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Created March 19, 2021 11:05
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Statamic breadcrumbs with taxonomy index pages excluded
namespace App\Tags;
use Statamic\Facades\Data;
use Statamic\Facades\Site;
use Statamic\Facades\URL;
use Statamic\Support\Str;
use Statamic\Tags\Tags;
use ReflectionClass;
class HappyBreadcrumbsTags extends Tags
protected static $handle = 'happy_breadcrumbs';
* This is essentially the same as {{ nav:breadcrumbs }}
* but works with taxonomy terms as crumbs.
* We may be able to replace with the native statamic
* tags once the above gets merged.
* @see \Statamic\Tags\Nav::breadcrumbs()
public function index()
$currentUrl = URL::makeAbsolute(URL::getCurrent());
$url = Str::removeLeft($currentUrl, Site::current()->absoluteUrl());
$url = Str::ensureLeft($url, '/');
$segments = explode('/', $url);
$segments[0] = '/';
if (! $this->params->bool('include_home', true)) {
$crumbs = collect($segments)->map(function () use (&$segments) {
$uri = URL::tidy(join('/', $segments));
return $uri;
})->mapWithKeys(function ($uri) {
$uri = Str::ensureLeft($uri, '/');
return [$uri => Data::findByUri($uri, Site::current()->handle())];
if (! $this->params->bool('reverse', false)) {
$crumbs = $crumbs->reverse();
if ($this->params->bool('trim', true)) {
$this->content = trim($this->content);
$crumbs = $crumbs->values()->map(function ($crumb) {
$classname = (new ReflectionClass($crumb))->getShortName();
if($classname === 'Taxonomy') {
// The design doesn't currently call for these pages
// to exist in the breadcrumb trail :confetti:
return null;
} else {
$crumb->setSupplement('is_current', URL::getCurrent() === $crumb->url());
return $crumb;
$output = $this->parseLoop($crumbs->toAugmentedArray());
if ($backspaces = $this->params->int('backspace', 0)) {
$output = substr($output, 0, -$backspaces);
return $output;
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