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Last active December 2, 2015 11:29
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Use SymPy to convert a summation from 1 to n over an arbitrary polynomial in a variable i to a closed form polynomial in variable n
0..10 | % { python "i ** $_"; Write-Host }
import sys
from sympy import *
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
scriptName = sys.argv[0]
print 'USAGE: {0} "<expression>"'.format(scriptName)
print '<expression> is a polynomial over a variable i.'
print 'It is the term in a summation for values of i between 1 and n'
raise SystemExit(1)
expr_to_parse = sys.argv[1]
print "f(n) = SUM [{0}] for i between 1 and n".format(expr_to_parse)
# Configure symbols:
i = Symbol("i", integer=True)
parsed = parse_expr(expr_to_parse, {"i": i})
h_parsed = Poly(parsed, i)
d =
# Function f is the true summation function.
def f(x):
if x == 0:
return 0
squares = [h_parsed(k) for k in range(1, x + 1)]
return sum(squares)
# Function g is our guess as to its closed form solution.
# Assume the closed form solution is a degree (d+1) polynomial:
a = [Symbol("a_{0}".format(k), rational=True) for k in range(d + 2)]
n = Symbol("n", integer=True)
g_temp = Poly(sum([a[j] * (n ** j) for j in range(d+2)]), n)
h_temp = h_parsed.subs(i, n)
g, h = g_temp.unify(h_temp) # a hack to give the coefficients of f and h the same domain
# Note that the domain is Z not Q (or R), otherwise we get an error message about a_{d+1} not being rational
# TODO: resolve this issue
# Find coefficients a_i for g such that:
# 1) g(0) = f(0) = 0
eq_0 = Eq(g(0), 0)
# 2) Choose a_j coefficents, so that: g(i) - g(i-1) = h(i) for any positive integer i
# Because then f(n) = sum(i=1 to n)[h(i)] by definition
# = sum(i=1 to n)[g(i) - g(i-1)]
# = g(n) - g(0) since all other terms cancel out
# = g(n) since g(0) = 0
p1 = simplify(g.subs(n, i) - g.subs(n, i - 1) - h.subs(n, i))
p2 = Poly(p1, i) # a hack to group terms by powers of i only
# TODO: Polynomial domain is integers. How to specify rational or real domains for the general case?
# Enforce that g(i) - g(i-1) and h(i) are identical polynomials in i.
# Equivalently each coefficient in g(i) - g(i-1) - h(i) is always zero:
eqs = [Eq(c) for c in p2.coeffs()] + [eq_0]
soln = solve(eqs)
if (soln):
f_closed = g.subs(soln)
f_closed_factorized = factor(f_closed)
print " = {0}".format(f_closed)
print " = {0}".format(f_closed_factorized)
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