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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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  • Save AndrioCelos/857ae453d7193a60f7e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AndrioCelos/857ae453d7193a60f7e2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a set of KVIrc scripts to be used with the game Battle Arena. It creates a window that appears when you join a battle, that shows your health and TP. Presently, this is styled on the status screen in Dragon Quest IX, though I may change that. For it to work propery, the TP database (TP.dat) must be in your KVIrc config folder ($file.loca…
%ArenaIndex = 0;
// Edit this to reflect the actual Arena you're in and your actual status there.
%Arena[0] = $new(arenaStatus);
%Arena[0]->%Network = "EsperNet";
%Arena[0]->%Channel = "#BattleArena";
%Arena[0]->%BotNickname = "BattleArena";
// Parameters for $addPlayer: name, colour (red, green, blue), HP, TP, TP regeneration
%Arena[0]->$addPlayer(Andrio, 192, 0, 0, 5130, 410, 30);
// Load the TP database.
%fileName = $file.localdir("Config/TP.dat");
if ($file.exists(%fileName)) {
%file = $new(file);
while (!%file->$atEnd()) {
%fields = $str.split(\t, %file->$readLine(), "", 2);
if ($length(%fields) != 2) continue;
%TP{%fields[0]} = $integer(%fields[1]);
if (%Halted) return;
foreach (%arena, %Arena) {
if ($context.networkName == %arena->%Network && $ == %arena->%Channel && $0 == %arena->%BotNickname) {
%sm = $str.stripcolors($3);
%sma = $array(%sm);
// Curse
if (%sm == "What a horrible night for a curse!") {
foreach (%player, $keys(%arena->%Players)) {
%arena->%Players{%player}->%Cursed = $true;
%arena->$takeTP(%player, %arena->%Players{%player}->%TP);
// Battle started
elseif ($str.match("The weather changes. It is now *", %sm)) {
if (%arena->%Started) {return;}
if (%arena->$inBattle($me)) {
%arena->%Window->%Data = %arena;
else {
// Entry
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+) has entered the battle!", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
if (%arena->%Players{%r[1]} != $null) {
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%inBattle = $true;
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%HP = %arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%BHP;
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%TP = %arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%BTP;
// Battle end
if ($str.match("The Battle is Over!", %sm)) {
// Defeat
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+) has been defeated by ", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
if (%arena->%Players{%r[1]} != $null) {
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%Status = "Dead";
// Revive
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+)'s body is lifted off the ground by a bright golden light\\. It flashes for a moment and \\1 is brought back to life", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
if (%arena->%Players{%r[1]} != $null) {
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%Status = "Alive";
%arena->$heal(%r[1], $(%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%BHP / 2));
// Flee
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+) has run away from the battle!", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
if (%arena->%Players{%r[1]} != $null) {
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%Status = "Fled";
// Damage
%r = $str.grep("^The attack did ([\\d,]+) damage to ([^\\s!']+)", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
%arena->$damage(%r[2], $str.replace(%r[1], ",", ""));
// Healing
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+) has been healed for ([\\d,]+) health", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
%arena->$heal(%r[1], $str.replace(%r[2], ",", ""));
// Life steal
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+) (?:absorbs|has regenerated) ([\\d,]+) HP", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
%arena->$heal(%r[1], $str.replace(%r[2], ",", ""));
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+) has finished regenerating all of \w+ HP", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
