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Last active November 30, 2018 17:37
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Numerical Inverse of the Laplace Transform
# Based on "Approximate Inversion of the Laplace Transform" by Cheng and Sidauruk,
# in the Mathematica Journal, vol 4, issue 2, 1994
import scipy.misc
fact = scipy.misc.factorial
def csteh(n, i):
acc = 0.0
for k in xrange(int(np.floor((i+1)/2.0)), int(min(i, n/2.0))+1):
num = k**(n/2.0) * fact(2 * k)
den = fact(i - k) * fact(k -1) * fact(k) * fact(2*k - i) * fact(n/2.0 - k)
acc += (num /den)
expo = i+n/2.0
term = np.power(-1+0.0j,expo)
res = term * acc
return res.real
def nlinvsteh(F, t, n = 6):
acc = 0.0
lton2 = numpy.log(2) / t
for i in xrange(1, n+1):
a = csteh(n, i)
b = F(i * lton2)
acc += (a * b)
return lton2 * acc
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