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Last active January 1, 2016 19:09
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  • Save AndrewCraswell/8188576 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AndrewCraswell/8188576 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a namespace I wrote as part of the Bellevue College Class Schedule application in early 2013. The namespace creates an export feature allowing all programs and classes maintained in the database to be exported to a single text file. The file is formatted for Adobe InDesign. It is ultimately formatted and used for printing the school's pa…
// <copyright file="ClassScheduleExporter.cs" company="Bellevue College">
// Licensed under GNU General Public License, Version 3.0 (the "License"): You may copy,
// distribute and modify the software as long as you track changes/dates of in source files
// and keep modifications under GPL. You can distribute your application using a GPL library
// commercially, but you must also provide the source code.
// </copyright>
namespace CTCClassSchedule.Common
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using Ctc.Ods.Config;
using Ctc.Ods.Data;
using Ctc.Ods.Types;
using CTCClassSchedule.Controllers;
using CTCClassSchedule.Models;
using GroupedClassScheduleData = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<CTCClassSchedule.Models.Division, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<CTCClassSchedule.Models.Subject, System.Collections.Generic.IList<SectionsBlock>>>; // An alias for the data structure used to group Class Schedule data logically
/// <summary>
/// Static class to manage exporting all Class Schedule data to an Adobe InDesign format
/// which is used for the print version of the Class Schedule.
/// </summary>
internal static class ClassScheduleExporter
// TODO: Refactor the inheritance so that ExportableLegendNode does not need to reimplement methods that belong to ExportableNode<T>
/// <summary>
/// <para>This interface is empty, and only serves the purpose of allowing all
/// nodes of different types to be added to the same collection, so long as they
/// implement this interface.</para>
/// <para>It is not necessary to expose any functionality, since the ToString()
/// method is used to output the node's contents.</para>
/// </summary>
private interface IExportableNode
/// <summary>
/// Manages the collection of all Class Schedule data, and outputs it as a file.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This is the only public method in the class. It serves as a bootstrap for the export process.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="yearQuarter">The quarter which is being exported.</param>
/// <returns>A FileResult with a text/plain UTF8 encoded file as an HTML response.</returns>
public static FileResult GetFile(YearQuarter yearQuarter)
StringBuilder fileText = new StringBuilder();
// Convert each object to a node
Queue<IExportableNode> nodes = GetClassScheduleDataNodes(yearQuarter);
// Build the contents of the file
foreach (IExportableNode node in nodes)
// Convert the contents to an actual file
FileResult file = new FileContentResult(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fileText.ToString()), "text/plain");
file.FileDownloadName = string.Concat("ClassSchedule-", yearQuarter.ID, "-", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), ".rtf");
return file;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a grouping of all Class Schedule data to export, and converts them to a queue of <see cref="IExportableNode"/>s
/// which each contain the logic necessary for converting the contained data (ex: <see cref="Division"/>, <see cref="Section"/>, etc)
/// to a string format.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="yearQuarter">The quarter which is being exported.</param>
/// <returns>A queue of <see cref="IExportableNode"/>s representing Class Schedule data, in the proper sorted order.</returns>
private static Queue<IExportableNode> GetClassScheduleDataNodes(YearQuarter yearQuarter)
Queue<IExportableNode> nodes = new Queue<IExportableNode>();
GroupedClassScheduleData divisionSections = GroupClassScheduleData(yearQuarter);
// Add a default Legend node which outputs all header info
nodes.Enqueue(new ExportableLegendNode(yearQuarter));
// Convert all Division, Subjects, and Sections into exportable nodes
// Sort each group of data as we convert it to nodes
// Group Divisions
foreach (Division div in divisionSections.Keys.OrderBy(d => d.Title))
// Group Subjects
foreach (Subject sub in divisionSections[div].Keys.OrderBy(d => d.Title))
nodes.Enqueue(new ExportableSubjectNode(sub));
// Group Sections
foreach (SectionsBlock block in divisionSections[div][sub])
nodes.Enqueue(new ExportableSectionsBlockNode(block));
