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Created September 18, 2012 13:10
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First cut at a Tornado/Motor/PyMongo/MongoDB Asynchronous implementation of a Polly Discussion Tree
import tornado
from pymongo import DESCENDING, ASCENDING
from bson.code import Code
import motor
from datetime import datetime
import sys
# A Sortable Discussion Tree stored in MongoDB
# Objectives:
# 1. Minimum response time for each user action.
# 2. Minimum communications overhead for each action.
# 3. Minimum database overhead for each action.
# 4. Sortable by a variety of selected keys (time, size, author, priority, reputation etc.)
# A default sort key may apply.
# 5. Sorting in a tree may apply differently to any specified level of the tree.
# 6. Sorting applies an individual sub-columns.
# Consider the "Sample Tree Structure" shown below.
# 1. Elements (1,2,3) are the primary sub-column.
# 2. Elements (1.1, 1.2, 1.3) are a sub-column.
# 3. Elements (2.1, 2.2, 2.3) are a separate sub-column from (1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
# Sample Tree Structure
# 0
# 0.0
# 0.1
# 1
# 1.0
# 1.1
# 1.2
# 2
# 2.0
# 2.1
# 2.2.0
# 2.2
# 2.3.0
# 2.3.1
# 3
# 3.0
# 3.1.0
# 3.1.1
# 3.1
# 3.2.0
# 3.2.1
# 3.2.2
# Approach:
# 1. Store each entire sub-column in a single MongoDB Document.
# The elements in-document will be stored in time order.
# Inserts are therefore always to the end of the document, working to the MongoDB strength of in-place updates.
# 2. May eventually break out into archived sub-column segments to discard generally unwanted
# content on the primary sub-column at least. Unwanted because of age, but easily re-included on demand.
# 3. Sub-columns are actually the unit of user request. Each click-open of a tree branch shows a sub-column
# 4. Sort order may be selected separately per sub-column opened (time, size, author, priority, reputation etc.)
# 5. Cache large pre-sorted sub-columns at server
# 6. Deliver readable (fits to screen) chunks at a time to client by push
# 7. sub-column storage on disk is always in time-order inside document (working to the MongoDB strength of in-place updates.)
# 8. May pre-fetch first chunks of sub-columns below currently opened sub-column in client as optimisation.
# MongoDB PollyReputation document format:
# {
# "pseudo" : <StringPseudonymName>, # } Combined unique key of
# "subtree_id": <StringPseudonymName>, # } both pseudo and subtree.
# "repute" : <reputationPoints> # Reputation points applicable to just this subtree.
# }
# MongoDB PollyDiscussionTree document format:
# {
# "subtree_id": <DottedDecimalSubreeId>, # Dotted tree hierarchy sub-tree reference as string. e.g. "3.3.1"
# "comments": [ # Array position indicates next sub-tree level. e.g. 0th entry is
# {
# "time": <Comment Time> # Time the comment was written in UTC
# "pseudo": <UserPseudonym> # Pseudonym of the user that wrote the comment.
# "repute": <reputation> # The reputation of <UserPseudonym> at the time of the comment
# # Incidentally, a more expensive option would be to allow sorting
# # the comments by current reputation. Probably cached in memory.
# "text": <StringComment> # The actual comment.
# # Allowing some simple (TBD) markup. Probably Markdown.
# },
# ...
# ],
# }
class PollyException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, e=None):
Exception.__init__(self, "PollyException(" + sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name + "): "+message)
self.e = e
def dumpStr(self, depth=0):
if self.e:
if isinstance(self.e, PollyException):
return " "*(depth*8) + self.message + "\n" + self.e.dumpStr(depth+1)
return " "*(depth*8) + self.message + "\n" + " "*(depth*8+8) + str(self.e)
return " "*(depth*8) + self.message
class PollyDiscussionTree:
def __init__(self, db):
self.db = db
self.pollyDiscussionTree = db.PollyDiscussionTree
self.pollyReputation = db.PollyReputation
def setupIndexes(self, callback):
a,b = yield [motor.Op(self.pollyDiscussionTree.ensure_index, "subtree_id"),
motor.Op(self.pollyReputation.ensure_index, [("pseudo" , ASCENDING),
("subtree_id", ASCENDING)]) ]
except Exception, e:
callback(None, PollyException("Failed setting up indexes", e))
print "Indexes ensured: ", a, b
callback(True, None)
def incrementReputation(self, pseudo, subtree_id, inc, callback):
'''incrementReputation: Increment(by inc) the reputation of pseudo for subtree(subtree_id).
