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Created April 22, 2013 17:21
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Save AndrewKeig/5436887 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Airasoul-2:badge andrewkeig$ jitsu deploy --debug
info: Welcome to Nodejitsu starcount
info: jitsu v0.12.10-2, node v0.8.5
info: It worked if it ends with Nodejitsu ok
info: Executing command deploy
warn: **WARNING** Do not use multiple level subdomains, they will be going away soon!
info: Analyzing application dependencies in node bootstrap.js
debug: { method: 'GET',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*********************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
debug: { statusCode: 200,
debug: result:
debug: { app:
debug: { _id: 'starcount/badge-testing',
debug: name: 'badge-testing',
debug: scripts:
debug: { start: 'node bootstrap.js',
debug: test: 'grunt test' },
debug: user: 'starcount',
debug: subdomain: 'testing.badge.starcount',
debug: snapshots:
debug: [ { id: '0.0.1-1',
debug: md5: '1a6eae5cbf421a0da8148afb2c87cd0e',
debug: filename: 'starcount-badge-testing-0.0.1-1.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1366644173626 },
debug: { id: '0.0.1-2',
debug: md5: '9faa49a59a3412f5a0085790029a37c0',
debug: filename: 'starcount-badge-testing-0.0.1-2.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1366644503730 },
debug: { id: '0.0.1-3',
debug: md5: 'ae74dcd23f53be66c9433cfc06822e07',
debug: filename: 'starcount-badge-testing-0.0.1-3.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1366644660051 },
debug: { id: '0.0.1-4',
debug: md5: '2f8ea13029d4aef7567139e9db45144e',
debug: filename: 'starcount-badge-testing-0.0.1-4.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1366644800291 },
debug: { id: '0.0.1-5',
debug: md5: '5d8b3589728df022c43af71766b59031',
debug: filename: 'starcount-badge-testing-0.0.1-5.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1366644912525 },
debug: { id: '0.0.1-6',
debug: md5: 'fa6b47f1e77146237773cd33843c7c2e',
debug: filename: 'starcount-badge-testing-0.0.1-6.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1366645329241 },
debug: { id: '0.0.1-7',
debug: md5: 'c2d211448e5ceb3a76a0522f4a38a6eb',
debug: filename: 'starcount-badge-testing-0.0.1-7.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1366646012053 },
debug: { id: '0.0.1-8',
debug: md5: '36362293dde17926068f34c1070c7fba',
debug: filename: 'starcount-badge-testing-0.0.1-8.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1366646107542 },
debug: { id: '0.0.1-9',
debug: md5: '0c42517930a0cc47f8fafd9f49d2af80',
debug: filename: 'starcount-badge-testing-0.0.1-9.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1366647445759 },
debug: { id: '0.0.1-10',
debug: md5: '104a0c2b986cc2582442a8b6054d01fc',
debug: filename: 'starcount-badge-testing-0.0.1-10.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1366647515450 },
debug: { id: '0.0.1-11',
debug: md5: 'ff4b45e4a9040a2e1eaf125b9efca500',
debug: filename: 'starcount-badge-testing-0.0.1-11.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1366651070853 } ],
debug: env:
debug: { SUBDOMAIN: 'testing.badge.starcount',
debug: NODE_ENV: 'testing' },
debug: domains: [],
debug: databases: {},
debug: config: {},
debug: maxDrones: 1,
debug: drones: 0,
debug: ctime: 1366643680292,
debug: mtime: 1366651072149,
debug: resource: 'App',
debug: _rev: '37-ad3860b3d32bdb87dc5e36e4905ebd14',
debug: version: '0.0.1-11',
debug: dependencies:
debug: { async: '~0.2.5',
debug: underscore: '~1.4.4',
debug: batchflow: '~0.3.2',
debug: 'node-schedule': '~0.1.6',
debug: hapi: '~0.15.5',
debug: restify: '~2.2.1',
debug: 'starcount-common': 'git+ssh://',
debug: 'node-ironio': '~0.3.1' },
debug: devDependencies:
debug: { should: '~1.2.2',
debug: sinon: '~1.6.0',
debug: grunt: '~0.4.0',
debug: 'grunt-groc': '~0.2.0',
debug: 'grunt-mocha-cli': '~1.0.0',
debug: 'grunt-env': '~0.2.1',
debug: 'grunt-package-environment': '~0.2.0' },
debug: bundleDependencies: [ 'starcount-common' ],
debug: main: 'bootstrap.js',
debug: description: 'Starcount Badge Monitor',
debug: repository: '',
debug: engines: { node: '0.8.x' },
debug: id: 'badge-testing',
debug: active:
debug: { id: '0.0.1-11',
debug: md5: 'ff4b45e4a9040a2e1eaf125b9efca500',
debug: filename: 'starcount-badge-testing-0.0.1-11.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1366651070853,
debug: active: false,
debug: running: false },
debug: subscriptionId: 3025022 } } }
warn: **WARNING** Do not use multiple level subdomains, they will be going away soon!