%arena->$heal(%r[1], $(%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%BHP - %arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%HP));
// TP regeneration
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+) (?:absorbs|has regenerated) ([\\d,]+) TP", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
%arena->$restoreTP(%r[1], $str.replace(%r[2], ",", ""));
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+) has finished regenerating all of \w+ TP", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
%arena->$restoreTP(%r[1], $(%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%BTP - %arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%TP));
// Curse
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+) is now cursed!", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
if (%arena->%Players{%r[1]} != $null) {
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%Cursed = $true;
%arena->$takeTP(%r[1], %arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%TP);
// Curse wearing off
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+)'s curse has worn off\\.", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
if (%arena->%Players{%r[1]} != $null) {
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%Cursed = $false;
%arena->$restoreTP(%r[1], %arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%TPr);
// Poison death
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+) grabs \\w+ chest in pain from the posion as \w+ eyes roll back into \\w+ head\\. .* collapses to the ground--dead\\.", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
%arena->$damage(%r[1], 1, $true);
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%Status = "Dead";
// Poison
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+) grabs \\w+ chest in pain from the poison", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
%arena->$damage(%r[1], 10, $true);
// Elemental death
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+) (?:screams in pain as \\w+ body is freezing from the ice! Suddenly the ice covers [\\w']+ body and shatters, leaving nothing but a puddle\\.|screams in pain as \\w+ body is shocked from the electricity! Suddenly the electricity becomes too much for [\\w']+ body to handle and \\w+ falls over dead, a burnt corpse\\.|screams in pain as \\w+ body is burning from the flame! Suddenly the flame consumes \\w+ leaving nothing but ashes!|screams in pain as \\w+ body is cut from the tornado! Suddenly the cuts slice too deep, causing \\w+ to bleed out and die!|gasps for air as \\w+ is encased in water! Suddenly [\\w']+ lungs give out! \\w+ has drowned!|screams as the earth opens up beneath and swallows \\w+ whole!)", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
%arena->$damage(%r[1], 1, $true);
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%Status = "Dead";
// Elemental damage
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+) (?:screams in pain as \\w+ body is freezing from the ice!|screams in pain as \\w+ body is shocked from the electricity!|screams in pain as \\w+ body is burning from the flame!|screams in pain as \\w+ body is cut from the tornado|gasps for air as \\w+ is encased in water!|screams as the earth opens up, and boulders fall ontop of \\w+ body!)", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
%arena->$damage(%r[1], 20, $true);
// Turn
%r = $str.grep("^It is (.*)'s turn(.*conserving TP)?", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
if (%arena->%Players{%r[1]} != $null) {
if (!%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%Cursed) %arena->$restoreTP(%r[1], %arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%TPr);
if (%r[2]) %arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%ConservingTP = $true;
else %arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%ConservingTP = $false;
%arena->%Target = $null;
// Multi-hit attack damage
%r = $str.grep("Total physical damage: ([\\d,]+)", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
if (%arena->%Target)
%arena->$damage(%arena->%Target, $str.replace(%r[1], ",", ""));
// Multi-hit attack
if ($str.mid($3, 0, 3) == "$k()4$b()") {
%r = $str.grep("performs a .{0,10} attack against ([^\\s!']+)", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
