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Last active November 14, 2021 03:33
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  • Save AndrewKvalheim/d572fa35f5f7fd7745c973cf8005a077 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AndrewKvalheim/d572fa35f5f7fd7745c973cf8005a077 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
  1. Remove waypoints and imprecise points with GPSBabel:

    gpsbabel \
      -i 'gpx' -f 'original/2021-08-23T21-35-41Z Mary Avenue Trail.gpx' \
      -x 'nuketypes,waypoints' \
      -x 'discard,hdop=2' \
      -o 'gpx' -F '/tmp/2021-08-23T21-35-41Z Mary Avenue Trail.gpx'
  2. Remove redundant points with gpx reduce:

    gpx_reduce \
      --dist '0.50' \
      --maxsep '2' \
      --bend '2' \
      --out 'filtered/2021-08-23T21-35-41Z Mary Avenue Trail.gpx' \
      '/tmp/2021-08-23T21-35-41Z Mary Avenue Trail.gpx'
  3. Remove clusters with GpsPrune.

  4. Upload to OpenStreetMap:

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