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Created June 17, 2015 06:30
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Sample code which reproduce problem with killing remote child actor
using System;
using Akka.Actor;
namespace RemoteDeploy.Shared
public class KillMe
public static KillMe Instance = new KillMe();
public class EchoActor : ReceiveActor
public EchoActor()
public void Idle()
Receive<Hello>(msg =>
Console.WriteLine("Received msg from {0}: {1}", Sender.Path, msg.Message);
using System;
using Akka.Actor;
using Akka.Configuration;
using RemoteDeploy.Shared;
namespace RemoteDeploy.Deployer
class Program
public class DeployActor
public Address Address { get; private set; }
public string ActorName { get; private set; }
public DeployActor(Address address, string actorName)
Address = address;
ActorName = actorName;
public class Server : ReceiveActor
public Server()
public void Idle()
Receive<DeployActor>(msg =>
Props actorProp =
Props.Create(() => new EchoActor()).WithDeploy(Deploy.None.WithScope(new RemoteScope(msg.Address)));
//Second time you'll get exception here because in KillMe msg actor wasn't removed from context;
var actor = Context.ActorOf(actorProp, msg.ActorName);
actor.Tell(new Hello("Hello from server"));
Receive<KillMe>(msg =>
//Here i need correctly handle deleting of remote child actor, so after receiving
//DeployActor msg again this child has been removed from current context
Console.WriteLine("Killing {0}", Sender.Path);
static void Main(string[] args)
var system = ActorSystem.Create("TestSystem", ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(@"
akka {
provider = ""Akka.Remote.RemoteActorRefProvider, Akka.Remote""
remote {
helios.tcp {
port = 0
hostname = localhost
var server = system.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new Server()), "Server");
var remoteAddress = Address.Parse("akka.tcp://DeployTarget@localhost:8090");
server.Tell(new DeployActor(remoteAddress, "TestActorName"));
//Just for sample, wait a little while we kill remote child actor first time adn then press any key again
//to send DeployActor msg to Server
while (Console.ReadLine() != "exit")
server.Tell(new DeployActor(remoteAddress, "TestActorName"));
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