%arena->%Target = %r[1];
// Status messages
if ($str.mid($3, 0, 3) == "$k()3$b()" || $str.mid($3, 0, 3) == "$b()$k()3") {
// Health
%r = $str.grep("([^\\s!']+)'s HP is: (\\d+) / (\\d+)", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
if (%arena->%Players{%r[1]} != $null) {
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%HP = %r[2];
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%BHP = %r[3];
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%HRd = $(60.0 * %arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%HP / %arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%BHP);
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%HR = $($real(%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%HP) / %arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%BHP);
// TP
%r = $str.grep("([^\\s!']+)'s TP is: (\\d+) / (\\d+)", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
if (%arena->%Players{%r[1]} != $null) {
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%TP = %r[2];
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%BTP = %r[3];
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%TRd = $(60.0 * %arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%TP / %arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%BTP);
// Skills
%r = $str.grep("^([^\\s!']+) knows the following passive skills:(?:.*Zen\\((\\d+)\\))?", %sma, "rp");
if (%r) {
if (%r[2]) {
if (%arena->%Players{%r[1]} != $null) {
%arena->%Players{%r[1]}->%TPr = $(5 + %r[2] * 5);
if (%arena->%Started) {
// Attack description
%arena->%Action = $null;
%arena->%User = $str.word(0, %sm);
%j = 0;
if (%arena->%User == "Clone") %j = 2;
if (%arena->%User == "Evil") %j = 3;
while ($true) {
%word = $str.word(%j, %sm);
if (%word == $null) break;
%head = $unicode($str.left(%word, 1));
if (%word == "Clone" || %word == "Doppelganger") { if (%wordType != "name") %arena->%Action << "*"; %wordType = "name"; %j += 2; continue; }
if (%word == "his" || %word == "her" || %word == "its" || %word == "him" || %word == "it" || %word == "he" || %word == "she") { if (%wordType != "gender") %arena->%Action << "*"; %wordType = "gender"; }
else if ((%head >= 65 && %head <= 90) || %word == "chaos" || %word == "Evil" || $chan.isvoice(%word)) { if (%wordType != "name") %arena->%Action << "*"; %wordType = "name"; }
else { %wordType = $null; %arena->%Action << %word; }
if (%arena->%Target != $null) continue;
if (%word != %arena->%User) {
foreach (%player, $keys(%arena->%Players)) {
if ($str.mid(%word, 0, $length(%player)) == %player) { %arena->%Target = %player; break; }
if (%arena->%Players{%arena->%User} == $null) return;
if (%arena->%Players{%arena->%User}->%ConservingTP) return;
if (%TP{%arena->%Action} > 0) %arena->$takeTP(%arena->%User, %TP{%arena->%Action}, $true);
elseif (%arena->%TP{%arena->%Action} > 0) %arena->$takeTP(%arena->%User, %arena->%TP{%arena->%Action}, $true);
function paintevent()
$$->%B->$setFont(7, Verdana);
foreach (%playername, $keys($$->%Data->%Players)) {
%player = $$->%Data->%Players{%playername};
// Background
$$->%B->$setPen(0, 0, 0);
$$->%B->$setBrush(%player->%ColourR, %player->%ColourG, %player->%ColourB);
$$->%B->$drawRect(0, %player->%Y, 160, 48);
$$->%B->$setPen(255, 255, 255);
$$->%B->$setBrush(0, 0, 0);
$$->%B->$drawRoundRect(36, 40, 4, $(%player->%Y + 4), 48, 40);
$$->%B->$drawRoundRect(18, 40, 60, $(%player->%Y + 4), 92, 40);
if ($$->%Data->$inBattle(%playername)) {
// Health bar animation
if (%player->%HPt < 20) {
%player->%HPt += 1;
if (%player->%HPt >= 12) {
%player->%HPd = 0;
} else {
%player->%HPd = $int($(%player->%HPd * 0.7));
if (%player->%Status == "Dead") %player->%HR = 0;
else %player->%HR = $($real(%player->%HP) / %player->%BHP);
%player->%HRd = $(60.0 * (%player->%HP + %player->%HPd) / %player->%BHP);
if (%player->%HRd < 1) %player->%HRd = 1;
// TP bar animation
if (%player->%TPt < 20) {
%player->%TPt += 1;
if (%player->%TPt >= 12) {
%player->%TPd = 0;
} else {
%player->%TPd = $int($(%player->%TPd * 0.7));
%player->%TRd = $(60.0 * (%player->%TP + %player->%TPd) / %player->%BTP)
if (%player->%Status == "Dead" && %player->%HPd <= %player->%HP) {
$$->%B->$setPen(224, 0, 0);
$$->%B->$drawText(88, $(%player->%Y + 16), 60, 12, Dead);