return nodes;
/// <summary>
/// Pulls all the Class Schedule data for the given <paramref name="yearQuarter"/>, and groups it into
/// a logically ordered complex data structure, which allows us to easily traverse all the data in
/// logical order.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="yearQuarter">The quarter which is being grouped.</param>
/// <returns>Data structure containing all class schedule data.</returns>
private static GroupedClassScheduleData GroupClassScheduleData(YearQuarter yearQuarter)
GroupedClassScheduleData divisionSectionsBlock = new GroupedClassScheduleData();
// Get the common course char
ApiSettings _apiSettings = ConfigurationManager.GetSection(ApiSettings.SectionName) as ApiSettings;
string commonCourseChar = _apiSettings.RegexPatterns.CommonCourseChar;
// Convert Class Schedule data into a List of exportable nodes, which contain
// rules for exporting the data
using (ClassScheduleDb db = new ClassScheduleDb())
// Get all course prefixes grouped by subject
IEnumerable<Subject> subjects;
Dictionary<Subject, List<string>> subjectPrefixes;
subjectPrefixes = (from s in db.Subjects
where s.CoursePrefixes.Count > 0
&& s.Department != null
&& s.Department.Division != null
select s
).ToDictionary(s => s, s => s.CoursePrefixes.Select(p => p.CoursePrefixID).ToList());
subjects = subjectPrefixes.Keys;
// Get all Sections grouped by Subject, and then again by Division -- using mainly magic
IList<SectionWithSeats> sectionsWithSeats;
using (OdsRepository repository = new OdsRepository())
List<Section> sections = new List<Section>();
sectionsWithSeats = Helpers.GetSectionsWithSeats(yearQuarter.ID, sections, db);
// A final LINQ query which converts the returned SectionsWithSeats to the final complex data structure
divisionSectionsBlock = (from d in subjects.Where(r => sectionsWithSeats.Any(q => r.CoursePrefixes.Any(p => p.CoursePrefixID == (q.IsCommonCourse ? string.Concat(q.CourseSubject, commonCourseChar) : q.CourseSubject))))
.Select(s => s.Department.Division)
select d).ToDictionary(
d => d,
s => s.Departments.SelectMany(de => de.Subjects)
.Where(r => sectionsWithSeats.Any(q => r.CoursePrefixes.Any(p => p.CoursePrefixID == (q.IsCommonCourse ? string.Concat(q.CourseSubject, commonCourseChar) : q.CourseSubject))))
.ToDictionary(k => k,
v => Helpers.GroupSectionsIntoBlocks(sectionsWithSeats.Where(q => v.CoursePrefixes.Any(p => (q.IsCommonCourse ? string.Concat(q.CourseSubject, commonCourseChar) : q.CourseSubject) == p.CoursePrefixID)).ToList(), db))
return divisionSectionsBlock;
/// <summary>
/// A generic node type which implements shared functionality that all nodes require.
/// This generic allows any data type (ex: <see cref="Subject"/>, <see cref="Section"/>, etc)
/// to be stored in a node, and hooks up the ToString() method to output a string representation of
/// the data. The function which actually creates the string representation must be overridden
/// and implemented in all child classes.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type of class schedule data to be exportable.</typeparam>
private abstract class ExportableNode<T> : IExportableNode
/// <summary>
/// Used to build the string representation of the Node.
/// </summary>
protected StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExportableNode{T}" /> class. Enforces an object is passed, and stored in the Node property.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The value to store as a node.</param>
public ExportableNode(T node)
this.Node = node;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the generic Node, holding whatever type of data needs to be exported.
/// </summary>
protected T Node { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Basic ToString override which returns the string representation of the Node.
/// The method is sealed so that inheriting classes cannot override this behavior.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>String representation of Node data.</returns>
public sealed override string ToString()
return this.ExportNodeAsString();
/// <summary>
/// An abstract method which should be overridden in child classes and used
/// to implement the logic of converting the Node to it's string representation.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A string representation of the Node.</returns>
protected abstract string ExportNodeAsString();
/// <summary>
/// An exportable node class which holds logic for outputting a text representation
/// of the definition legend.
/// </summary>
private class ExportableLegendNode : IExportableNode
/// <summary>
/// Holds the YearQuarter value that the Legend is meant to represent.
/// </summary>
private YearQuarter _yearQuarter;
/// <summary>
/// Used to build the Legend text.
