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Last active February 9, 2024 18:30
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Notes on running a personal Mastodon instance

Personal Mastodon instance

Effective total cost: $3–5/mo


Decide on an EC2 instance type:

  1. At AWS Console → EC2 → Instance Types, filter for ≥1 GB RAM and sort by price.
    • t4g.micro is lowest.
  2. Look up what t4g.micro means:
    • t: general-purpose with a burstable CPU quota
    • 4: the current generation
    • g: ARM architecture
    • micro: the second lowest configuration
  3. Calculate cost:
    • $6.15/mo when paying hourly
    • $3.59mo when paying annually
    • $2.31/mo when paying every 3 years

Prepare your AWS account:

  • Set up an alarm for your estimated monthly bill so you're notified early of any unanticipated expenses.
  • Import your SSH public key. (EC2 → us-west-2 → Key pairs)

Have ready:

  • a domain name and DNS host
  • an outgoing mail server
    • I use AWS SES since it's easy (decent reputation, automatic DKIM, etc.) and inexpensive ($0.01/mo), but any SMTP provider will do, and you could also set up a traditional mail server on the EC2 instance.
  • static file storage/hosting
    • I use AWS S3 ($1/mo), but a variety of providers offer "S3-compatible" service, and you could also just use the filesystem on the EC2 instance.

Start an EC2 instance:

  1. Launch an instance (EC2 → us-west-2 → Instances) with:
    • Name: Mastodon
    • Image: Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type (64-bit ARM)
    • Type: t4g.micro
    • Auto-assign public IP: Disable
    • Security Group:
      • Name: Mastodon
      • SSH from anywhere
      • HTTP from anywhere
      • HTTPS from anywhere
    • Storage: 8 GiB standard (HDD, $0.40/mo)
    • Termination protection: Enable
    • Credit specification: Standard
  2. At EC2 → us-west-2 → Elastic IPs, allocate and associate a static IP address.
  3. Publish an A record at your preferred DNS host.

Prepare the host:

  1. SSH in as ubuntu.
  2. Add 1 GB of swap:
    1. Make a swap file at /swapfile.
    2. Add a swap entry in /etc/fstab.
  3. Add swap on compressed RAM:
    1. Install package systemd-zram-generator.
    2. Set zram-fraction = 1 and compression-algorithm = zstd in /etc/systemd/zram-generator.conf.
  4. Configure unattended upgrades:
    1. Enable Automatic-Reboot in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades.
  5. Update and upgrade packages.
  6. Reboot.

Install Mastodon:

  1. Follow Mastodon's instructions.
    • To tune PostgreSQL, set:
      • effective_cache_size = 256MB
    • Tune Node.js to use enough memory:
      • Set export NODE_OPTIONS='--max-old-space-size=1024' in ~mastodon/.bashrc.
    • When editing .env.production, pay particular attention to:
      • SMTP…
      • S3… and AWS…
    • When registering services, set:
      • mastodon-sidekiq: --concurrency 1
      • mastodon-web: MAX_THREADS=2 and WEB_CONCURRENCY=1
  2. Schedule the recommended periodic cleanup tasks.
    • Set --concurrency 1 on both tasks.
  3. Reboot.
  4. Sign in to the web interface and review/configure admin settings.

Try out the setup for a few days/weeks, then commit to a longer payment term:

  1. At EC2 → Reserved Instances → Purchase, filter for t4g.micro, sort by effective rate, and purchase a reservation.
  2. Wait a few hours for payment processing to complete.
  3. At EC2 → Reserved Instances, confirm that the reservation is active.
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AWS has announced an approximate doubling of the price, making small-scale usage like this untenable for the foreseeable future.

I haven’t yet gotten a straight answer to whether they’re planning to apply the new pricing model to the three years I committed to under different terms.

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