} elseif (%player->%Status == "Fled") {
$$->%B->$setPen(224, 0, 0);
$$->%B->$drawText(88, $(%player->%Y + 16), 60, 12, Run away);
} else {
// Health/TP bars
if (%player->%HR <= 0) $$->%B->$setPen(224, 0, 0);
elseif (%player->%HR <= 0.15) $$->%B->$setPen(255, 128, 0);
elseif (%player->%HR <= 0.3) $$->%B->$setPen(255, 224, 0);
else $$->%B->$setPen(255, 255, 255);
$$->%B->$drawText(68, $(%player->%Y + 8), 60, 12, HP $integer($(%player->%HP + %player->%HPd)));
$$->%B->$drawText(68, $(%player->%Y + 24), 60, 12, TP $integer($(%player->%TP + %player->%TPd)));
$$->%B->$setPen(0, 64, 192);
$$->%B->$setBrush(32, 96, 224);
$$->%B->$drawRect(68, $(%player->%Y + 20), %player->%HRd, 4);
$$->%B->$setPen(192, 160, 0);
$$->%B->$setBrush(224, 192, 32);
if (%player->%TRd > 0) $$->%B->$drawRect(68, $(%player->%Y + 36), %player->%TRd, 4);
$$->%B->$setFont(7, Verdana, Bold);
foreach (%playername, $keys($$->%Data->%Players)) {
%player = $$->%Data->%Players{%playername};
// Name
if (!$$->%Data->$inBattle(%playername)) $$->%B->$setPen(128, 128, 128);
elseif (%player->%Status == "Dead") $$->%B->$setPen(224, 0, 0);
elseif (%player->%Status == "Fled") $$->%B->$setPen(224, 0, 0);
elseif (%player->%HR <= 0.15) $$->%B->$setPen(255, 128, 0);
elseif (%player->%HR <= 0.3) $$->%B->$setPen(255, 224, 0);
else $$->%B->$setPen(255, 255, 255);
$$->%B->$drawText(8, $(%player->%Y + 8), 60, 12, %playername);
// Floating number
if ($$->%Data->$inBattle(%playername)) {
if (%player->%HPt < 20 && %player->%HPa != 0) {
if (%player->%HPa > 0) {
$$->%B->$setPen(0, 224, 0);
%text = "+ %player->%HPa";
%dy = $(-%player->%HPt);
} else {
$$->%B->$setPen(224, 0, 0);
%text = "- $(-%player->%HPa)";
%dy = %player->%HPt;
if (%player->%HPt >= 8) $$->%B->$setOpacity($((20.0 - $real(%player->%HPt)) / 12.0));
else $$->%B->$setOpacity(1);
$$->%B->$drawText(12, $(%player->%Y + 24 + %dy), 60, 12, %text);
if (%player->%TPt < 20 && %player->%TPa != 0) {
if (%player->%TPa > 0) {
$$->%B->$setPen(0, 112, 224);
%text = "+ %player->%TPa";
%dy = $(-%player->%TPt);
} else {
$$->%B->$setPen(224, 112, 0);
%text = "- $(-%player->%TPa)";
%dy = %player->%TPt;
if (%player->%TPt >= 8) $$->%B->$setOpacity($((20.0 - $real(%player->%TPt)) / 12.0));
else $$->%B->$setOpacity(1);
$$->%B->$drawText(12, $(%player->%Y + 24 + %dy), 60, 12, %text);
function constructor($0 = status object)
$$->$setWFlags(StaysOnTop, Popup, Dialog);
$$->$setWindowTitle("Battle Arena");
$$->$resize(161, 97);
$$->%Data = $0;
$$->%B = $new(painter);
function takeTP($0 = target, $1 = amount, $2 = noEffect)
if (!$isNumeric($1)) return;
%player = $$->%Players{$0};
if (%player != $null) {
%player->%TPa = %player->%TP;
%player->%TP -= $1;
%player->%TPt = 0;
if (%player->%TP < 0) %player->%TP = 0;
if (%player->%TP > %player->%BTP) %player->%TP = %player->%BTP;
%player->%TPd = $(%player->%TPa - %player->%TP);
if ($2) {
%player->%TPa = 0;
} else {
%player->%TPa = $(%player->%TP - %player->%TPa);
function start()
$$->%Started = $true;
foreach (%p, $keys($$->%Players)) {
if (!$$->%Players{%p}->%InBattle) $$->%Players{%p}->%Status = "Out";
else $$->%Players{%p}->%Status = "Alive";
$$->%Players{%p}->%HP = $$->%Players{%p}->%BHP;
$$->%Players{%p}->%HPd = 0;
$$->%Players{%p}->%HPt = 20;
$$->%Players{%p}->%HPa = 0;
$$->%Players{%p}->%HRd = 60.0;
$$->%Players{%p}->%HR = 1.0;
$$->%Players{%p}->%TP = $$->%Players{%p}->%BTP;
$$->%Players{%p}->%TPd = 0;
$$->%Players{%p}->%TPt = 20;
$$->%Players{%p}->%TPa = 0;
$$->%Players{%p}->%TRd = 60.0;
timer ("Refresh$$->%Index", 30, $$) $0->%Window->$repaint();
function restoreTP($0 = target, $1 = amount, $2 = noEffect)
if (!$isNumeric($1)) return;
$$->$takeTP($0, $(-$1), $2);
function inBattle($0 = name)
if ($$->%Players{$0} == $null) return $false;
return $$->%Players{$0}->%inBattle;
function heal($0 = target, $1 = amount, $2 = isFactor)
if (!$isNumeric($1)) return;
$$->$damage($0, $(-$1), $2);
function end()
$$->%Started = $false;
foreach (%p, $keys($$->%Players)) {
if ($$->$inBattle(%p)) $$->%Players{%p}->%inBattle = $false;
function damage($0 = target, $1 = amount, $2 = isFactor)
if (!$isNumeric($1)) return;
%player = $$->%Players{$0};
if (%player != $null) {
// If $2 == $true, this is to be a percent-based damage effect, like poison.