/// </summary>
private StringBuilder _builder;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExportableLegendNode" /> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="yearQuarter">The quarter that this Legend represents.</param>
public ExportableLegendNode(YearQuarter yearQuarter)
this._yearQuarter = yearQuarter;
this._builder = new StringBuilder();
/// <summary>
/// Basic ToString override which returns the string representation of the Node.
/// The method is sealed so that inheriting classes cannot override this behavior.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A string representation of the Legend.</returns>
public sealed override string ToString()
return this.ExportNodeAsString();
/// <summary>
/// Contains the logic used to output the definition Legend
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A string representation of the Legend.</returns>
protected string ExportNodeAsString()
this._builder.AppendLine("* Class Schedule Course Export -- " + this._yearQuarter.FriendlyName);
this._builder.AppendLine("* Legend:");
this._builder.AppendLine("* <CLS9> -- Division name");
this._builder.AppendLine("* <CLS1> -- Program name (subject)");
this._builder.AppendLine("* <CLSP> -- Program intro");
this._builder.AppendLine("* <CLS2> -- Course header, or linked section headers");
this._builder.AppendLine("* <CLS3> -- HP footnotes, CMS course footnotes, and common Section footnotes");
this._builder.AppendLine("* <CLS5> -- Default section tag");
this._builder.AppendLine("* <CLS6> -- Evening section");
this._builder.AppendLine("* <CLS7> -- Weekend section");
this._builder.AppendLine("* <CLSD> -- Distance Education section");
this._builder.AppendLine("* <CLSA> -- Section to be arranged");
this._builder.AppendLine("* <CLSY> -- Automated footnotes");
this._builder.AppendLine("* <CLSN> -- Section footnotes");
this._builder.AppendLine("* [h] -- Hybrid section flag");
this._builder.AppendLine("* [online] -- Online section flag");
this._builder.AppendLine("* [-] -- separates a course title and the number of credits");
this._builder.AppendLine("* D110 -- Default room if no room was assigned to the section");
this._builder.AppendLine("* staff -- Default instructor name if no instructor is assigned to the section");
return this._builder.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// An exportable node class which holds a <see cref="Subject"/> and contains
/// all the necessary logic and rules for outputting a text representation of it
/// for file exportation.
/// </summary>
private class ExportableSubjectNode : ExportableNode<Subject>
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExportableSubjectNode" /> class.
/// Passes the <see cref="Subject"/> data to the base constructor to be stored in the base Node.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The <see cref="Subject"/> to store in the base Node.</param>
public ExportableSubjectNode(Subject node)
: base(node)
/// <summary>
/// Contains the logic used to convert the <see cref="Subject"/> Node into
/// a string representation for export.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A string representation of the <see cref="Subject"/> Node.</returns>
protected override string ExportNodeAsString()
int subjectSeparatedLineBreaks = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < subjectSeparatedLineBreaks; i++)
builder.AppendFormat("<CLS1>{0}\n", Node.Title);
builder.AppendFormat("<CLS9>{0}\n", Node.Department.Division.Title);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Node.Intro))
builder.AppendFormat("<CLSP>{0}\n", Node.Intro);
return builder.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// <para>An exportable node class which holds a <see cref="SectionsBlock"/> and contains
/// all the necessary logic and rules for outputting a text representation of it
/// for file exportation.</para>
/// <para>The logic contained is complex, and outputs all sections, linked sections,
/// aggregates common footnotes, and aggregates automated hybrid footnotes where possible.</para>
/// </summary>
private class ExportableSectionsBlockNode : ExportableNode<SectionsBlock>
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExportableSectionsBlockNode" /> class.
