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<p>Yoga Mala Foundation is proud to be operating and maintaining ongoing yoga and meditation programs in partnership with the following community organizations.
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<h3>Pour 3 Points</h3>
Youths from underprivileged families or environments are three to four times more likely to fall behind in elementary and high school. They are twice as likely to have learning disabilities and three times as likely to have severe behavioural disorders in high school.
Aside from their parents, coaches are the most influential adults in the life of young athletes. This influence is not only relevant in teaching a sport, but also in life education. By providing support to youth from underprivileged neighbourhoods, life coaches help them gain the skills needed to succeed in school and in life.
Visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a> to learn more. </div>
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<h3>Centre Jeunesse de Laval</h3>
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<p>La mission du Centre jeunesse de Laval est d’offrir aux jeunes âgés de 0 à 18 ans, ainsi qu’à
leur famille, des services d’adaptation et de réadaptation psychosociales lorsque leur situation le requiert afin de les aider à se prendre en main, tant sur le plan personnel que familial ou social et ainsi réduire les risques d’abandon, de négligence, d’abus, de troubles du comportement et de délinquance.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
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<h3>Mile End Mission</h3>
Mile End Community Mission is a volunteer-run, not-for-profit organization and community center working with members of the community who have been marginalized by society for a variety of reasons. Services are used by people of all ages, many of whom struggle with addiction, are in poverty and/or are homeless. The mission strives not only to help these people, but to empower them to help themselves.
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<h3>Foundation EsengO</h3>
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<p>Fondation EsengO is a not-for profit organization based in Montreal whose mission is to cultivate joy by teaching healthy life habits to individual who have had an instance of mental health. Through the Road Less traveled program, Foundation EsengO is generously offering free yoga classes to Concordia Students.
For more information about the organization please visit: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. </p>
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The Nazareth House Family remains dedicated to providing an environment that welcomes the forgotten,promotes social re-integration for the marginalized,and encourages all to find their potential. With additional low-cost housing we hope to continue the traditions of Nazareth House and remain a positive contributor to the well being of those who have lost their way.
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<h3>West Island Wellness Cancer Center</h3>
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<p>Through their wellness programs, participants receive personal support, gain coping mechanisms, discover additional alternatives, and become better educated about their specific illness. WICWCl help individuals gain more control of their lives, find strength, reduce feelings of isolation, and continue to foster hope, regardless of the stage of their disease. They become empowered, active participants in the management of their health and well-being.
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<p>Charting New Courses is an organization that comes to the assistance of children and teens. By bringing together specialized professionals in a variety of fields (psychology, criminology, recreology, etc), the organization has taken on the mission of providing direct support to children and teens on Montreal’s South Shore, while supporting other similarly mandated organizations, such as youth centers, the Ste-Justine Hospital and the Ronald MacDonald House, to name just a few.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
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