if ($2) %amount = $(%player->%BHP / $1);
else %amount = $1;
if (%amount - $math.floor(%amount) < 0.5) %amount = $integer(%amount);
else %amount = $integer($math.ceil(%amount));
%player->%HPa = %player->%HP;
%player->%HP -= %amount;
%player->%HPt = 0;
if (%player->%HP < 0) %player->%HP = 0;
if (%player->%HP > %player->%BHP) %player->%HP = %player->%BHP;
%player->%HPd = $(%player->%HPa - %player->%HP);
%player->%HPa = $(%player->%HP - %player->%HPa);
function constructor()
$$->%Index = %ArenaIndex;
%ArenaIndex += 1;
$$->%Y = 0;
$$->%Window = $new(arenaStatusWindow, 0, "", $$);
function addPlayer($0 = name, $1 = red, $2 = green, $3 = blue, $4 = base HP, $5 = base TP, $6 = TP regeneration)
%p = $new(object);
if ($4) %p->%BHP = $4;
else %p->%BHP = 150;
if ($5) %p->%BTP = $5;
else %p->%BTP = 20;
if ($6) %p->%TPr = $6;
else %p->%TPr = 5;
%p->%ColourR = $1;
%p->%ColourG = $2;
%p->%ColourB = $3;
%p->%Y = $$->%Y;
$$->%Y += 48;
$$->%Players{$0} = %p;
performs two very quick punches on * 10
takes off into a run towards * and with all * might, * rams * shoulder into * 10
lures all the battle targets close before performing a swift spinning attack, hitting all of * targets at once! 30
leaps at * and performs an eight-fold attack on * with all * might! 100
spins violently in mid-air before crashing into * 10
spins the nunchuks around in a propeller-like motion to rapidly slice into * 15
thrusts the nunchucks into the ground's surface to sprout huge ice pillars that shatter and hit all targets on the battlefield! 30
leaps up into the air and dives down onto * with the flame gauntlets covered in flames. 10
becomes surrounded in fire as * attacks * 15
jumps into the air as the flame gauntlets glow a bright red. * a the floor of the battlefield fills with fire then exploding into a massive wall of flames, hitting all enemy targets. 30
slowly pulls back * right fist before quickly punching forward and hitting * with a tremendous force of power. 40
hits * with a four-fold attack which is imbued with * energy. 80
hits * with a punch, uppercut, a spinning kick that hits twice and ends with slamming the back of * fist into * 80
performs a spinning kick to all enemies in range before leaping into the air to deliver a second spinning kick to all enemies on the battlefield. 30
punches * with * left fist that causes a small explosion of green energy to hit * 15
launches *Gself forward, sword first, like a torpedo towards * doing piercing damage! 10
swings the weapon so fast that * becomes a blur of a million stabs on * 200
lures all the monsters close before performing a swift spinning attack, hitting all of * targets at once! 30
holds the sword up high into the air. * glows with a holy aura, before * slams * into the ground, sending out waves of holy light that basks the battlefield, hitting all targets. 40
performs two very quick slashes upon * 15
hits * hard enough with the flat side of the sword to stun * 15
spins around and stabs the sword into the ground, causing pillars of stone to hit all targets on the battlefield. 30
's sword catches fire as * slashes twice at * 25
hits * with a back swing that causes a golden light to cover * for a chance of stunning. 15
leaps into the air and slams the sword into the ground, causing an explosion of * energy to hit all enemies on the battlefield. 30
covers the sword in dark energy and simply stabs * with the sword. 15
quickly slices * four times with the sword. 80
covers the sword in * energy and slashes * twice. 35
slashes * three times, causing a rose to form around * which then explodes with * energy. 70
performs three quick slashes upon * with the sword. 50
hits * with a backswing of the sword, using the motion to jump into the air. * then stabs * with the blade on the way down, causing an explosion of * energy. 60
slashes * in a * pattern which causes an explosion of golden energy. 70
's sword glows bright as * begins a dance of sword swings upon * before spinning into the air and slashing * once more which causes an explosion of * energy. 80
stabs * with the sword covered in dark red energy to steal some health from * to add to * own health! 50
quickly dashes past * slashes as * does. * then spins to face * to slash down across * back before moving away. 100
lightning begins to dance on the sword as * leaps towards * and slashes with the sword. * then hops back and swings * sword at * tossing the lighting at * 100
holds up * sword as blue energy covers it. * then drives the sword into the ground, causing vertical waves of blue energy to strike all targets on the battlefield. 200
holds up the blade towards the sky. * a brief moment, a bright white light begins to shimmer down the blade of the sword. * the blade is fully lit, * swings in a broad arc sending a wave of light energy out towards * 100
holds the blade outwards and after a brief moment a bright blue light begins to shimmer down the blade of the sword. * unleashing the energy, * begins to spin around, slashing all of * enemies on the battlefield. 100
raises the greatsword above * head and then swiflty swings the greatsword down upon * 10
