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  • Save AndrewDowning/4529846 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AndrewDowning/4529846 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Startings of a Python JSON schema validation. - Schema validation. - Data type validation. - Required/optional data members in dicts. - Lists with optional min/max lengths. - List member tye validation. - Strings with optional min/max lengths. - Integers with optional min/max values. - String value checks - Integer Value checks - Extensible sche…
''' - JSON data structures are often received from a uncontrolled sources such as
Web Clients, as a string representation. Standard python tools such as
may be used to parse and validate the string representation into Python data
structures, comprised of dicts, lists, and assorted basic types. provides application level schema validation.
- Schema validation.
- Data type validation.
- Required/optional data members in dicts.
- Lists with optional min/max lengths.
- List member tye validation.
- Strings with optional min/max lengths.
- Integers with optional min/max values.
- String value checks
- Integer Value checks
- Extensible schema types.
Created on 14/01/2013
@author: Andrew Downing, redesign following an original prototype by Brendan Molloy
import sys
class SchemaBase(object):
"""SchemaBase - Base class for all schema definition classes.
Extend on this and implement the following methods, to implement your own special schema types.
optional - Specifies whether a particular schema element is optional in the data.
def __init__(self, optional):
self.optional = optional
def is_optional(self):
return self.optional
def self_check(self, fqn, errors):
"""self_check - Implement this, to validate that an instance of a schema class is valid.
returns: True - Schema element and subordinate schema elements are all valid.
False - Schema element or one or more subordinate schema elements are invalid.
errors.append("{}: self_check() must be implemented for SchemaBase derived classes.".format(self.__class__.__name__))
return False
def valid_type(self, data, errors):
"""valid_type - Implement this, to validate that a python data structure(representative of JSON) is of the correct type.
returns: True - Data element has the right type according to the schema element.
False - Data element has the wrong type according to the schema element.
errors.append("{}: valid_type() must be implemented for SchemaBase derived classes.".format(self.__class__.__name__))
return False
def validate(self, fqn, data, errors):
"""validate - Implement this, to validate that a python data structure(representative of JSON) is comprehensively correct.
returns: True - Data element and subordinate data elements are all valid.
False - Data element or one or more subordinate data elements are invalid.
errors.append("{}: validate() must be implemented for SchemaBase derived classes.".format(self.__class__.__name__))
return False
class SchemaAny(SchemaBase):
"""SchemaAny - Schema type that matches any data types.
This should be used only sparingly. It represents the case where there is an application level interpretation of some
sub-data structure of the message which may not be validated using this module.
optional - Whether the Any element is optional in the containing structure (dict or list).
def __init__(self, optional=False):
SchemaBase.__init__(self, optional)
def self_check(self, fqn, errors):
return True
def valid_type(self, data):
return True
def validate(self, fqn, json_any, errors):
#print(self.__class__.__name__+" - "+fqn+": result=True")
return True
class SchemaStr(SchemaBase):
"""SchemaStr - Validates a data structure member that is supposed to be a string.
minlen - minimum length of string. Target data string must be >= this length.
You can not specify this as a negative value.
minlen must <= maxlen.
maxlen - maximum length of string. Target data string must be <= this length.
optional - Whether the string element is optional in the containing structure (dict or list).
valid - None or a list of valid string values.
def __init__(self, minlen=0, maxlen=None, optional=False, valid=None):
SchemaBase.__init__(self, optional)
self.minlen = minlen
self.maxlen = maxlen
self.valid = valid
def self_check(self, fqn, errors):
result = True
if not isinstance(self.minlen, int) or self.minlen < 0:
errors.append("{}({}): minlen({}) must be Integer(and >= 0). Default=0.".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, repr(self.minlen)))
result = False
if self.maxlen is not None:
if not isinstance(self.maxlen, int):
errors.append("{}({}): maxlen({}) must be Integer or None".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, repr(self.maxlen)))
result = False
elif isinstance(self.minlen, int):
if self.minlen > self.maxlen:
errors.append("{}({}): maxlen({}) must be >= minlen({}) or None".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, self.maxlen, self.minlen))
result = False
if self.valid is not None:
if not isinstance(self.valid, list):
errors.append("{}({}): valid param must be None or a list. Got {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, repr(self.valid)))
result = False
if len(self.valid) == 0:
errors.append("{}({}): Valid list may not be empty.".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn))
result = False
for v in self.valid:
if not isinstance(v, str):
errors.append("{}({}): element({}) of valid list must be of type string.".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, repr(v)))
result = False
return result
def valid_type(self, json_str):
return isinstance(json_str, str)
def validate(self, fqn, json_str, errors):
result = True
if not self.valid_type(json_str):
errors.append("{}({}): Expected 'str', got {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, repr(json_str)))
result = False
elif len(json_str) < self.minlen:
errors.append("{}({}): String({}) shorter than minlen({}).".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, json_str, self.minlen))
result = False
elif self.maxlen is not None and len(json_str) > self.maxlen:
errors.append("{}({}): String({}) longer than maxlen({}).".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, json_str, self.maxlen))
result = False
if result and self.valid is not None:
if not json_str in self.valid:
errors.append("{}({}): Integer({}) not in valid list({}).".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, json_str, self.valid))
result = False
#print(self.__class__.__name__+" - "+fqn+": result=",result)
return result
class SchemaInt(SchemaBase):
"""SchemaInt - Validates a data structure member that is supposed to be an integer.
