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Created February 24, 2013 12:29
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MongoDB doing find_and_modify, allowing for possible operation failure and auto reconnections. This example shows using find_and_modify to run a counter on a document that may not initially exist.
import time
import pymongo
from pymongo import Connection
def safe_modify(col, query, update):
for attempt in range(5):
result = col.find_and_modify(query={'name': 'Andrew'},
update={"$inc": {"count": 1}},
upsert=True, # If document for 'name':'Andrew' not in there, make one.
new=True) # Return the updated result.
return result
except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure:
return False
except pymongo.errors.AutoReconnect as _e:
wait_t = 0.5 * pow(2, attempt)
return False
countercol = Connection().counterdb.countercol
#countercol.drop() # Uncomment once to see it go back to empty and start from count=0
result = safe_modify(countercol, {'name': 'Andrew'}, {"$inc": {"count": 1}})
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