If no existing reputation, then create one with repute=inc.
pseudo - The Pseudonym of the user getting adjusted reputation.
subtree_id - Identifier of the subtree where the repute applies.
inc - Amount to increment reputation by (may be negative).
callback - Standard motor callback
returns: Success: The new reputation record.
Failure: PollyException
polly_reputation = yield motor.Op(self.pollyReputation.find_and_modify,
{"pseudo" : pseudo, "subtree": subtree_id},
{"$inc" : {"repute": inc}},
upsert=True, new=True)
except Exception, e:
callback(None, PollyException("Couldn't increment reputation for pseudo(%s), subtree(%s)" % (pseudo, subtree_id), e))
callback(polly_reputation, None)
def getReputation(self, pseudo, subtree_id, callback):
'''getReputation: Accumulate the reputation of user(pseudo) for subtree(subtree_id)
and all superior subtree's.
If no existing reputation, then zero.
e.g. {"pseudo":"X", "subtree":"1.1" , "repute":4}
{"pseudo":"X", "subtree":"1.1.2", "repute":4}
getReputation("X", "") should return 8.
pseudo - The Pseudonym of the user to get reputation for.
subtree_id - Identifier of the subtree where the repute is wanted for.
callback - Standard motor callback
returns: Success: The aggregate reputation value.
Failure: PollyException
key = None # Group over everything
condition = {"pseudo": pseudo,
"$where": "this.subtree == \""+subtree_id+"\".substring(0, this.subtree.length)"""}
initial = {"repute": 0}
reduce = Code("""function (doc, out) { out.repute += doc.repute;}""")
try: # to get the pseudo's current reputation and determine how it applies to a subtree.
out = yield motor.Op(, key, condition, initial, reduce)
except Exception, e:
callback(None, PollyException("Couldn't find pollyReputation(%s)" % (pseudo, ), e))
if out == []:
callback(0, None) # Zero matches gives empty list.
callback(int(out[0]["repute"]), None) # JS sums as float.
def getsubtree(self, subtree_id, callback):
'''getsubtree: Returns the full subtree document for subtree_id.
subtree_id - Identifier of the subtree to return.
callback - Standard motor callback
returns: Success: Subtree document.
Failure: PollyException
subtree = yield motor.Op(self.pollyDiscussionTree.find_one, {"subtree_id": subtree_id})
except Exception, e:
callback(None, PollyException("Couldn't find PollyDiscussionTree subtree(%s)" % subtree_id, e))
callback(subtree, None)
def addCommentTosubtree(self, subtree_id, pseudo, text, callback):
'''addCommentTosubtree: If subtree matching subtree_id does not exist, then it will be added.
The comment text will be added to the the subtree.
Reputation of the user adding the comment will be applied.
subtree_id - Identifier of the subtree where the comment will be added.
pseudo - The Pseudonym of the user adding the comment.
text - Text of the comment to be added.
callback - Standard motor callback
returns: Success: Comment dictionary with repute and time-stamp.
Failure: PollyException
try: # to get the pseudo's current reputation and assess whether the subtree already exists, in parallel.
subtree, reputation = yield [
motor.Op(self.pollyDiscussionTree.find_one, {"subtree_id": subtree_id}),
motor.Op(self.getReputation, pseudo, subtree_id)
except Exception, e:
callback(None, PollyException("Couldn't find PollyDiscussionTree(%s) or Reputation(%s,%s)" % (subtree_id, pseudo, subtree_id), e))
comment = {"pseudo":pseudo, "text":text, "repute":reputation, "time":datetime.utcnow() }
if subtree is None: # New subtree
pdt = {"subtree_id": subtree_id, "comments": [comment]}
result = yield motor.Op(self.pollyDiscussionTree.insert, pdt, safe=True)
except Exception, e:
callback(None, PollyException("Insert failed on PollyDiscussionTree(%s)" % (pdt,), e))
result = yield motor.Op(self.pollyDiscussionTree.find_and_modify,
query={"subtree_id": subtree_id},
update={"$push": {"comments": comment}}, upsert=False)
except Exception, e:
callback(None, PollyException("find_and_modify failed on PollyDiscussionTree(%s)/$push(%s)" % (subtree_id, comment), e))
