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In your theme's functions.php file, or in a custom plugin insert this code:


add_filter( 'rank_math/frontend/title', function( $title ) {
    $translatepress_translation = custom_get_translatepress_translation($title);
    if ($translatepress_translation != null) {
        $title = $translatepress_translation;
	return $title;
add_filter( 'rank_math/frontend/description', function( $description ) {
    $translatepress_translation = custom_get_translatepress_translation($description);
    if ($translatepress_translation != null) {
        $description = $translatepress_translation;
	return $description;

function custom_get_translatepress_translation($text, $prefix='', $suffix='') {
    // source:
    global $TRP_LANGUAGE;
    global $custom_trp_query;
    if (!$custom_trp_query) {
        $trp = TRP_Translate_Press::get_trp_instance();
        $custom_trp_query = $trp->get_component( 'query' );
    if ($prefix != '') $text = str_replace($prefix, '', $text);
    if ($suffix != '') $text = str_replace($suffix, '', $text);
    $translated = $custom_trp_query->get_existing_translations( array_values([
    ]), $TRP_LANGUAGE );
    if ($translated && count($translated) > 0) {
        return $prefix.(array_values($translated)[0]->translated).$suffix;
    return null;
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