterConfig",
"value" : "{\n \"num_workers\": 8,\n \"spark_version\": \"5.3.x-scala2.11\",\n \"node_type_id\": \"i3.xlarge\"\n}"
}, {
"name" : "databricksConfig.terminateCluster",
"value" : false
}, {
"name" : "livyConfig.baseUrl",
"value" : "https://localhost:30443/gateway/default/livy/v1/"
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"name" : "livyConfig.username",
"value" : ""
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"name" : "livyConfig.password",
"value" : ""
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.userRegion",
"value" : null
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.userRegionCustom",
"value" : null
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.accessKey",
"value" : ""
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.secretKey",
"value" : ""
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.s3StagingUri",
"value" : null
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.provisionNewCluster",
"value" : false
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.clusterId",
"value" : null
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.clusterPrefix",
"value" : null
}, {
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"value" : false
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"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.loggingEnabled",
"value" : true
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.s3LogUri",
"value" : null
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.enableEMRDebugging",
"value" : true
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.serviceRole",
"value" : "EMR_DefaultRole"
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.jobFlowRole",
"value" : "EMR_EC2_DefaultRole"
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.visibleToAllUsers",
"value" : true
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.ec2SubnetId",
"value" : null
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.masterSecurityGroup",
"value" : null
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.slaveSecurityGroup",
"value" : null
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.instanceCount",
"value" : 2
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.masterInstanceType",
"value" : null
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.masterInstanceTypeCustom",
"value" : null
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.slaveInstanceType",
"value" : null
}, {
"name" : "amazonEMRConfig.slaveInstanceTypeCustom",
"value" : null
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"uiInfo" : {
"previewConfig" : {
"previewSource" : "CONFIGURED_SOURCE",
"batchSize" : "1",
"timeout" : 30000,
"writeToDestinations" : false,
"executeLifecycleEvents" : false,
"showHeader" : false,
"showFieldType" : false,
"rememberMe" : false
"fragments" : [ ],
"stages" : [ {
"instanceName" : "DevRawDataSource_01",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-dev-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_devtest_rawdata_RawDataDSource",
"stageVersion" : "3",
"configuration" : [ {
"name" : "rawData",
"value" : "{\n \"foo\": 1\n}\n{\n \"bar\": 2\n}\n{\n \"baz\": 3\n}"
}, {
"name" : "stopAfterFirstBatch",
"value" : false
}, {
"name" : "eventData",
"value" : null
}, {
"name" : "stageOnRecordError",
"value" : "TO_ERROR"
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"uiInfo" : {
"description" : "",
"label" : "Dev Raw Data Source 1",
"xPos" : 60,
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "SOURCE"
"inputLanes" : [ ],
"outputLanes" : [ "DevRawDataSource_01OutputLane15717862937410" ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ {
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"serviceVersion" : 1,
"configuration" : [ {
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"value" : "JSON"
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"value" : false
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"value" : "\\r\\n"
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.jsonContent",
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.jsonMaxObjectLen",
"value" : 9999
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.csvFileFormat",
"value" : "CSV"
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"value" : "NO_HEADER"
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"value" : "_extra_"
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"value" : 1024
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"value" : "|"
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"value" : "||"
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.multiCharacterLineDelimiter",
"value" : "${str:unescapeJava('\\\\n')}"
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.csvCustomEscape",
"value" : "\\"
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"value" : "\""
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"value" : 1024
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"value" : false
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.customLogFormat",
"value" : "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b"
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.regex",
