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Last active August 30, 2022 08:26
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Save AndrewRadev/8676174 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Duplicate lines and blocks of code in Vim
" Pressing zj and zk duplicate a single line below and above the cursor,
" respectively. This is pretty common functionality and simple to implement.
" Pressing zJ and zK duplicates a "block" of code, which is defined by indent.
" In the languages from the s:indent_based_languages list, a "hanging" indent
" is taken. Example:
" def one(self):
" pass
" For all other languages, a "closing" line is found and the block is taken to
" be that. Examples:
" def foo
" bar
" end
" <div class="footer">
" Text
" </div>
let s:indent_based_languages = ['python', 'coffee', 'haml', 'slim']
" Duplicate lines
nnoremap zj mzyyP`z
nnoremap zk mzyyP`zk
" Duplicate blocks
nnoremap zJ :call <SID>DuplicateBlock('below')<cr>
nnoremap zK :call <SID>DuplicateBlock('above')<cr>
function! s:DuplicateBlock(direction)
if getline('.') =~ '^\s*$'
if index(s:indent_based_languages, &filetype) >= 0
let block = s:OpenBlock(line('.'), a:direction)
let block = s:ClosedBlock(line('.'), a:direction)
if empty(block)
let [start, end] = block
let lines = getbufline('%', start, end)
" The conditions look swapped, but this actually has the indended effect.
" Remember that the result buffer is the same in both cases, it's the cursor
" position that matters.
if a:direction == 'below'
call append(start - 1, lines + [''])
else " a:direction == 'above'
call append(end, [''] + lines)
" A "block" defined by indentation in an indent-based language, without a
" closing tag.
function! s:OpenBlock(start, direction)
let start_lineno = a:start
let base_indent = indent(start_lineno)
let end_lineno = start_lineno
let next_lineno = nextnonblank(start_lineno + 1)
while end_lineno < line('$') && indent(next_lineno) > base_indent
let end_lineno = next_lineno
let next_lineno = nextnonblank(end_lineno + 1)
return [start_lineno, end_lineno]
" A "block" defined by a closing tag, "end", curly bracket. Detected by
" another line at the same indent.
function! s:ClosedBlock(start, direction)
let start_lineno = a:start
let base_indent = indent(start_lineno)
let end_lineno = nextnonblank(start_lineno + 1)
while end_lineno < line('$') && indent(end_lineno) != base_indent
let end_lineno = nextnonblank(end_lineno + 1)
if indent(start_lineno) != indent(end_lineno)
" we have an unfinished block, don't duplicate
return []
return [start_lineno, end_lineno]
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