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Last active May 13, 2019 19:01
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SpatialHash uniform-grid implementation
// SpatialHash uniform-grid implementation
// Broad-phase algorithm for collision detection
// Andrei Rudenko // SpatialHash.hx (24.07.2016)
import luxe.Vector;
import luxe.utils.Maths;
class SpatialHash {
public var min(default, null):Vector;
public var max(default, null):Vector;
public var pos:Vector;
/* the square cell gridLength of the grid. Must be larger than the largest shape in the space. */
public var cellSize(default, set):UInt;
/* the world space width */
public var w (default, null):Int;
/* the world space height */
public var h (default, null):Int;
/* the number of buckets (i.e. cells) in the spatial grid */
public var gridLength (default, null):Int;
/* the array-list holding the spatial grid buckets */
public var grid(default, null) : haxe.ds.Vector<Array<Collider>>;
public var width(default, null):Float;
public var height(default, null):Float;
var powerOfTwo:UInt;
// temp
var _tmp_getGridIndexesArray:Array<Int>;
public function new( _min:Vector, _max:Vector, _cs:UInt) {
min = _min.clone();
max = _max.clone();
pos = new Vector();
width = max.x - min.x;
height = max.y - min.y;
cellSize = _cs;
w = Math.ceil(width) >> powerOfTwo;
h = Math.ceil(height) >> powerOfTwo;
gridLength = * h);
grid = new haxe.ds.Vector(gridLength);
for (i in 0...gridLength) {
grid[i] = new Array<Collider>();
// temp
_tmp_getGridIndexesArray = [];
public function addCollider(c:Collider){
updateIndexes(c, aabbToGrid(c.aabb.min, c.aabb.max ));
public function removeCollider(c:Collider):Void{
public function updateCollider(c:Collider){
updateIndexes(c, aabbToGrid(c.aabb.min, c.aabb.max));
public function empty(){
for (cell in grid) {
if(cell.length > 0){
for (c in cell) {
c.gridIndex.splice(0, c.gridIndex.length);
cell.splice(0, cell.length);
public function destroy(){
min = null;
max = null;
pos = null;
grid = null;
_tmp_getGridIndexesArray = null;
inline public function findContacts(collider:Collider) {
for (i in collider.gridIndex) {
for (otherCollider in grid[i]) {
if(collider == otherCollider) continue;
// add contacts here
// addContact(collider, otherCollider);
inline function aabbToGrid(_min:Vector, _max:Vector):Array<Int> {
var ret:Array<Int> = _tmp_getGridIndexesArray;
ret.splice(0, ret.length);
if(!overlaps(_min, _max)) return ret;
var aabbMinX:Int = Maths.clampi(getIndex_X(_min.x), 0, w-1);
var aabbMinY:Int = Maths.clampi(getIndex_Y(_min.y), 0, h-1);
var aabbMaxX:Int = Maths.clampi(getIndex_X(_max.x), 0, w-1);
var aabbMaxY:Int = Maths.clampi(getIndex_Y(_max.y), 0, h-1);
var aabbMin:Int = getIndex1d(aabbMinX, aabbMinY);
var aabbMax:Int = getIndex1d(aabbMaxX, aabbMaxY);
if(aabbMin != aabbMax) {
var lenX:Int = aabbMaxX - aabbMinX + 1;
var lenY:Int = aabbMaxY - aabbMinY + 1;
for (x in 0...lenX) {
for (y in 0...lenY) {
if((x == 0 && y == 0) || (x == lenX-1 && y == lenY-1) ) continue;
ret.push(getIndex1d(x, y) + aabbMin);
return ret;
function updateIndexes(c:Collider, _ar:Array<Int>) {
for (i in c.gridIndex) {
removeIndex(c, i);
c.gridIndex.splice(0, c.gridIndex.length);
for (i in _ar) {
addIndexes(c, i);
function removeIndexes(c:Collider){
for (i in c.gridIndex) {
removeIndex(c, i);
c.gridIndex.splice(0, c.gridIndex.length);
inline function addIndexes(c:Collider, _cellPos:Int){
inline function removeIndex(c:Collider, _pos:Int) {
inline function getIndex_X(_pos:Float):Int {
return - (pos.x + min.x))) >> powerOfTwo;
inline function getIndex_Y(_pos:Float):Int {
return - (pos.y + min.y))) >> powerOfTwo;
inline function getIndex1d(_x:Int, _y:Int):Int { // i = x + w * y; x = i % w; y = i / w;
return + w * _y);
inline function overlaps(_min:Vector, _max:Vector):Bool {
if ( _max.x < (pos.x + min.x) || _min.x > (pos.x + max.x) ) return false;
if ( _max.y < (pos.y + min.y) || _min.y > (pos.y + max.y) ) return false;
return true;
function set_cellSize(value:UInt):UInt {
powerOfTwo = Math.round(Math.log(value)/Math.log(2));
cellSize = 1 << powerOfTwo;
return cellSize;
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