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Last active April 3, 2024 09:35
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Show colors in the sign column based on age of line
" Proof-of-concept, probably won't work for you, sorry
" Terminal colors, all grays, lighter to darker
let s:colors = range(232, 255)
augroup FugitiveColors
autocmd BufRead * call ShowBlameColors()
augroup END
function! ShowBlameColors() abort
if !exists('*FugitiveGitDir')
let git_dir = FugitiveGitDir()
if empty(git_dir)
let blame = systemlist('git blame --date=unix ' .. expand('%:S'))
let relative_times = []
let now = localtime()
" Find the timestamps
for line in blame
let ts = matchstr(line, '\d\+\ze\s\+\d\+)')
call add(relative_times, str2nr(ts))
" Take time relative to latest one
let max_time = max(relative_times)
call map(relative_times, { _, time -> max_time - time})
" Apply logarithm to put intervals in a closer range
call map(relative_times, { _, time -> time > 0 ? float2nr(round(5 * log(time))) : time })
" Define a highlight group and sign for each distinct value
let index = 0
for value in uniq(sort(copy(relative_times)))
let name = 'BlameColor' .. string(value)
exe 'highlight ' .. name .. ' ctermbg=' .. s:colors[index] .. ' ctermfg=white'
call sign_define(name, {'numhl': name, 'texthl': name, 'text': ' '})
let index += 1
if index >= len(s:colors)
" If we have too many distinct values, bail out
" Place a sign on each line highlighted with the specific color
let lnum = 1
for relative_time in relative_times
let name = 'BlameColor' .. string(relative_time)
call sign_place(0, '', name, bufnr(), {'lnum': lnum})
let lnum += 1
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