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Last active December 22, 2015 21:08
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Save AndrewReitz/e1d72da2b691bfea6b11 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Run Lint Tasks on Every Build (Android)
// Adds extra tasks to improve android usage { variant ->
def adb = new File( as File, '/platform-tools/adb')
def variantName =
def flavor = variant.flavorName
def buildType =
task "run$variantName"(type: Exec, dependsOn: "install$variantName", group: 'run') {
description = "Builds and runs the $variantName of the application."
doFirst {
def manifestText = new File(buildDir as File,
def manifest = new XmlSlurper().parseText(manifestText)
def startActivity = manifest.application.activity.find { node ->
node.'intent-filter'.action.find {
it.'@android:name' == 'android.intent.action.MAIN'
commandLine "bash", "-c", "$adb shell am start -n ${manifest.@package}/$startActivity"
task "reinstall$variantName"(type: Exec, group: 'install') {
description = "Attempts to install the previous built $variantName apk instead of using install$variantName"
doFirst {
def alignedFile = project.file(buildDir, "/outputs/apk/$${buildType}.apk")
def unalignedFile = project.file(buildDir, "/outputs/apk/$$buildType-unaligned.apk")
def apk = alignedFile.exists() ? alignedFile : unalignedFile
commandLine "bash", "-c", "$adb install -r $apk"
// run lint on any build type when assemble is run
variant.assemble.dependsOn "lint$variantName"
def installAll = tasks.create('installAll')
installAll.description = 'Install all applications.' { variant ->
if ('debugtest')) {
// Ensure we end up in the same group as the other install tasks. =
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