stabs forward with the greatsword towards * 15
lures all of the enemies close and swings the sword in a half circle to hit all enemies! 30
does an upward swing with the greatsword then a downward swing a moment later. 20
does a backswing with the greatsword then stabs forward with the greatsword. 25
leaps into the air and slams the greatsword into the ground, causing an explosion that hits all enemies in range. 30
does an impressive spinning attack upon * with the greatsword. 20
swings the greatsword down and a large bolt of energy slams into * 40
swings the greatsword in a half circle and large ice crystals shoot towards * 40
leaps into the air and slams the greatsword into the ground, causing a mini-quake to hit all enemies! 40
does an impressive series of swings with the greatsword upon * before leaping into the air and slamming the greatsword down on * 60
does a downward slash with the scythe to * causing an explosion of dark energy. 15
gathers dark energy on the scythe and slices * with the darkness-infused scythe. 10
does an upward swing with the scythe, causing grey and red blades to shoot up from the ground and close in upon * 20
raises the scythe into the air before quickly swinging the scythe at enemy, causing dark energy blades to shoot up from the ground and cut into * 30
slices * with the scythe and spins around to slice * once more. 50
raises the scythe into the air and lures all enemies close, slashing quickly with the scythe to hit all enemies. 30
raises the scythe as dark energy surrounds * and slices * with the scythe to create an explosion of * energy. 50
slices * multiple times with the scythe, even cutting the air which causes dark energy to bleed from the air. 30
rushes towards * and slices * four times with the scythe. 50
spins the scythe around before quickly doing a downward swing to slice into * 40
slices * with the scythe and quickly does a spinning slice afterwards before finally spinning the scythe around, slicing * one last time. 80
slices * twice with the scythe and causes dark energy to cover * face in an attempt to cause blindness. 15
forces the whip to glow white before cracking the whip to hit * with a holy power. 15
cracks * whip at * hitting once before spinning around to hit * once more. 40
strikes out with the whip then begins to spin at a high speed to hit everyone in range with the whip! 50
forces the whip to gain yellow electricity before cracking the whip to hit * causing paralysis. 15
forces the whip to gain a dark aura before cracking the whip to hit * with a dark power. 15
forces the whip to glow dark green before cracking the whip to hit * causing * to be poisoned. 15
leaps high into the air and rains hundreds of bullets down upon all targets on the battle field 50
charges the weapon and releases a powerful bullet infused with energy towards * 10
fires rapidly at * sending a barrage of bullets to do damage. 30
fires a dark burst of energy from * gun and into * 30
takes aim at * for a moment before firing a blast of fire from the gun at * 30
takes aim at * for a moment before firing a blue and green energy blast from the gun at * 40
takes aim and fires a small fire blast at * 10
takes aim and fires a shot at * and then spins around and shoots * for a second time! 30
lines up all enemies in the battle and fires a shot that hits all of the enemies! 30
fires a shot from * gun that pierces right through * 40
backhands * in the face with * gun and then fires a point-blank shot at * body! 40
watches * from a far distance, studying * movements. * stops, a shot is fired from the gun which slams into * 50
leaps high into the air and lands down on * 15
leaps even higher into the air and lands down upon * for greater damage! 20
gains a light blue aura on * spear as * leaps into the air and lands down upon * stabbing with the powered spear. 25
gains a brighter blue aura on * spear as * leaps high into the air and lands down upon * stabbing with the powered spear. 30
hits * in the legs with the spear to take * off of * feet! 15
hits * with a powerful stabbing attack! 30
hits * with a five-hit attack with the spear! 80
slams the bottom of the spear into * before quickly following up with a stab from the top of the spear. 40
stabs * once with the spear as green energy forms around * before spinning the spear around and stabbing * once more. 40
twirls the spear around as lightning begins to cover the spear before quickly stabbing * with the spear! 35
hits * with the spear a few times before spinning the spear around to stab * as bright light covers the spear. 80
stabs * three times before leaping into the air and stabbing once more on the way down, causing an explosion of dark energy. 80
twirls the spear as green energy surrounds the spear. * then spins around and thrusts the spear foward, causing the green energy to slam into all targets on the field! 40
hops back and returns the * katana to * sheath for a moment before quickly swinging the katana at * hurling a sphere of dark energy towards *! 20
charges up energy in * before releasing * as a huge wave of blue energy towards * 20
