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Created May 19, 2018 12:35
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A simple GUI / Screen for a Taranis X-Lite with animation and everything you'll ever need on it for whoopin'
-- The model name
local modelName = "Unknown"
-- I'm using 8 NiMH Batteries, which is 1.1v low, and ~1.325v high
local lowVoltage = 6.6
local currentVoltage = 8.4
local highVoltage = 8.4
-- For our timer tracking
local timerLeft = 0
local maxTimerValue = 0
-- For armed drawing
local armed = 0
-- For mode drawing
local mode = 0
-- Animation increment
local animationIncrement = 0
-- is off trying to go on...
local isArmed = 0
-- Our global to get our current rssi
local rssi = 0
-- For debugging / development
local lastMessage = "None"
local lastNumberMessage = "0"
-- Helper converts voltage to percentage of voltage for a sexy battery percent
local function convertVoltageToPercentage(voltage)
local curVolPercent = math.ceil(((((highVoltage - voltage) / (highVoltage - lowVoltage)) - 1) * -1) * 100)
if curVolPercent < 0 then
curVolPercent = 0
if curVolPercent > 100 then
curVolPercent = 100
return curVolPercent
-- A little animation / frame counter to help us with various animations
local function setAnimationIncrement()
animationIncrement = math.fmod(math.ceil(math.fmod(getTime() / 100, 2) * 8), 4)
local function drawPropellor(start_x, start_y, invert)
local animationIncrementLocal = animationIncrement
if invert == true then
animationIncrementLocal = (animationIncrementLocal - 3) * -1
animationIncrementLocal = animationIncrementLocal + 3
if animationIncrementLocal > 3 then
animationIncrementLocal = animationIncrementLocal - 4
-- Animated Quadcopter propellors
if ((isArmed == 0 or isArmed == 2) and invert == false) or (isArmed == 1 and animationIncrementLocal == 0) then
-- Top left Propellor
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 1, start_y + 9, start_x + 9, start_y + 1, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 1, start_y + 10, start_x + 8, start_y + 1, SOLID, FORCE)
elseif isArmed == 1 and animationIncrementLocal == 1 then
-- Top left Propellor
lcd.drawLine(start_x, start_y + 5, start_x + 9, start_y + 5, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x, start_y + 4, start_x + 9, start_y + 6, SOLID, FORCE)
elseif ((isArmed == 0 or isArmed == 2) and invert == true) or (isArmed == 1 and animationIncrementLocal == 2) then
-- Top left Propellor
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 1, start_y + 1, start_x + 9, start_y + 9, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 1, start_y + 2, start_x + 10, start_y + 9, SOLID, FORCE)
elseif isArmed == 1 and animationIncrementLocal == 3 then
-- Top left Propellor
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 5, start_y, start_x + 5, start_y + 10, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 6, start_y, start_x + 4, start_y + 10, SOLID, FORCE)
-- A sexy helper to draw a 30x30 quadcopter (since X7 can not draw bitmap)
local function drawQuadcopter(start_x,start_y)
-- Top left to bottom right
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 4, start_y + 4, start_x + 26, start_y + 26, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 4, start_y + 5, start_x + 25, start_y + 26, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 5, start_y + 4, start_x + 26, start_y + 25, SOLID, FORCE)
-- Bottom left to top right
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 4, start_y + 26, start_x + 26, start_y + 4, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 4, start_y + 25, start_x + 25, start_y + 4, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 5, start_y + 26, start_x + 26, start_y + 5, SOLID, FORCE)
-- Middle of Quad
lcd.drawRectangle(start_x + 11, start_y + 11, 9, 9, SOLID)
lcd.drawRectangle(start_x + 12, start_y + 12, 7, 7, SOLID)
lcd.drawRectangle(start_x + 13, start_y + 13, 5, 5, SOLID)
-- ARMED text
if isArmed == 1 then
lcd.drawText(start_x + 3, start_y + 12, "ARMED", SMLSIZE + BLINK)
-- Top-left propellor
drawPropellor(start_x, start_y, false)
-- Bottom-Right Propellor
drawPropellor(start_x + 20, start_y + 20, false)
-- Top-Right Propellor
drawPropellor(start_x + 20, start_y, true)
-- Bottom-left Propellor
drawPropellor(start_x, start_y + 20, true)
-- Sexy voltage helper
local function drawTransmitterVoltage(start_x,start_y,voltage)
local batteryWidth = 17
-- Battery Outline
lcd.drawRectangle(start_x, start_y, batteryWidth + 2, 6, SOLID)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + batteryWidth + 2, start_y + 1, start_x + batteryWidth + 2, start_y + 4, SOLID, FORCE) -- Positive Nub
-- Battery Percentage (after battery)
local curVolPercent = convertVoltageToPercentage(voltage)
if curVolPercent < 20 then
lcd.drawText(start_x + batteryWidth + 5, start_y, curVolPercent.."%", SMLSIZE + BLINK)
if curVolPercent == 100 then
lcd.drawText(start_x + batteryWidth + 5, start_y, "99%", SMLSIZE)
lcd.drawText(start_x + batteryWidth + 5, start_y, curVolPercent.."%", SMLSIZE)
-- Filled in battery
local pixels = math.ceil((curVolPercent / 100) * batteryWidth)
if pixels == 1 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + pixels, start_y + 1, start_x + pixels, start_y + 4, SOLID, FORCE)
