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Last active October 28, 2020 20:17
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Get CPU, GPU and HDD temperatures

Create a new file called temps in a folder that is included in PATH (example nano .local/bin/temps)

# Purpose: Display the ARM CPU and GPU  temperature of Raspberry Pi 2/3
# Author: Vivek Gite <> under GPL v2.x+
# source:
# modified by: Andrei Telteu
# -------------------------------------------------------
hdd=/dev/sda    # lsblk -d to see all
echo "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %T') @ $(hostname)"
echo "-------------------------------------------"
echo "CPU => $((cpu/1000))° C"
echo "GPU => $(/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp | egrep -o '[0-9]*\.' | egrep -o '[0-9]*')° C"

# method 1 for hdd temp; must have installed hddtemp; install with sudo apt-get install hddtemp
echo "HDD => $(sudo hddtemp sata:$hdd | egrep -o '\: [0-9]*' | egrep -o '[0-9]*')° C"

# method 2 for hdd temp; must have installed smartmontools; install with sudo apt-get install smartmontools
#echo "HDD => $(sudo smartctl -d sat -A -T permissive $hdd | grep Temperature_Celsius | egrep -o '[0-9]* \(' | egrep -o '[0-9]*')° C"

Give the file permission to execute: chmod +x .local/bin/temps

To change the HDD you want to monitor, first run lsblk -d to see your available devices, then change the hdd variable.

If HDD temperature does not work, try method to by commenting the first echo HDD and uncommenting the second one.

Credits to Vivek Gite @ for the initial script

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If you want this script to auto-update, create another script called temps-monit in the same folder (example nano .local/bin/temps-monit)

while true; do clear && temps ; sleep ${1-1}; done

Give execute permission: chmod +x .local/bin/temps-monit

Use it with temps-monit. It will update at 1 second interval.

To change that pass the interval in seconds as the second parameter: temps-monit 2 for 2 seconds, temps-monit 0.5 for half a second.

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