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Last active December 14, 2015 17:48
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Save AndrewRadev/5124573 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get the gender of a German noun.
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
# A dictionary can be found from
# Needs to be grepped for
# "noun$" before usage.
if ARGV.length < 1 or ARGV.all? { |arg| arg =~ /^-/ }
puts 'USAGE: gender <Noun> [options]'
exit 1
noun = ARGV.first.
gsub('ae', 'ä').
gsub('oe', 'ö').
gsub('ue', 'ü').
gsub('Ae', 'Ä').
gsub('Oe', 'Ö').
gsub('Ue', 'Ü').
gsub('_ss', 'ß')
verbose = ARGV.find { |arg| arg == '-v' || arg == '--verbose' }
results = {}
%x[egrep '^#{noun} ' ~/lib/german_nouns.txt].lines.each do |line|
word, meaning, _ = line.split("\t")
results[word] ||= []
results[word] << meaning
results.each do |word, meanings|
puts word
if verbose
meanings.each do |meaning|
puts " #{meaning}"
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