minval - minimum value of integer. Target data value must be >= this value.
minval must be <= maxval.
maxval - maximum value of integer. Target data value must be <= this value.
optional - Whether the integer element is optional in the containing structure (dict or list).
valid - None or a list of valid integer values.
def __init__(self, minval=None, maxval=None, optional=False, valid=None):
SchemaBase.__init__(self, optional)
self.minval = minval
self.maxval = maxval
self.valid = valid
def self_check(self, fqn, errors):
result = True
if self.minval is not None:
if not isinstance(self.minval, int):
errors.append("{}({}): minval({}) must be Integer.".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, repr(self.minval)))
result = False
if self.maxval is not None:
if not isinstance(self.maxval, int):
errors.append("{}({}): maxval({}) must be Integer or None".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, repr(self.maxval)))
result = False
elif isinstance(self.minval, int):
if self.minval > self.maxval:
errors.append("{}({}): maxval({}) must be >= minval({}) or None".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, self.maxval, self.minval))
result = False
if self.valid is not None:
if not isinstance(self.valid, list):
errors.append("{}({}): valid param must be None or a list. Got {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, repr(self.valid)))
result = False
if len(self.valid) == 0:
errors.append("{}({}): Valid list may not be empty.".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn))
result = False
for v in self.valid:
if not isinstance(v, int):
errors.append("{}({}): element({}) of valid list must be of type integer.".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, repr(v)))
result = False
return result
def valid_type(self, json_int):
return isinstance(json_int, int)
def validate(self, fqn, json_int, errors):
result = True
if not self.valid_type(json_int):
errors.append("{}({}): Expected 'int', got {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, repr(json_int)))
result = False
elif self.minval is not None and json_int < self.minval:
errors.append("{}({}): Integer({}) less than minval({}).".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, json_int, self.minval))
result = False
elif self.maxval is not None and json_int > self.maxval:
errors.append("{}({}): Integer({}) greater than maxval({}).".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, json_int, self.maxval))
result = False
if result and self.valid is not None:
if not json_int in self.valid:
errors.append("{}({}): Integer({}) not in valid list({}).".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, json_int, self.valid))
result = False
#print(self.__class__.__name__+" - "+fqn+": result=",result)
return result
class SchemaList(SchemaBase, list):
"""SchemaList - Validates a data structure member that is supposed to be a list.
e.g. SchemaList([SchemaStr()]) defines a JSON list with any number of members that must be a strings.
[list] - SchemaList is also derived from base Python list class.
It may be constructed as per any list, but it is expected that it will be constructed with a list of
other SchemaBase derived objects, defining the valid members of the list.
minlen - minimum length of list. Target data list must be >= this length.
You can not specify this as a negative value.
minlen must <= maxlen.
maxlen - maximum length of list. Target data list must be <= this length.
def __init__(self, list_param=[], minlen=0, maxlen=None, optional=False):
list.__init__(self, list_param)
SchemaBase.__init__(self, optional)
self.minlen = minlen
self.maxlen = maxlen
def self_check(self, fqn, errors):
result = True
if len(self) == 0: # Default Empty SchemaList to allow SchemaAny
if not isinstance(self.minlen, int) or self.minlen < 0:
errors.append("{}({}): minlen({}) must be Integer(and >= 0). Default=0.".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, repr(self.minlen)))
result = False
# Validate length parameters for list
if self.maxlen is not None:
if not isinstance(self.maxlen, int):
errors.append("{}({}): maxlen({}) must be Integer or None".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, repr(self.maxlen)))
result = False
elif isinstance(self.minlen, int):
if self.minlen > self.maxlen:
errors.append("{}({}): maxlen({}) must be >= minlen({}) or None".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, self.maxlen, self.minlen))