looks at the battlefield and goes "Scatter, * blade separates into a thousand slender, tiny blade fragments, which then fly away from the hilt and hit everyone on the battlefield before reforming into the sword. 25
looks at * and says "Sit * the * long slender ice dragon shoots out of the blade and slams into * 20
does two quick slashes in the shape of an * onto * 20
does a fancy spin with * katana before slicing into the ground, sending small chunks of the earth into * 15
spins * sword fast enough to create two powerful gusts of wind that slash at * 40
charges up a dark energy in * blade before doing an impressive spin to release the power on * 30
hits * and a loud * power chord echoes the battlefield. * feels stunned! 15
hits * and a low and deep * power chord echoes the battlefield. * feels cursed! 15
hits * and a light * power chord echoes the battlefield. * feels blind! 15
hits * and a medium * power chord echoes the battlefield. * feels slow! 15
charges up lightning onto * katana and thrusts the katana into * causing a small burst of lightning to shock * 20
raises * katana and slashes * and backs up as a small pillar of flame erupts around * 20
stabs * with the katana and encases * in ice. * ice then shatters, causing * to * 30
returns * katana to * sheath and pauses for a second before quickly slashing * as a feint image of flower petals appears for a second, causing * in * 30
raises * katana and gathers energy into the blade before swinging * quickly down and sends a large beam of * energy to slam into * 50
covers * katana with dark energy and quickly slashes * three times. 80
lures all of the monsters close and then spins in a quick circle, hitting every monster and leaves behind a brief image of a butterfly. 40
returns * katana to * sheath and pauses for a second before quickly slashing * with the blade, which is covered in * energy. 40
spins the blade around and quickly slashes at * before leaping in the air and slashing * on the way down. 80
casts a small fire spell on * 10
casts a small stone spell on * 10
casts a small wind spell on * 10
casts a small ice spell on * 10
casts a small water spell on * 10
casts a small lightning spell on * 10
casts a big fireball on * 15
casts a boulder that slams into * 15
casts a mini tornado that flies into * 15
casts a large chunk of ice on * 15
casts a mini tsunami on * 15
casts several lightning bolts at * 15
casts three dancing fireballs that fly into * 20
casts * ground cracks beneath * and several boulders appear above, falling down ontop of * 20
casts a large tornado that sucks * up into it, dealing damage! 20
casts three large icecicles that pierce * 20
casts a huge wave of water that slams into * 20
casts * sky grows dark as giant lightning bolts shoot out of the sky and slam into * 20
casts a powerful fire spell known by any wizard, * battlefield erupts in flames! 45
casts a powerful stone spell known by any wizard, * ground shakes violently as the earth spits out giant boulders at all targets. 45
casts a powerful water spell known by any wizard, * huge tidal wave floods the battle field, pushing all targets under the water 45
casts a powerful wind spell known by any wizard, * battlefield howls as sharp wind that cuts like knives flies over all of the targets 45
casts a powerful ice spell known by any wizard, * ice wind fills the battlefield as the ground begins to freeze. * columns of ice shoot out of the ground and explode on all targets. 45
casts a powerful lightning spell known by any wizard, * clouds cover the battlefield and large bolts of lightning shoot out and strike all enemies. 45
casts * green mist covers * for a moment before disappearing. 15
casts * body begins to glow a light blue for the spell's duration. 15
casts * body begins to feel as heavy as stone for the spell's duration. 30
casts * black cloud covers * for a moment and blinds *! 15
casts * bolts of lightning strikes * to cause paralysis! 15
casts * large explosion of * energy damages everyone in range! 45
casts a small healing spell on * 10
casts a healing spell on * is bathed in a refreshing white light. 15
casts a healing spell on * is bathed in a refreshing white light. 20
casts a healing spell on * is bathed in a refreshing white light. 30
performs first aid on * is bathed in a refreshing white light. 0
casts a healing spell on the battlefield. * of * allies are bathed in a refreshing white light. 35
casts * on the battlefield. * of * allies are bathed in a refreshing white light. 50
summons a large sphere a fire above * lets the sphere stay for a moment before allowing * to suddenly crash into * causing severe burn damage! 30
summons boulders above * which then crushes * underneath! 30
causes the ground to shake under * as * opens up and causes * to fall into the hole! 30
summons a large flood of water that engulfs * 30
summons a large tornado upon * 30
encases * in a large crystal of ice, which then explodes to cause ice damage. 30
summons a dark cloud above * moment later, a giant bolt of lightning strikes * 30
summons a gigantic sphere of fire above * waits for a moment before allowing the sphere to drop on * dealing tremendous fire damage! 60
