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Last active September 26, 2015 22:48
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  • Save AndrewRadev/1171605 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AndrewRadev/1171605 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Tabularize mappings for specific use cases
" Tabularize mappings
" sa= -- align by equals
" sa> -- align by "=>"
" and so on. Note that any character can be entered and the mappings will
" attempt to align by that, in the simplest way possible.
" sa| -- equivalent to ":Tab/|"
" The custom Tabularize definitions (in the other file) need to be placed in
" after/plugin/tabularize.vim, so that they can be defined after the plugin is
" loaded.
" To compress multiple spaces, effectively un-tabularizing, use `s=`
nnoremap sa :call <SID>TabularizeMapping(0)<cr>
xnoremap sa :<c-u>call <SID>TabularizeMapping(1)<cr>
nnoremap s= :call <SID>TabularizeReset()<cr>
xnoremap s= :call <SID>TabularizeReset()<cr>
function! s:TabularizeMapping(visual)
echohl ModeMsg | echo "-- ALIGN -- " | echohl None
let align_type = nr2char(getchar())
if align_type == '='
call s:Tabularize('equals', a:visual)
elseif align_type == '>'
call s:Tabularize('ruby_hash', a:visual)
elseif align_type == ','
call s:Tabularize('commas', a:visual)
elseif align_type == ':'
call s:Tabularize('colons', a:visual)
elseif align_type == ' '
call s:Tabularize('space', a:visual)
else " just try aligning by the character
call s:Tabularize('/'.align_type, a:visual)
function! s:Tabularize(command, visual)
normal! mz
let cmd = "Tabularize ".a:command
if a:visual
let cmd = "'<,'>" . cmd
exec cmd
normal! `z
function! s:TabularizeReset()
let original_cursor = getpos('.')
s/\S\zs \+/ /g
" Don't leave an entry in the history
call histdel('search', -1)
let @/ = histget('search', -1)
call setpos('.', original_cursor)
" This file goes in after/plugin/tabularize.vim
AddTabularPattern! equals /^[^=]*\zs=/
AddTabularPattern! ruby_hash /^[^=>]*\zs=>/
AddTabularPattern! commas /,\s*\zs\s/l0
AddTabularPattern! colons /^[^:]*:\s*\zs\s/l0
" Not perfect, causes problems sometimes
AddTabularPipeline space / \+/
\ map(a:lines, "substitute(v:val, ' \+', ' ', 'g')")
\ | tabular#TabularizeStrings(a:lines, ' ', 'l0')
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