"value" : "^(\\S+) (\\S+) (\\S+) \\[([\\w:/]+\\s[+\\-]\\d{4})\\] \"(\\S+) (\\S+) (\\S+)\" (\\d{3}) (\\d+)"
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"value" : "%{COMMONAPACHELOG}"
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"value" : 50
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.log4jCustomLogFormat",
"value" : "%r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n"
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"value" : null
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.avroSchema",
"value" : null
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"value" : "SUBJECT"
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"value" : null
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"value" : null
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.isDelimited",
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"value" : 1024
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.datagramMode",
"value" : "SYSLOG"
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"value" : false
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.excludeInterval",
"value" : true
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.authFilePath",
"value" : null
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.netflowOutputValuesMode",
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.wholeFileMaxObjectLen",
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.rateLimit",
"value" : "-1"
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.excelHeader",
"value" : null
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.excelSkipCellsWithNoHeader",
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"name" : "dataFormatConfig.excelSheetNames",
"value" : [ ]
} ]
} ]
}, {
"instanceName" : "JythonEvaluator_01",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-jython_2_7-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_processor_jython_JythonDProcessor",
"stageVersion" : "3",
"configuration" : [ {
"name" : "processingMode",
"value" : "BATCH"
}, {
"name" : "initScript",
"value" : ""
}, {
"name" : "script",
"value" : "for record in records:\n try:\n'TEST 1')\n\n output.write(record)\n\n except Exception as e:\n # Send record to error\n error.write(record, str(e))"
}, {
"name" : "destroyScript",
"value" : "# Available Objects:\n#\n# state: a dict that is preserved between invocations of this script.\n# Useful for caching bits of data e.g. counters.\n#\n# log.<loglevel>(msg, obj...): use instead of print to send log messages to the log4j log instead of stdout.\n# loglevel is any log4j level: e.g. info, error, warn, trace.\n# sdcFunctions.getFieldNull(Record, 'field path'): Receive a constant defined above \n# to check if the field is typed field with value null.\n# sdcFunctions.createMap(boolean listMap): Create a map for use as a field in a record.\n# Pass True to this function to create a list map (ordered map).\n# sdcFunctions.createEvent(String type, int version): Creates a new event.\n# Create new empty event with standard headers.\n# sdcFunctions.toEvent(Record): Send event to event stream.\n# Only events created with sdcFunctions.createEvent are supported.\n#\n\n# state['connection'].close()"
}, {
"name" : "scriptRecordType",
"value" : "NATIVE_OBJECTS"
}, {
"name" : "userParams",
"value" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "stageOnRecordError",
"value" : "TO_ERROR"
}, {
"name" : "stageRequiredFields",
"value" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "stageRecordPreconditions",
"value" : [ ]
} ],
"uiInfo" : {
"description" : "",
"label" : "Jython Evaluator 1",
"xPos" : 280,
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "PROCESSOR"
"inputLanes" : [ "DevRawDataSource_01OutputLane15717862937410" ],
"outputLanes" : [ "JythonEvaluator_01OutputLane15719058454710" ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
}, {
"instanceName" : "JythonEvaluator_02",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-jython_2_7-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_processor_jython_JythonDProcessor",
"stageVersion" : "3",
"configuration" : [ {
"name" : "processingMode",
"value" : "BATCH"
}, {
"name" : "initScript",
"value" : ""
}, {
"name" : "script",
"value" : "for record in records:\n try:\n'TEST 2')\n\n output.write(record)\n\n except Exception as e:\n # Send record to error\n error.write(record, str(e))"
}, {
"name" : "destroyScript",
"value" : "# Available Objects:\n#\n# state: a dict that is preserved between invocations of this script.\n# Useful for caching bits of data e.g. counters.\n#\n# log.<loglevel>(msg, obj...): use instead of print to send log messages to the log4j log instead of stdout.\n# loglevel is any log4j level: e.g. info, error, warn, trace.\n# sdcFunctions.getFieldNull(Record, 'field path'): Receive a constant defined above \n# to check if the field is typed field with value null.\n# sdcFunctions.createMap(boolean listMap): Create a map for use as a field in a record.\n# Pass True to this function to create a list map (ordered map).\n# sdcFunctions.createEvent(String type, int version): Creates a new event.\n# Create new empty event with standard headers.\n# sdcFunctions.toEvent(Record): Send event to event stream.\n# Only events created with sdcFunctions.createEvent are supported.\n#\n\n# state['connection'].close()"
