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Last active April 17, 2018 18:58
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Use the "lebab" tool through Vim
" Invoke the `lebab` tool on the current buffer (
" Usage:
" :Lebab <transform1> <transform2> [...]
" This will run all the transforms specified and replace the buffer with the
" results. The available transforms tab-complete.
command! -nargs=+ -complete=custom,s:LebabComplete
\ Lebab call s:Lebab(<f-args>)
function! s:Lebab(...)
let transforms = a:000
let filename = expand('%:p')
let command_line = 'lebab '.shellescape(filename).
\ ' --transform '.join(transforms, ',')
let new_lines = systemlist(command_line)
if v:shell_error
echoerr "There was an error running lebab: ".join(new_lines, "\n")
%delete _
call setline(1, new_lines)
let s:lebab_transforms = []
function! s:LebabComplete(argument_lead, command_line, cursor_position)
if len(s:lebab_transforms) == 0
for line in systemlist("lebab --help | egrep '^\\s+\\+'")
call add(s:lebab_transforms, matchstr(line, '^\s\++ \zs[a-zA-Z-]\+'))
return join(sort(s:lebab_transforms), "\n")
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