result = False
# Validate schema list members.
for seq, schema_type in enumerate(self):
elem_fqn = '.'.join([fqn, str(seq)])
if not isinstance(schema_type, SchemaBase):
errors.append("{}({}): Member({}) must be derived from SchemaBase".format(self.__class__.__name__, elem_fqn, repr(schema_type)))
result = False
if not schema_type.self_check(elem_fqn, errors):
result = False
return result
def valid_type(self, json_list):
return isinstance(json_list, list)
def validate(self, fqn, json_list, errors):
result = True
if not self.valid_type(json_list):
errors.append("{}({}): Expected 'list', got {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, repr(json_list)))
result = False
# Impose length restrictions
if len(json_list) < self.minlen:
errors.append("{}({}): List({}) shorter than minlen({}).".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, json_list, self.minlen))
result = False
elif self.maxlen is not None and len(json_list) > self.maxlen:
errors.append("{}({}): List({}) longer than maxlen({}).".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, json_list, self.maxlen))
result = False
# Check each element of the json list
for seq, json_elem in enumerate(json_list):
elem_fqn = fqn + '[' + str(seq) + ']' # Express fqn with [0] index notation.
for schema_type in self: # Each element matched against the first item in the schema list that allows its type.
if schema_type.valid_type(json_elem):
result = schema_type.validate(elem_fqn, json_elem, errors) and result
break # 1st match does validation, ignore others.
else: # None matched.
errors.append("{}({}): Expected one of {}, got {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, elem_fqn, repr(self), json_elem))
result = False
#print(self.__class__.__name__+" - "+fqn+": result=",result)
return result
class SchemaDict(SchemaBase, dict):
"""SchemaDict - Validates a data structure member that is supposed to be a dict.
SchemaDict is also expected to be the top level schema class for any message validation schema.
e.g. SchemaDict({'a': SchemaStr(),}) defines a JSON dictt with a single member named 'a' that must be a string.
{dict} - SchemaDict is also derived from base Python dict class.
It may be constructed as per any dict, but it is expected that it will be constructed with a dict of
other SchemaBase derived objects, defining the valid members of the dict.
def __init__(self, dict_param={}, optional=False):
dict.__init__(self, dict_param)
SchemaBase.__init__(self, optional)
def self_check(self, fqn, errors):
result = True
for name, schema_type in self.items():
elem_fqn = '.'.join([fqn, name])
if not isinstance(schema_type, SchemaBase):
errors.append("{}({}): Member({}) must be derived from SchemaBase".format(self.__class__.__name__, elem_fqn, repr(schema_type)))
result = False
if not schema_type.self_check(elem_fqn, errors):
result = False
return result
def valid_type(self, json_dict):
return isinstance(json_dict, dict)
def validate(self, fqn, json_dict, errors):
result = True
if not self.valid_type(json_dict):
errors.append("{}({}): Expected 'dict', got {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, repr(json_dict)))
result = False
# Check each element of the json dict data present.
for name, json_elem in json_dict.items():
if name not in self:
errors.append("{}({}): Unexpected element ({}={})".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, name, json_elem))
result = False
elem_fqn = '.'.join([fqn, name]) # Extend fqn to next dot depth.
result = self[name].validate(elem_fqn, json_elem, errors) and result
# Reverse check, that all schema elements are present in the data
for name, schema_type in self.items():
if name not in json_dict and not schema_type.is_optional():
errors.append("{}({}): Expected element ({}) missing".format(self.__class__.__name__, fqn, name))
result = False
#print(self.__class__.__name__+" - "+fqn+": result=",result)
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
def validate_schema(schema, schema_name):
errors = []
schema_valid = schema.self_check(schema_name, errors)
if not schema_valid:
print('validate_schema:', schema_name, " is invalid:", file=sys.stderr)
for error in errors:
print(" ", error, file=sys.stderr)
print('validate_schema:', schema_name, " is valid.", file=sys.stderr)
def validate_json_data(json_data, json_data_name, schema, schema_name):
errors = []
json_valid = schema.validate(json_data_name, json_data, errors)
if not json_valid:
print('validate_json_data(using',schema_name,'):', json_data_name, "is invalid:", file=sys.stderr)
for error in errors:
print(" ", error, file=sys.stderr)
print('validate_json_data(using',schema_name,'):', json_data_name, "is valid.", file=sys.stderr)