/// Passes the <see cref="SectionsBlock"/> data to the base constructor to be stored in the base Node.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node">The <see cref="SectionsBlock"/> to store in the base Node.</param>
public ExportableSectionsBlockNode(SectionsBlock node)
: base(node)
/// <summary>
/// Contains the logic used to convert the <see cref="SectionsBlock"/> Node into
/// a string representation for export.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A string representation of the <see cref="SectionsBlock"/> Node.</returns>
protected override string ExportNodeAsString()
SectionWithSeats primarySection = Node.Sections.First();
// Section title(s)
if (Node.LinkedSections.Count > 0)
IList<SectionWithSeats> commonLinkedSections = Helpers.ParseCommonHeadingLinkedSections(Node.LinkedSections);
foreach (SectionWithSeats linkedSec in commonLinkedSections)
// Display all the linked section headers
// Add Course and HP footnotes
string footnotes = string.Concat(string.Join(" ", Node.CommonFootnotes), " ", primarySection.CourseFootnotes).Trim();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(footnotes))
builder.AppendLine(string.Concat("<CLS3>", footnotes));
// Output all meeting times for grouped sections
foreach (SectionWithSeats sec in Node.Sections)
foreach (OfferedItem item in sec.Offered.OrderBy(o => o.SequenceOrder))
builder.AppendLine(BuildOfferedItemsExportText(sec, item));
// Section and course footnotes
footnotes = GetSectionFootnotes(primarySection.Footnotes, primarySection.SectionFootnotes, Node.CommonFootnotes);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(footnotes))
builder.AppendLine(string.Concat("<CLSN>", footnotes));
// Add Automated footnotes
// Only display the automated hybrid footnote on the last hybrid section to avoid duplicate footnotes
string hyrbidFootnote = AutomatedFootnotesConfig.Footnotes("hybrid").Text;
footnotes = AutomatedFootnotesConfig.getAutomatedFootnotesText(sec);
if (footnotes.Contains(hyrbidFootnote)
&& sec != Node.Sections.Where(s => s.IsHybrid && sec.CourseNumber == s.CourseNumber && sec.Credits == s.Credits && sec.CourseTitle == s.CourseTitle).LastOrDefault())
footnotes = footnotes.Replace(hyrbidFootnote, string.Empty);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(footnotes))
builder.AppendLine(string.Concat("<CLSY>", footnotes.Trim()));
return builder.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Takes a <see cref="SectionWithSeats"/> and constructs the header string representation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="section">The <see cref="SectionWithSeats"/> used to construct the header.</param>
/// <returns>A string representation of the sections header.</returns>
private static string GetSectionExportHeader(SectionWithSeats section)
string creditsText = section.Credits.ToString();
if (section.Credits == Math.Floor(section.Credits))
creditsText = creditsText.Remove(creditsText.IndexOf('.'));
creditsText = string.Concat(section.IsVariableCredits ? "V 1-" : string.Empty, creditsText, " CR");
return string.Concat("<CLS2>", section.CourseSubject, section.IsCommonCourse ? "&" : string.Empty, " ", section.CourseNumber, "\t", section.CourseTitle, " [-] ", creditsText);
/// <summary>
/// Takes section, offered item, and StringBuilder and appends data related to the offered item
/// in an Adobe InDesign format so that the data can be added to a file. The file is useful
/// when printing the paper version of the class schedule.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="section">The SectionWithSeats object that the OfferedItem belongs to.</param>
/// <param name="item">The OfferedItem object whose data should be recorded.</param>
/// <returns>String representation of <see cref="OfferedItem"/>.</returns>
private static string BuildOfferedItemsExportText(SectionWithSeats section, OfferedItem item)
// Configurables
string onlineDaysStr = "[online]";
string onlineRoomStr = "D110";
string arrangedStr = "Arranged";
string hybridCodeStr = "[h]";
string instructorDefaultNameStr = "staff";
// Build a string that represents the DAY and TIME of the course
string dayTimeStr = string.Concat("\t", arrangedStr.ToLower()); // Default if no date or time is available is "arranged"
// If there is a time available
if (item.StartTime != null && item.EndTime != null)
string startTimeStr = item.StartTime.Value.ToString("h:mmt").ToLower();
string endTimeStr = item.EndTime.Value.ToString("h:mmt").ToLower();
dayTimeStr = string.Concat(item.Days.Equals(arrangedStr) ? arrangedStr.ToLower() : item.Days, "\t", startTimeStr, "-", endTimeStr);
else if (section.IsOnline) // Online class
dayTimeStr = string.Concat("\t", onlineDaysStr);
string tagStr = GetSectionExportTag(section, item); // Get the tag code that describes the offered item.