if pixels > 1 then
lcd.drawRectangle(start_x + 1, start_y + 1, pixels, 4)
if pixels > 2 then
lcd.drawRectangle(start_x + 2, start_y + 2, pixels - 1, 2)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + pixels, start_y + 2, start_x + pixels, start_y + 3, SOLID, FORCE)
local function drawFlightTimer(start_x, start_y)
local timerWidth = 44
local timerHeight = 20
local myWidth = 0
local percentageLeft = 0
lcd.drawRectangle( start_x, start_y, timerWidth, 10 )
lcd.drawText( start_x + 2, start_y + 2, "Fly Timer", SMLSIZE )
lcd.drawRectangle( start_x, start_y + 10, timerWidth, timerHeight )
if timerLeft < 0 then
lcd.drawRectangle( start_x + 2, start_y + 20, 3, 2 )
lcd.drawText( start_x + 2 + 3, start_y + 12, (timerLeft * -1).."s", DBLSIZE + BLINK )
lcd.drawTimer( start_x + 2, start_y + 12, timerLeft, DBLSIZE )
percentageLeft = (timerLeft / maxTimerValue)
local offset = 0
while offset < (timerWidth - 2) do
if (percentageLeft * (timerWidth - 2)) > offset then
-- print("Percent left: "..percentageLeft.." width: "..myWidth.." offset: "..offset.." timerHeight: "..timerHeight)
lcd.drawLine( start_x + 1 + offset, start_y + 11, start_x + 1 + offset, start_y + 9 + timerHeight - 1, SOLID, 0)
offset = offset + 1
local function drawTime()
-- Draw date time
local datenow = getDateTime()
local min = datenow.min .. ""
if datenow.min < 10 then
min = "0" .. min
local hour = datenow.hour .. ""
if datenow.hour < 10 then
hour = "0" .. hour
if math.ceil(math.fmod(getTime() / 100, 2)) == 1 then
hour = hour .. ":"
lcd.drawText(107,0,hour, SMLSIZE)
lcd.drawText(119,0,min, SMLSIZE)
local function drawRSSI(start_x, start_y)
local timerWidth = 44
local timerHeight = 15
local myWidth = 0
local percentageLeft = 0
lcd.drawRectangle( start_x, start_y, timerWidth, 10 )
lcd.drawText( start_x + 2, start_y + 2, "RSSI:", SMLSIZE)
if rssi < 50 then
lcd.drawText( start_x + 23, start_y + 2, rssi, SMLSIZE + BLINK)
lcd.drawText( start_x + 23, start_y + 2, rssi, SMLSIZE)
lcd.drawRectangle( start_x, start_y + 10, timerWidth, timerHeight )
if rssi > 0 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 1, start_y + 20, start_x + 1, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 2, start_y + 20, start_x + 2, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 3, start_y + 20, start_x + 3, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 4, start_y + 20, start_x + 4, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 10 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 5, start_y + 19, start_x + 5, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 6, start_y + 19, start_x + 6, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 13 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 7, start_y + 19, start_x + 7, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 8, start_y + 19, start_x + 8, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 16 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 9, start_y + 18, start_x + 9, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 10, start_y + 18, start_x + 10, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 19 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 11, start_y + 18, start_x + 11, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 12, start_y + 18, start_x + 12, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 22 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 13, start_y + 17, start_x + 13, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 14, start_y + 17, start_x + 14, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 25 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 15, start_y + 17, start_x + 15, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 16, start_y + 17, start_x + 16, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 28 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 17, start_y + 16, start_x + 17, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 18, start_y + 16, start_x + 18, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 31 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 19, start_y + 16, start_x + 19, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 34 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 20, start_y + 16, start_x + 20, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 37 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 21, start_y + 15, start_x + 21, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 40 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 22, start_y + 15, start_x + 22, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 43 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 23, start_y + 15, start_x + 23, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 46 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 24, start_y + 15, start_x + 24, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 49 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 25, start_y + 14, start_x + 25, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 52 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 26, start_y + 14, start_x + 26, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 