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Last active May 8, 2016 21:54
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" If you've executed a grep/ack command and you have a bunch of stuff in your
" quickfix window, but want to add another grep to it, this could help:
" :Ack ProjectCollaborator
" :Qfappend Ack UserCollaborator
" This will add the new search results to the end of the quickfix list,
" instead of replacing it. You could also put swap the order by using
" :Qfprepend
" :Ack ProjectCollaborator
" :Qfprepend Ack UserCollaborator
" Duplicates should automatically be removed (two hits on the same line in the
" same file). However, the order is going to be the exact order of the first
" list + second list. To sort the current quickfix list alphabetically on the
" filename, use :Qfsort
" :Ack ProjectCollaborator
" :Qfappend Ack UserCollaborator
" :Qfsort
" You can also provide :Qfsort with a command and it'll execute that first,
" allowing you to do:
" :Ack ProjectCollaborator
" :Qfsort Qfappend Ack UserCollaborator
" Public interface
command! -nargs=* -complete=command Qfappend call s:Qfappend(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=* -complete=command Qfprepend call s:Qfprepend(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=* -complete=command Qfsort call s:Qfsort(<q-args>)
" Implementation
function! s:Qfappend(command)
let qflist = getqflist()
exe a:command
call extend(qflist, getqflist())
call setqflist(qflist)
function! s:Qfprepend(command)
let qflist = getqflist()
exe a:command
call extend(qflist, getqflist(), 0)
call setqflist(qflist)
function! s:Qfsort(command)
if a:command != ''
" there's a quickfix-related command given, execute it first
exe a:command
" don't try to sort if there's an error, just bail out
echoerr v:exception
let qflist = copy(getqflist())
call sort(qflist, function(s:sid.'QfsortCompare'))
call setqflist(qflist)
function! s:QfsortCompare(x, y)
let x_name = bufname(a:x.bufnr)
let y_name = bufname(a:y.bufnr)
if x_name < y_name
return -1
elseif x_name > y_name
return 1
return 0
" Get this file's sid. Taken almost directly from rails.vim:
map <SID>xx <SID>xx
let s:sid = substitute(maparg("<SID>xx"), 'xx$', '', '')
unmap <SID>xx
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