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Last active May 18, 2023 17:39
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N Queens Problem Javascript / Typescript recursive
type Queen = { row: number; column: number };
type Board = Queen[];
// A solution tree is a queen and all possible board combinations that
// satisfy the n queens problem for that queen placement
type Tree = [Queen, Tree] | [Queen];
// Convert a tree into a flat board
const getBoard = (t: Tree): Board => [
...(t.length === 2 ? getBoard(t[1]) : []),
// Check if a new position on a board is safe
const isSafe = (newQueen: Queen, board: Board): boolean =>
(queen) =>
queen.row === newQueen.row ||
queen.column === newQueen.column ||
// Diagonal test
Math.abs(queen.column - newQueen.column) ===
Math.abs(queen.row - newQueen.row)
const findNQueens = (size: number, column: number): Tree[] => {
const possibleQueens: Queen[] = new Array(size)
.map<Queen>((_, row) => ({ row: row + 1, column }));
// Base case, on the first column, all positions are valid
if (column === 1) {
return<Tree>((q) => [q]);
// Get all possible queen boards for column - 1 queens
const restBoardQueens = findNQueens(size, column - 1);
// For each queen board, try adding our new possible queen in the current column
return possibleQueens.reduce<Tree[]>((treeAcc, possibleQueen) => {
return treeAcc.concat(
restBoardQueens.reduce<Tree[]>((acc, tree) => {
const board = getBoard(tree);
// If the combination of the new queen and the existing board is valid, save a new tree
const canAdd = isSafe(possibleQueen, board);
return canAdd ? acc.concat([[possibleQueen, tree]]) : acc;
}, [])
}, []);
const printBoard = (size: number, board: Board): string => {
return board
.sort((a, b) => a.row - b.row)
.map((queen) => {
return new Array(size)
.map((_, idx) => (idx + 1 === queen.column ? "⬜" : "⬛"))
// Execute below
const boardSize = 8;
const res = findNQueens(boardSize, boardSize);
if (res.length > 1) {
console.log(`For board size ${boardSize} found ${res.length} solutions.`)
for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(5, res.length); i++) {
console.log(`\nSolution ${i + 1}:`);
console.log(printBoard(boardSize, getBoard(res[i])));
if (res.length > 5) {
console.log(`\n...\n\nSolution ${res.length}:`);
console.log(printBoard(boardSize, getBoard(res[res.length - 1])));
} else {
console.log("No solutions found for board of size", boardSize);
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