55 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 27, start_y + 14, start_x + 27, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 58 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 28, start_y + 14, start_x + 28, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 61 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 29, start_y + 13, start_x + 29, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 64 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 30, start_y + 13, start_x + 30, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 67 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 31, start_y + 13, start_x + 31, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 70 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 32, start_y + 13, start_x + 32, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 73 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 33, start_y + 12, start_x + 33, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 76 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 34, start_y + 12, start_x + 34, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 79 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 35, start_y + 12, start_x + 35, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 82 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 36, start_y + 12, start_x + 36, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 85 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 37, start_y + 11, start_x + 37, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 88 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 38, start_y + 11, start_x + 38, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 91 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 39, start_y + 11, start_x + 39, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 94 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 40, start_y + 11, start_x + 40, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 97 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 41, start_y + 11, start_x + 41, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 98 then
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 42, start_y + 11, start_x + 42, start_y + 23, SOLID, FORCE)
if rssi > 0 then
lcd.drawLine(101, 5, 101, 5, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(100, 2, 102, 2, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(99, 3, 99, 3, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(103, 3, 103, 3, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(99, 0, 103, 0, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(98, 1, 98, 1, SOLID, FORCE)
lcd.drawLine(104, 1, 104, 1, SOLID, FORCE)
local function drawVoltageText(start_x, start_y)
-- First, try to get voltage from VFAS...
local voltage = getValue('VFAS')
-- local voltage = getValue('Cels') -- For miniwhoop seems more accurate
-- TODO: if that failed, get voltage from somewhere else from my bigger quads? Or rebind the voltage to VFAS?
if tonumber(voltage) >= 10 then
lcd.drawText(start_x,start_y,string.format("%.2f", voltage),MIDSIZE)
lcd.drawText(start_x + 7,start_y,string.format("%.2f", voltage),MIDSIZE)
lcd.drawText(start_x + 31, start_y + 4, 'v', MEDSIZE)
local function drawVoltageImage(start_x, start_y)
-- Define the battery width (so we can adjust it later)
local batteryWidth = 12
-- Draw our battery outline
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 2, start_y + 1, start_x + batteryWidth - 2, start_y + 1, SOLID, 0)
lcd.drawLine(start_x, start_y + 2, start_x + batteryWidth - 1, start_y + 2, SOLID, 0)
lcd.drawLine(start_x, start_y + 2, start_x, start_y + 50, SOLID, 0)
lcd.drawLine(start_x, start_y + 50, start_x + batteryWidth - 1, start_y + 50, SOLID, 0)
lcd.drawLine(start_x + batteryWidth, start_y + 3, start_x + batteryWidth, start_y + 49, SOLID, 0)
-- top one eighth line
lcd.drawLine(start_x + batteryWidth - math.ceil(batteryWidth / 4), start_y + 8, start_x + batteryWidth - 1, start_y + 8, SOLID, 0)
-- top quarter line
lcd.drawLine(start_x + batteryWidth - math.ceil(batteryWidth / 2), start_y + 14, start_x + batteryWidth - 1, start_y + 14, SOLID, 0)
-- third eighth line
lcd.drawLine(start_x + batteryWidth - math.ceil(batteryWidth / 4), start_y + 20, start_x + batteryWidth - 1, start_y + 20, SOLID, 0)
-- Middle line
lcd.drawLine(start_x + 1, start_y + 26, start_x + batteryWidth - 1, start_y + 26, SOLID, 0)
-- five eighth line
lcd.drawLine(start_x + batteryWidth - math.ceil(batteryWidth / 4), start_y + 32, start_x + batteryWidth - 1, start_y + 32, SOLID, 0)
-- bottom quarter line
lcd.drawLine(start_x + batteryWidth - math.ceil(batteryWidth / 2), start_y + 38, start_x + batteryWidth - 1, start_y + 38, SOLID, 0)
-- seven eighth line
lcd.drawLine(start_x + batteryWidth - math.ceil(batteryWidth / 4), start_y + 44, start_x + batteryWidth - 1, start_y + 44, SOLID, 0)
-- Voltage top
lcd.drawText(start_x + batteryWidth + 4, start_y + 0, "4.35v", SMLSIZE)
-- Voltage middle
lcd.drawText(start_x + batteryWidth + 4, start_y + 24, "3.82v", SMLSIZE)
-- Voltage bottom
lcd.drawText(start_x + batteryWidth + 4, start_y + 47, "3.3v", SMLSIZE)
-- Now draw how full our voltage is...
