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Forked from tin2tin/
Created October 5, 2023 11:36
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Route system output (stdout/stderr) of Blender to the app console (install as an addon)
bl_info = {
"name": "Reroute System Console Ouput to Python Console",
"author": "@tamask, @tin2tin, @Andrej730",
"version": (1, 0),
"blender": (3, 0, 0),
"location": "Python Console header",
"description": "",
"warning": "",
"category": "Development"
import os
import sys
import bpy
output = None
input = None
info = None
error = None
write = None
def reset():
global output
global input
global info
global error
global write
output = Stream('OUTPUT')
input = Stream('INPUT')
info = Stream('INFO')
error = Stream('ERROR')
write = output.write
class Stream:
def __init__(self, enum, context=None):
self.text = ''
self.enum = enum
self.line = None
self.newline = False
self.context = context
if not self.context:
self.context = get_console_context()
def write(self, text):
if not self.context:
self.context = get_console_context()
if self.context:
self.console = getattr(
self.context, 'space_data',
self.scrollback = self.console.scrollback
if self.enum == 'ERROR':
return sys.__stderr__.write(text)
return sys.__stdout__.write(text)
line = self.line
sb = self.scrollback
if len(sb) == 0:
text = str(text)
lines = text.replace('\r\n', '\n').split('\n')
if ((line and not
line == sb[len(sb) - 1]) or self.newline):
self.newline = False
self.line = line = None
if line:
line.body += lines[0]
lines = lines[1:]
if lines and lines[len(lines) - 1] == '':
self.newline = True
lines = lines[:-1]
# NOTE: will break after Blender 4.0
for l in lines:
self.context, text=l, type=self.enum)
self.line = sb[len(sb) - 1]
import traceback
# no-op interface
def flush(self):
def tell(self):
return 0
def read(self, size=-1):
return ''
def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
def truncate(self, size=None):
def name(self):
return self.enum
def get_console_context():
# do nothing while _RestrictContext
if not hasattr(bpy.context, 'window'):
return {}
# hack to prioritize Scripting tab
for screen in list([::-1]:
for area in screen.areas:
if area.type == 'CONSOLE':
context = {}
context['area'] = area
for space in area.spaces:
if space.type == 'CONSOLE':
context['space_data'] = space
return context
return {}
def capture_streams():
sys.stdout = info
sys.stderr = error
def release_streams():
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
_console_draw_handle = None
def install(*args, **kwargs):
global _console_draw_handle
wm = bpy.context.window_manager
if wm.capture_console_output:
context = get_console_context()
if context:
space = context['space_data']
if _console_draw_handle:
space.draw_handler_remove(_console_draw_handle, 'WINDOW')
_console_draw_handle = space.draw_handler_add(capture_streams, tuple(), 'WINDOW', 'POST_PIXEL')
def uninstall(*args, **kwargs):
global _console_draw_handle
context = get_console_context()
if context:
space = context['space_data']
if _console_draw_handle:
space.draw_handler_remove(_console_draw_handle, 'WINDOW')
_console_draw_handle = None
def toggle_capture(self, context):
if self.capture_console_output:
def console_header_draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout.row()
if context.area.show_menus:"CONSOLE_MT_console")
layout.operator("console.autocomplete", text="Autocomplete")
layout.prop(context.window_manager, 'capture_console_output')
def register():
bpy.types.CONSOLE_HT_header.draw = console_header_draw
bpy.types.WindowManager.capture_console_output = bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name='Capture Standard Output', default=False, update=toggle_capture,
description='Route system output (stdout/stderr) to this console',
def unregister():
del bpy.types.WindowManager.capture_console_output
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didn't work for me.
ran this in script editor.
then enabled the addon
then ran gderegrer in script editor, error still printed in sys console

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Andrej730 commented Oct 23, 2023

@hannesdelbeke are you sure you checked "Capture Standart Output" in python console? Any console errors?
I'm actively using it on Blender 3.6, not sure about other Blender versions.

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