}, {
"name" : "scriptRecordType",
"value" : "NATIVE_OBJECTS"
}, {
"name" : "userParams",
"value" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "stageOnRecordError",
"value" : "TO_ERROR"
}, {
"name" : "stageRequiredFields",
"value" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "stageRecordPreconditions",
"value" : [ ]
} ],
"uiInfo" : {
"description" : "",
"label" : "Jython Evaluator 2",
"xPos" : 500,
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "PROCESSOR"
"inputLanes" : [ "JythonEvaluator_01OutputLane15719058454710" ],
"outputLanes" : [ "JythonEvaluator_02OutputLane15719060303340" ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
}, {
"instanceName" : "JythonEvaluator_03",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-jython_2_7-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_processor_jython_JythonDProcessor",
"stageVersion" : "3",
"configuration" : [ {
"name" : "processingMode",
"value" : "BATCH"
}, {
"name" : "initScript",
"value" : ""
}, {
"name" : "script",
"value" : "for record in records:\n try:\n'TEST 3')\n\n output.write(record)\n\n except Exception as e:\n # Send record to error\n error.write(record, str(e))"
}, {
"name" : "destroyScript",
"value" : "# Available Objects:\n#\n# state: a dict that is preserved between invocations of this script.\n# Useful for caching bits of data e.g. counters.\n#\n# log.<loglevel>(msg, obj...): use instead of print to send log messages to the log4j log instead of stdout.\n# loglevel is any log4j level: e.g. info, error, warn, trace.\n# sdcFunctions.getFieldNull(Record, 'field path'): Receive a constant defined above \n# to check if the field is typed field with value null.\n# sdcFunctions.createMap(boolean listMap): Create a map for use as a field in a record.\n# Pass True to this function to create a list map (ordered map).\n# sdcFunctions.createEvent(String type, int version): Creates a new event.\n# Create new empty event with standard headers.\n# sdcFunctions.toEvent(Record): Send event to event stream.\n# Only events created with sdcFunctions.createEvent are supported.\n#\n\n# state['connection'].close()"
}, {
"name" : "scriptRecordType",
"value" : "NATIVE_OBJECTS"
}, {
"name" : "userParams",
"value" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "stageOnRecordError",
"value" : "TO_ERROR"
}, {
"name" : "stageRequiredFields",
"value" : [ ]
}, {
"name" : "stageRecordPreconditions",
"value" : [ ]
} ],
"uiInfo" : {
"description" : "",
"label" : "Jython Evaluator 3",
"xPos" : 720,
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "PROCESSOR"
"inputLanes" : [ "JythonEvaluator_02OutputLane15719060303340" ],
"outputLanes" : [ "JythonEvaluator_03OutputLane15719060311180" ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
}, {
"instanceName" : "Trash_01",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_destination_devnull_NullDTarget",
"stageVersion" : "1",
"configuration" : [ ],
"uiInfo" : {
"description" : "",
"label" : "Trash 1",
"xPos" : 940,
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "TARGET"
"inputLanes" : [ "JythonEvaluator_03OutputLane15719060311180" ],
"outputLanes" : [ ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
} ],
"errorStage" : {
"instanceName" : "Discard_ErrorStage",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_destination_devnull_ToErrorNullDTarget",
"stageVersion" : "1",
"configuration" : [ ],
"uiInfo" : {
"description" : "",
"label" : "Error Records - Discard",
"xPos" : 1202,
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "TARGET"
"inputLanes" : [ ],
"outputLanes" : [ ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
"info" : {
"pipelineId" : "test213a3bfd-8099-4184-b12a-f99912cede29",
"title" : "test",
"description" : "",
"created" : 1571786277152,
"lastModified" : 1571906208105,
"creator" : "admin",
"lastModifier" : "admin",
"lastRev" : "0",
"uuid" : "52c068b0-0487-4426-8dfc-6910b827a03e",
"valid" : true,
"metadata" : {
"labels" : [ "commerce" ]
"name" : "test213a3bfd-8099-4184-b12a-f99912cede29",
"sdcVersion" : "3.10.1",
"sdcId" : "e413eb37-dc5d-11e8-900f-43c154075b4e"
"metadata" : {
"labels" : [ "commerce" ]
"statsAggregatorStage" : {
"instanceName" : "statsAggregatorStageInstance",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_destination_devnull_StatsDpmDirectlyDTarget",
"stageVersion" : "1",
"configuration" : [ ],
"uiInfo" : {
"stageType" : "TARGET",
"label" : "Stats Aggregator -Write Directly to Control Hub - statistics are not aggregated across Data Collectors"
"inputLanes" : [ ],
"outputLanes" : [ ],
"eventLanes" : [ ],
"services" : [ ]
"startEventStages" : [ {
"instanceName" : "Discard_StartEventStage",
"library" : "streamsets-datacollector-basic-lib",
"stageName" : "com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_destination_devnull_ToErrorNullDTarget",
"stageVersion" : "1",
"configuration" : [ ],
"uiInfo" : {
"description" : "",
"label" : "Start Event - Discard",
"xPos" : 60,
"yPos" : 50,
"stageType" : "TARGET"
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