# Define and validate a valid schema.
valid_schema = SchemaDict({
'a1': SchemaList([ # SchemaList of types allowed in SchemaList. Construct with []
SchemaInt(minval=10, maxval=42)
'a2': SchemaStr(minlen=10),
'a3': SchemaStr(maxlen=10),
'a4': SchemaInt(), # Any integer
'a5': SchemaDict({
'b1': SchemaInt(minval=0), # Any maxval >= minval
'b2': SchemaInt(maxval=42), # Any minval <= maxval
'b3': SchemaInt(minval=-1, maxval=42),
'b4': SchemaList(), # Defaults to SchemaList of Any
'b5': SchemaList([ # SchemaList of schemas allowed in list
'c1': SchemaInt(),
'c2': SchemaStr(),
'b6': SchemaList([
], minlen=2, maxlen=3),
'a6': SchemaInt(optional=True), # Optional member. If it's there, must be int.
'a7': SchemaStr(valid=["abc", "123"]), # Valid string values list
'a8': SchemaInt(valid=[1,2,3]), # Valid integer values list
validate_schema(valid_schema, "valid_schema")
# Define and validate an invalid schema.
class non_schema:
invalid_schema = SchemaDict({
'a1': non_schema(), # Invalid - Non schema member
'a2': SchemaStr(minlen='a', maxlen='z'), # Invalid - min/maxlen types.
'a3': SchemaStr(maxlen=-1), # Invalid - Max string length < 0
'a4': SchemaInt(minval='a', maxval='z'), # Invalid - min/maxval types.
'a5': SchemaDict({
'b1': non_schema(), # Invalid - Non scheme member in sub-Dict
'b2': SchemaInt(maxval=42), # Any minval <= maxval
'b3': SchemaInt(minval=-1, maxval=42),
'b4': SchemaList(), # Defaults to SchemaList of Any
'b5': SchemaList([ # SchemaList of schemas allowed in list
non_schema(), # Invalid - Non schema member in list
'b6': SchemaList([ # Invalid - Negative list minlen
], minlen=-1, maxlen=3),
'b7': SchemaList([ # Invalid - maxlen <= minlen
], minlen=3, maxlen=1),
'b8': SchemaList([],
minlen='a', maxlen='z'), # Invalid - minlen, maxlen types.
'a7': SchemaStr(valid=non_schema), # Invalid - should be list
'a8': SchemaStr(valid=[]), # Invalid - valid list can't be empty
'a9': SchemaStr(valid=[1,2]), # Invalid - valid list types must match schema type.
'a10': SchemaInt(valid=non_schema), # Invalid - should be list
'a11': SchemaInt(valid=[]), # Invalid - valid list can't be empty
'a12': SchemaInt(valid=["abc",]), # Invalid - valid list types must match schema type.
validate_schema(invalid_schema, "invalid_schema")
# Define and validate valid JSON data against valid schema.
valid_json_data = {
'a1': ["abc", 11, 12, "def"],
'a2': "Andrew Downing",
'a3': "Short",
'a4': 42,
'a5': {
'b1': 1,
'b2': 42,
'b3': -1,
'b4': ['abc', 'its', 'easy', 'as', 1,2,3],
'b5': [
{'c1': 1, 'c2': 'abc'},
{'c1': 2, 'c2': 'def'},
{'c1': 3, 'c2': 'ghi'},
'b6': [1,2,3],
# 'a6': 42, # Optional and excluded.
'a7': "abc",
'a8': 1,
validate_json_data(valid_json_data, "valid_json_data", valid_schema, "valid_schema")
valid_json_data['a6'] = 42 # Optional and included
validate_json_data(valid_json_data, "valid_json_data + optional", valid_schema, "valid_schema")
# Define and validate valid JSON data against valid schema.
invalid_json_data = {
'a1': ["abc", 11,
["InvalidList",], # Invalid List member of List
{"x":"Invalid Dict"},# Invalid Dictionary member of List
'a2': 2, # Invalid value (too small)
'a3': "1234567890123", # Invalid Length (too long)
'a4': "ABC", # Invalid integer
'a5': {
#'b1': 1, # Invalid Missing value
'b2': 43, # Invalid value (too big)
'b3': -1,
'b4': {'c1':1}, # Invalid Dict instead of List
'b5': [
[1, 'abc'], # Invalid List instead of Dict
{'c1': 2, 'c2': 'def'},
{'c1': 3, 'c2': 'ghi'},
'b6': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], # Invalid list length (too long)
'a7': "def", # Invalid value not in list
'a8': 4, # Invalid value not in list
'a99': "Invalid data" # Invalid extra member of Dict.
validate_json_data(invalid_json_data, "invalid_json_data", valid_schema, "valid_schema")
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