string roomStr = string.Concat("\t", item.Room ?? onlineRoomStr); // Set or override variable values for tags that have special conditions
switch (tagStr)
case "<CLSA>":
roomStr = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Room) ? string.Empty : string.Concat("\t", item.Room);
case "<CLSD>":
roomStr = string.Concat("\t", item.Room);
// Construct the finalized tag itself, based on whether or not the current item is the primary
string line;
if (item.IsPrimary)
string instructorName = Helpers.getShortNameFormat(item.InstructorName) ?? instructorDefaultNameStr;
string sectionCodeStr = string.Concat(section.IsHybrid ? string.Concat(hybridCodeStr, " ") : string.Empty, section.SectionCode);
line = string.Concat(tagStr, section.ID.ItemNumber, "\t", sectionCodeStr, "\t", instructorName, "\t", dayTimeStr, roomStr);
line = string.Concat(tagStr, "\t\talso meets\t", dayTimeStr, roomStr);
// Append the line to the file
return line;
/// <summary>
/// Takes a section and returns the coded tag. This method is only used during a Class Schedule export.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="section">The Section being evaluated.</param>
/// <param name="item">The particular OfferedItem within the given Section being evaluated.</param>
/// <returns>A string containing the tag code that represents the given Section.</returns>
private static string GetSectionExportTag(SectionWithSeats section, OfferedItem item)
string tag = "<CLS5>";
string distanceEdMinStr = "7000";
string distanceEdMaxStr = "ZZZZ";
string arrangedStr = "Arranged";
OfferedItem primary = section.Offered.Where(o => o.IsPrimary).FirstOrDefault();
// TODO: Move "weekend course" boolean logic into to helper function
// Weekend course
if ((primary.Days.Contains("Sa") || primary.Days.Contains("Su")) &&
!(primary.Days.Contains("M") || primary.Days.Contains("T") || primary.Days.Contains("W") || primary.Days.Contains("Th")))
tag = "<CLS7>";
else if (IsEveningCourse(primary)) // Evening course
tag = "<CLS6>";
else if (section.ID.ItemNumber.CompareTo(distanceEdMinStr) >= 0 && section.ID.ItemNumber.CompareTo(distanceEdMaxStr) <= 0) // Distance Ed
tag = "<CLSD>";
else if (item.Days == arrangedStr && !section.IsOnline) // Arranged course
tag = "<CLSA>";
return tag;
/// <summary>
/// Takes section footnotes and the CMS footnotes, and returns a single combined string of all footnotes -- taking
/// into account duplicates, or any specific footnotes which should be ignored (such as footnotes common to the course).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="hpFootnotes">List of section footnotes from the HP.</param>
/// <param name="cmsFootnote">The CMS footnote.</param>
/// <param name="toIgnore">List of any footnotes which should be ignored.</param>
/// <returns>A single string aggregate of all footnotes.</returns>
private static string GetSectionFootnotes(IEnumerable<string> hpFootnotes, string cmsFootnote, IEnumerable<string> toIgnore)
StringBuilder footnotes = new StringBuilder();
// Section footnotes
foreach (string footnote in hpFootnotes.Distinct())
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(footnote))
// skip any footnotes in the supplied ignore list (used to avoid duplicates)
if (toIgnore == null || toIgnore.Count() <= 0 || !toIgnore.Contains(footnote))
// CMS footnotes
// ensure we don't have duplicates
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cmsFootnote) && !hpFootnotes.Contains(cmsFootnote))
return footnotes.ToString().Trim();
/// <summary>
/// Takes an offered item and determines whether the course qualifies as an evening course.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="course">The OfferedItem to evaluate.</param>
/// <returns>True if evening course, otherwise false.</returns>
private static bool IsEveningCourse(OfferedItem course)
bool isEvening = false;
TimeSpan eveningCourse = new TimeSpan(17, 30, 0); // Hard coded evening course definition; TODO: Move to app settings
if (course.StartTime.HasValue && course.EndTime.HasValue)
if (new TimeSpan(course.StartTime.Value.Hour, course.StartTime.Value.Minute, course.StartTime.Value.Second) >= eveningCourse)
isEvening = false;
return isEvening;
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