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Created December 9, 2018 11:01
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  • Save AndrewNewcomb/7270c16c085fe6c9354fdad240d87e38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AndrewNewcomb/7270c16c085fe6c9354fdad240d87e38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Powershell script that given a json file creates files with each file having a different property or element set to null.
# Given a json file creates files with each file having a different property or element set to null.
# Useage:
# Nullify -sourceFile "C:\afolder\afile.json" -targetPath "C:\anotherfolder"
Function Nullify {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="The source file.")][string]$sourceFile, `
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="The target path to write the output files to.")][string]$targetPath )
Function Fuzz{
Param($entireHashTable, $nullifyNodeNumber)
Function New-Counter ($increment=1)
$script:count += $increment
$incrementNodeCounter = New-Counter
Function FuzzIf{
if($nodeNumber -eq $nullifyNodeNumber){
} else {
Function ProcessCollection {
if($collection.Keys.Count -gt 0) {
$clonedKeys = $collection.Keys.Clone()
$clonedKeys | ForEach-Object {
$itemKey = $_
$itemValue = $collection[$_]
$nodeNumber = & $incrementNodeCounter
if($itemValue -eq $null){
Write-Debug "$nodeNumber - $itemKey : NULL"
} else {
if(FuzzIf $nodeNumber -eq $true){
$collection[$itemKey] = $null
Write-Debug "$nodeNumber ............. $itemKey"
} else {
$valueType = $itemValue.GetType()
if($valueType -like 'System.Collections*'){
Write-Debug "$nodeNumber - $itemKey : recurseA"
ProcessCollection $itemValue
} elseif($valueType -like '*]') {
Write-Debug "$nodeNumber - $itemKey : recurseB"
ProcessObject $itemValue
} else {
Write-Debug "$nodeNumber - $itemKey : $itemValue"
Function ProcessObject {
#$collectionType = $collection.GetType()
for($i = 0; $i -lt $collection.Length; $i++) {
$nodeNumber = & $incrementNodeCounter
$item = $collection[$i]
if($item -eq $null){
# no op as is already null
} else {
$valueType = $item.GetType()
if(FuzzIf $nodeNumber){
$collection[$i] = $null
Write-Debug "$nodeNumber ............. $($collection[$i])"
} else {
if($valueType -like 'System.Collections*'){
Write-Debug "$item : recurseC"
ProcessCollection $item
} elseif($valueType -like '*]') {
Write-Debug "$item : recurseD"
ProcessObject $item
} else {
Write-Debug "$nodeNumber - $item"
Function StartFuzz {
$nodeNumber = 0
ProcessCollection $hashTable 0
$resultJson = $hashTable | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
$result = StartFuzz $entireHashTable
$nodeNumber = & $incrementNodeCounter
Write-Debug "Nodes: $nodeNumber"
if($nullifyNodeNumber -le 0){($nodeNumber-1)}
else {$result}
Function JsonToHashTable {
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web.Extensions
(New-Object System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer).Deserialize($json, [System.Collections.Hashtable])
Function PadToFit{
Param ($index, $max)
$indexAsString = "$index"
$maxAsString = "$max"
$indexAsString.PadLeft($maxAsString.Length, '0')
Function GetSuffix {
Param ($startdatetime, $index, $max)
$suffix = $startdatetime.ToString('yyMMdd.HHmmss')
if($max -eq 1){
} else {
$paddedIndex = PadToFit $index $max
Function GetFileName {
Param ($sourceFileNamePart, $sourceFileExtension, $suffix)
$json = Get-Content -Path $sourceFile -Raw
$startAt = Get-Date
$sourceFileNamePart = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($sourceFile)
$sourceFileExtension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($sourceFile)
$numNodes = Fuzz (JsonToHashTable($json)) 0
Write-Host "Found $numNodes nodes"
for($n=1; $n -le $numNodes; $n++){
$fuzzed = Fuzz (JsonToHashTable($json)) $n
$suffix = GetSuffix $startAt $n $numNodes
$targetFileName = GetFileName $sourceFileNamePart $sourceFileExtension $suffix
$targetFile = Join-Path -Path $targetPath -ChildPath $targetFileName
Write-Host $targetFile
Set-Content -Path $targetFile -Value $fuzzed
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