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Created January 28, 2019 14:01
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Download the latest backup from TOPdesk using PowerShell.
# Credential needs to
$Credential = Get-Credential -Message 'enter TOPdesk operator credential with WebDAV permissions.'
$OutputFolder = 'C:\path\to\folder'
$tdurl = ''
$psDriveParams = @{
PSProvider = 'FileSystem'
Root = "\\$tdUrl@SSL\webdav" # ex: '\\\webdav'
Credential = $Credential
Name = 'TOPdesk'
New-PSDrive @psDriveParams
# Grab the latest file.
$file = Get-ChildItem TOPdesk:\database_backup -filter *.bak |
Sort-Object LastWriteTime |
Select-Object -last 1
if (-not $file){
throw 'no backup file found. Run Get-ChildItem Topdesk:\database_backup to look for more files'
# clean up our psdrive that we created.
Remove-PSDrive 'TOPdesk'
# Let's create our webclient that we will use to download the file.
$WebClient = New-Object
# We need to add a TOPdesk credential in order for TOPdesk to send us the file.
$WebClient.Credentials = $Credential
# Download the file by using the downloadfile method on the web client.
# We provide it with the url of the file and the output filepath
$WebClient.DownloadFile("https://$tdUrl/webdav/database_backup/$($", "$($OutputFolder)\$($")
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