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Created February 8, 2023 05:17
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Role based access control database design

Example database setup of fine-grained role-based access control

For full code example using an ORM and all SQL queries shown, please visit:

This is an example implementation of relational database tables for fine-grained access control with custom permissions and roles, similar to AWS IAM roles and policies/permissions.

The example demonstration utilizes Django models as an easier way to interpret. It is also because I ripped it off my current application for others to inspect.

At Lazify, we allow roles to be dynamically created for our enterprise customers. We assume permissions are not allowed to be generated. This is because permissions, in our application, are baked into our backend logic. If dynamic permissions are allowed, prefer the method described in point 1 using a Permission table and an M2M between Permission and your User; just note that the below Python implementation does not demonstrate this. Our implementation is more aligned with AWS IAM where custom policies are a set of permissions you attach directly.

Longer Explanation

Diagram shown below

Assume we have an organization that can dynamically create roles. Each organization has Members. We can create roles for the organization and attach permission IDs (integers) to a role. Let's attach a role to a Member. To do so, we create a MemberRole with a foreign key to Member and Role. We set the groups to null for now; copy the permissions from the role to the MemberRole. On update of Role's permissions, simply update all Roles with a foreign key pointing to that role with the new permissions integer array.

If we want to quickly attach several roles to members in the organization where several members have the same roles/permissions in their current enterprise setting, we create a Group. Create a Group. To attach roles, create a GroupRole that has an FK to Organization and the Role you want to attach. Now let's add members to the group. 1) We create a GroupMember by pointing to the Group and the Member and 2) we create a MemberRole by attaching the Role IDs of the Group you attached the member to. Do this for all group roles. We perform this operation by creating MemberRole the same way we did before but this time we add the FK to GroupMember and GroupRole.

Now to see whether a user has permission to conduct an action, you can perform overlap and contains operations in PostgreSQL on the permissions table with whatever filters you want.

Note: All foreign keys cascade on deletion. This allows for easy resource cleanup. For instance, if a role is deleted, then the role is deleted for MemberRole and GroupRole. If a Member is deleted, then the all Member related materials are also deleted.

Role Based Access Control

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