warn: Local package version appears to be old
warn: The package.json version will be incremented automatically
warn: About to write /Users/andrewkeig/projects/starcount/badge/package.json
data: {
data: author: 'Starcount Development',
data: name: 'badge-testing',
data: private: true,
data: devDependencies: {
data: grunt-groc: '~0.2.0',
data: grunt: '~0.4.0',
data: sinon: '~1.6.0',
data: should: '~1.2.2',
data: grunt-env: '~0.2.1',
data: grunt-mocha-cli: '~1.0.0',
data: grunt-package-environment: '~0.2.0'
data: },
data: subdomain: 'testing.badge.starcount',
data: repository: '',
data: bundleDependencies: [ 'starcount-common' ],
data: description: 'Starcount Badge Monitor',
data: scripts: { start: 'node bootstrap.js', test: 'grunt test' },
data: dependencies: {
data: batchflow: '~0.3.2',
data: restify: '~2.2.1',
data: async: '~0.2.5',
data: hapi: '~0.15.5',
data: node-schedule: '~0.1.6',
data: underscore: '~1.4.4',
data: node-ironio: '~0.3.1',
data: starcount-common: 'git+ssh://'
data: },
data: engines: { node: '0.8.x' },
data: version: '0.0.1-12',
data: main: 'bootstrap.js'
data: }
prompt: Is this ok?: (yes)
info: Creating snapshot 0.0.1-12
debug: { method: 'POST',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*********************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
debug: 'Content-Length': 759160 },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
info Uploading: [=============================] 100%
debug: { statusCode: 201,
debug: result:
debug: { snapshot:
debug: { id: '0.0.1-12',
debug: md5: 'cdc8abebd4132a40c3df4ba224fc654b',
debug: filename: 'starcount-badge-testing-0.0.1-12.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1366651138776 } } }
info: Updating app badge-testing
debug: { method: 'PUT',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*********************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false,
debug: body: '{"name":"badge-testing","version":"0.0.1-12","private":true,"description":"Starcount Badge Monitor","main":"bootstrap.js","scripts":{"start":"node bootstrap.js","test":"grunt test"},"repository":"","author":"Starcount Development","dependencies":{"async":"~0.2.5","underscore":"~1.4.4","batchflow":"~0.3.2","node-schedule":"~0.1.6","hapi":"~0.15.5","restify":"~2.2.1","starcount-common":"git+ssh://","node-ironio":"~0.3.1"},"devDependencies":{"should":"~1.2.2","sinon":"~1.6.0","grunt":"~0.4.0","grunt-groc":"~0.2.0","grunt-mocha-cli":"~1.0.0","grunt-env":"~0.2.1","grunt-package-environment":"~0.2.0"},"bundleDependencies":["starcount-common"],"subdomain":"testing.badge.starcount","engines":{"node":"0.8.x"}}' }
debug: { statusCode: 204, result: undefined }
info: Activating snapshot 0.0.1-12 for badge-testing
debug: { method: 'POST',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*********************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false,
debug: body: '{}' }
debug: { statusCode: 200,
debug: result:
debug: { active:
debug: { id: '0.0.1-12',
debug: md5: 'cdc8abebd4132a40c3df4ba224fc654b',
debug: filename: 'starcount-badge-testing-0.0.1-12.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1366651138776,
debug: active: false,
debug: running: false } } }
info: Starting app badge-testing
debug: { method: 'GET',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*********************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
debug: { statusCode: 200,
debug: result:
debug: { endpoints:
debug: { joyent:
debug: { 'us-east-1': '',
debug: 'us-sw-1': '',
debug: 'eu-ams-1': '' },