# Success!
callback(comment, None)
if __name__ == "__main__":
class TestPollyDiscussionTree:
def __init__(self, db):
# Initially clear PollyDiscussionTree and pollyReputation
self.db = db
self.pdt = PollyDiscussionTree(db)
def destroyPollyDiscussionTree(self, callback):
yield [
except Exception, e:
callback(None, PollyException("Failed destroying PollyDiscussionTree.", e))
callback(True, None)
def createPollyDiscussionTree(self, callback):
comments = [
("0" , "0.0 - Root Comment"),
("0.0" , "0.0.0 - Comment0."),
("0.0" , "0.0.1 - Comment1."),
("0.0" , "0.0.2 - Comment2."),
("0.0.0", " - Comment0."),
("0.0.0", " - Comment1."),
("0.0.0", " - Comment2."),
("0.0.1", " - Comment0."),
("0.0.1", " - Comment1."),
("0.0.1", " - Comment2."),
("0" , "0.1 - Root Comment"),
("0.1" , "0.1.0 - Comment0."),
("0.1" , "0.1.1 - Comment1."),
("0.1" , "0.1.2 - Comment2."),
("0.1.0", " - Comment0."),
("0.1.0", " - Comment1."),
("0.1.0", " - Comment2."),
("0.1.1", " - Comment0."),
("0.1.1", " - Comment1."),
("0.1.1", " - Comment2."),
for (subtree_id, comment) in comments:
full_comment = yield motor.Op(self.pdt.addCommentTosubtree, subtree_id, pseudo=pseudo, text=comment)
except Exception, e:
callback(None, PollyException("Failed adding test comments %s/%s/%s" % (subtree_id, pseudo, comment), e))
callback(True, None)
def setupReputations(self, callback):
reputations = [
("AndrewD", "0.0" , 42),
("AndrewD", "0.1" , 42),
("AndrewD", "0.1" , 1),
("AndrewD", "", 1),
for (pseudo, subtree_id, inc) in reputations:
full_comment = yield motor.Op(self.pdt.incrementReputation, pseudo, subtree_id, inc)
except Exception, e:
callback(None, PollyException("Failed incrementing reputation of pseudo(%s) for subtree(%s) by %d" % (pseudo, subtree_id, inc), e))
callback(True, None)
def dumpTree(self, subtree_id, indent, callback):
subtree = yield motor.Op(self.pdt.getsubtree, subtree_id)
except Exception, e:
callback(None, PollyException("Failed getting subtree %s" % (subtree_id, ), e))
if subtree is None: # leaf node
callback(False, None)
for n, comment in enumerate(subtree["comments"]):
new_subtree_id = subtree_id + "." + str(n)
print " "*indent, new_subtree_id+": time="+str(comment['time']), "pseudo="+comment['pseudo'], "repute="+str(comment['repute']), "comment="+comment['text']
yield motor.Op(self.dumpTree, new_subtree_id, indent+4)
except Exception, e:
callback(None, PollyException("Failed recursing into subtree(%s)" % (new_subtree_id, ), e))
callback(True, None)
def doTest(db):
testPolly = TestPollyDiscussionTree(db)
yield motor.Op(testPolly.destroyPollyDiscussionTree) # This blats the whole DB to start from scratch every time.
yield motor.Op(testPolly.pdt.setupIndexes)
yield motor.Op(testPolly.setupReputations) # Setup some reputations to apply to the discussion tree.
yield motor.Op(testPolly.createPollyDiscussionTree) # Create a discussion tree.
yield motor.Op(testPolly.dumpTree, "0", 0) # Do a recursive dump of the discussion tree, with reputations.
except PollyException, e:
print "Done."
import logging
db = motor.MotorConnection('localhost', 27017).open_sync().test_database
print("Enter IOLOOP")
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Slightly improved.

  1. Index problems are fixed.
  2. Still has problems with getReputation()

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All working now as far as I can tell.

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