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Last active May 19, 2021 14:46
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  • Save AndrewPla/e2fef1f8c976e9538347bf5c1b206fd1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AndrewPla/e2fef1f8c976e9538347bf5c1b206fd1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Displays a visual representation of a Trello Board inside the terminal.
#Requires -modules Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools, PowerTrello
# Read more about positions
# Getting started with Terminal.UI by Adam Driscoll
# options
# take note of your buffer size
# $host.ui.rawui.buffersize
$BoardName = 'Posts+Projects'
# Import the module and got things started
Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools
$module = (Get-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools -List).ModuleBase
Add-Type -Path (Join-path $module Terminal.Gui.dll)
# Grab information from trello
$board = Get-TrelloBoard -Name $BoardName
$lists = Get-TrelloList -BoardId $ | Sort-Object pos
$cards = Get-TrelloCard -Board $board
# Instantiate window
$Window = [Terminal.Gui.Window]::new()
# Determine how wide each frame view should be
$widthPercent = 100 / $lists.count
# Foreach List we generate a frame view
foreach ($list in $lists) {
Write-Verbose "Generating frame view for $($ list"
# grab all cards in the current list
$listCards = $cards | Where-Object idlist -eq $
#region Generate Frame View - container view that has title, border, and contain other subviews
$Frame = [Terminal.Gui.FrameView]::new()
$Frame.Title = $
$Frame.Width = [Terminal.Gui.Dim]::Percent($widthPercent)
$Frame.Height = [Terminal.Gui.Dim]::Fill()
# If there is already a frame we will put this to the right of it
if ($previousFrame) { $frame.x = [Terminal.Gui.Pos]::right($previousFrame) }
# Grab a copy of the frame so we can refer to it later for positioning
$previousFrame = $frame
#region Go through each card and generate a clickable button
foreach ($card in $listCards) {
# Generate button for each card
$button = [Terminal.Gui.Button]::new()
$button.text = $
$button.height = 2
$button.Width = [Terminal.Gui.Dim]::Fill()
# Add a dialog box when you click on an action
$button.add_clicked( {
$result = [Terminal.Gui.MessageBox]::Query($, "Read Description/Move/Archive/", @("Description", "Move","Archive"))
switch ($result) {
0 { }
1 { }
2 { }
Default {}
} )
# If there is a previous button we need to put this below it
if ($previousButton) { $button.y = [Terminal.Gui.Pos]::Bottom($previousButton) }
$previousButton = $button
# Nullify the variable so it doesn't trigger for the next iteration
$previousButton = $null
#DElete this i think $previousLabel = $Label
# nullify the variable so that it doesn't exist in the next loop
$previousButton = $null
#endregion #>
# Add the newly created frame to the window
$Window.Title = "$BoardName Trello Board"
# This is was actually RUNS the application
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