debug: telefonica:
debug: { 'eu-lon-1': '',
debug: 'eu-mad-1': '' } } } }
debug: { method: 'GET',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*********************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
debug: { statusCode: 200,
debug: result:
debug: [ { provider: 'joyent',
debug: datacenter: 'us-east-1',
debug: drones: 0 } ] }
debug: { method: 'POST',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*********************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false,
debug: body: '{}' }
debug: { statusCode: 500,
debug: result:
debug: { message: 'haibu Error (500): Internal Server Error',
debug: stack: 'Error: haibu Error (500): Internal Server Error\n at Request.Client._request [as _callback] (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/haibu/node_modules/haibu-api/lib/client/client.js:95:15)\n at Request.init.self.callback (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/haibu/node_modules/request/main.js:119:22)\n at Request.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:99:17)\n at Request.<anonymous> (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/haibu/node_modules/request/main.js:521:16)\n at Request.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)\n at IncomingMessage.Request.start.self.req.self.httpModule.request.buffer (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/haibu/node_modules/request/main.js:483:14)\n at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:126:20)\n at IncomingMessage._emitEnd (http.js:366:10)\n at HTTPParser.parserOnMessageComplete [as onMessageComplete] (http.js:149:23)\n at Socket.socketOnData (http.js:1447:20)',
debug: result:
debug: { error:
debug: { message: 'Error spawning drone',
debug: stack: 'Error: Error spawning drone\n at onExit (/root/haibu-orchestra/node_modules/haibu/lib/haibu/core/spawner.js:374:17)\n at listener (/root/haibu-orchestra/node_modules/haibu/node_modules/forever-monitor/node_modules/broadway/node_modules/eventemitter2/lib/eventemitter2.js:244:10)\n at EventEmitter.emit (/root/haibu-orchestra/node_modules/haibu/node_modules/forever-monitor/node_modules/broadway/node_modules/eventemitter2/lib/eventemitter2.js:332:22)\n at letChildDie (/root/haibu-orchestra/node_modules/haibu/node_modules/forever-monitor/lib/forever-monitor/monitor.js:170:12)\n at ChildProcess.Monitor.start (/root/haibu-orchestra/node_modules/haibu/node_modules/forever-monitor/lib/forever-monitor/monitor.js:184:7)\n at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:99:17)\n at Process._handle.onexit (child_process.js:678:10)',
debug: blame:
debug: { type: 'user',
debug: message: 'Script prematurely exited' },
debug: stdout: '',
debug: stderr: 'error: Unhandled domain_thrown=true, domain=null, error=undefined, _maxListeners=10, members=[]',
debug: event: 'error:service' } },
debug: status: '500' } }
error: Error running command deploy
error: Nodejitsu Error (500): Internal Server Error
error: There was an error while attempting to start the app
error: Error spawning drone
error: Script prematurely exited
error: This type of error is usually a user error.
error: Error output from app:
error: error: Unhandled domain_thrown=true, domain=null, error=undefined, _maxListeners=10, members=[]
help: For help with this error contact Nodejitsu Support:
help: webchat: <>
help: irc: <irc://>
help: email: <>
help: Copy and paste this output to a gist (
info: Nodejitsu not ok
Airasoul-2:badge andrewkeig$
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