local voltage = getValue('VFAS')
voltageLow = 3.3
voltageHigh = 4.35
voltageIncrement = ((voltageHigh - voltageLow) / 47)
local offset = 0 -- Start from the bottom up
while offset < 47 do
if ((offset * voltageIncrement) + voltageLow) < tonumber(voltage) then
lcd.drawLine( start_x + 1, start_y + 49 - offset, start_x + batteryWidth - 1, start_y + 49 - offset, SOLID, 0)
offset = offset + 1
local function gatherInput(event)
-- Get our RSSI
rssi = getRSSI()
-- Get the seconds left in our timer
timerLeft = getValue('timer1')
-- And set our max timer if it's bigger than our current max timer
if timerLeft > maxTimerValue then
maxTimerValue = timerLeft
-- Get our current transmitter voltage
currentVoltage = getValue('tx-voltage')
-- Armed / Disarm / Buzzer switch
armed = getValue('sa')
-- Our "mode" switch
mode = getValue('sb')
-- Do some event handling to figure out what button(s) were pressed :)
if event > 0 then
lastNumberMessage = event
if event == 131 then
lastMessage = "Page Button HELD"
if event == 99 then
lastMessage = "Page Button Pressed"
if event == 97 then
lastMessage = "Exit Button Pressed"
if event == 96 then
lastMessage = "Menu Button Pressed"
if event == EVT_ROT_RIGHT then
lastMessage = "Navigate Right Pressed"
if event == EVT_ROT_LEFT then
lastMessage = "Navigate Left Pressed"
if event == 98 then
lastMessage = "Navigate Button Pressed"
local function getModeText()
local modeText = "Unknown"
if mode < -512 then
modeText = "Horizon"
elseif mode > -100 and mode < 100 then
modeText = "Acro"
elseif mode > 512 then
modeText = "Air Mode"
return modeText
local function run(event)
-- Now begin drawing...
-- Gather input from the user
-- Set our animation "frame"
-- Check if we just armed...
if armed > 512 then
-- if isArmed == 0 and rssi > 0 then
-- -- If we just armed and we have a signal, then play ON
-- playFile("/SOUNDS/en/on.wav")
isArmed = 1
-- elseif isArmed == 0 then
-- isArmed = 2
-- end
elseif armed < 512 and isArmed == 1 then
-- If we just disarmed from being armed, then play OFF
-- playFile("/SOUNDS/en/off.wav")
isArmed = 0
isArmed = 0
-- Draw a horizontal line seperating the header
lcd.drawLine(0, 7, 128, 7, SOLID, FORCE)
-- Draw our model name centered at the top of the screen
lcd.drawText( 64 - math.ceil((#modelName * 5) / 2),0, modelName, SMLSIZE)
-- Draw our mode centered at the top of the screen just under that...
modeText = getModeText()
lcd.drawText( 64 - math.ceil((#modeText * 5) / 2),9, modeText, SMLSIZE)
-- Draw our sexy quadcopter animated (if armed) from scratch
drawQuadcopter(47, 16)
-- Draw our sexy voltage
drawTransmitterVoltage(0,0, currentVoltage)
-- Draw our flight timer
drawFlightTimer(84, 34)
-- Draw RSSI
drawRSSI(84, 8)
-- Draw Time in Top Right
-- Draw Voltage bottom middle
-- Draw voltage battery graphic
drawVoltageImage(3, 10)
local function init_func()
-- Called once when model is loaded, only need to get model name once...
local modeldata = model.getInfo()
if modeldata then
modelName = modeldata['name']
return { run=run, init=init_func }
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