rips out a huge chunk of the earth from below * and proceeds to drop * on * burying *! 60
traps * in a giant sphere of water and sends * flying into the air! * minute later, * proceeds to slam into the ground with great force. 60
summons a gigantic tornado that is black in color. * tornado pulls * inside, giving * large cuts and slams various objects into * as well! 60
traps * in an iceberg, freezing * instantly. * ice shatters a moment later, burying * in a mass of shattered ice! 60
summons several dark clouds to the battlefield. * large bolts of lightning then proceeds to slam into * giving * a terrible shock therapy treatment! 60
casts a healing spell on * is bathed in a refreshing white light. 60
casts the most powerful fire spell known by any wizard, * battlefield erupts in flames! 60
casts the most powerful stone spell known by any wizard, * ground shakes violently as the earth spits out giant boulders at all targets. 60
casts the most powerful water spell known by any wizard, * huge tidal wave floods the battle field, pushing all targets under the water 60
casts the most powerful wind spell known by any wizard, * battlefield howls as sharp wind that cuts like knives flies over all of the targets 60
casts the most powerful ice spell known by any wizard, * ice wind fills the battlefield as the ground begins to freeze. * columns of ice shoot out of the ground and explode on all targets. 60
casts the most powerful lightning spell known by any wizard, * clouds cover the battlefield and large bolts of lightning shoot out and strike all enemies. 60
chants loudly as the sun is blacked out by a massive object. * everyone looks up they see a large meteor heading straight for them. * slams into the battlefield, hitting all enemies. 50
traps * in a large sphere of green energy. * sphere explodes a moment later, causing massive damage! 250
traps * in a large sphere of black energy. * sphere explodes a moment later, causing massive damage! 250
summons a small dark sphere that floats in the air for a moment before * crashes into * 10
summons a medium dark sphere that floats in the air for a moment before * crashes into * 15
summons a large dark sphere that floats in the air for a moment before * crashes into * 20
summons a massive dark sphere that floats above * for a moment before falling onto * and covers * in darkness! 30
chants as black energy covers * energy explodes a moment later, causing large darkness damage upon * 60
floats into the air slightly as * gathers energy. * then hurls the wand into the ground, causing dark energy to expand over all of the battlefield! 45
floats into the air slightly as * gathers energy. * small dark orb appears in front of * for a moment before the orb slams into the battlefield, covering * in darkness! 60
casts a stronger version of * light engulfs the battlefield to damage all targets! 60
summons a small white sphere that floats in the air for a moment before * crashes into * 10
summons a medium white sphere that floats in the air for a moment before * crashes into * 15
summons a large white sphere that floats in the air for a moment before * crashes into * 20
summons a massive white sphere that floats above * for a moment before falling onto * and covers * in holy energy! 30
chants as white energy covers * energy explodes a moment later, causing large holy damage upon * 60
does a backhand gesture and three flames appear and slam into * 30
holds * hands forward and a large ice crystal forms before speeding toward * 30
swings * right arm up into the air and causes a bolt of lightning to shoot into * 30
places * hands forward and a concentrated beam of energy shoots forward into * 30
summons two pink spheres of energy and tosses them into the air. * spheres bounce around the battlefield to hit all targets! 40
summons a large ball of dark energy and sends * slamming into * in an attempt to curse * 40
summons two golden spheres of energy and sends them spinning towards * 60
combines the power of * and * to cause a massive explosion of dark energy upon * 60
casts the spell of * upon * bright white crystal-like outline appears over * body then fades. * feels stronger against melee attacks now. 20
uses * hard shell to enhance * defense. 10
casts the spell of * upon * bright green crystal-like outline appears over * body then fades. * feels stronger against magic attacks now. 20
casts a protective spell to lessen the damage from earth-based attacks. * bright flash of brown covers * body before fading. 50
casts a protective spell to lessen the damage from fire-based attacks. * bright flash of red covers * body before fading. 50
casts a protective spell to lessen the damage from wind-based attacks. * bright flash of green covers * body before fading. 50
casts a protective spell to lessen the damage from water-based attacks. * bright flash of blue covers * body before fading. 50
casts a protective spell to lessen the damage from ice-based attacks. * bright flash of blue covers * body before fading. 50
casts a protective spell to lessen the damage from lightning-based attacks. * bright flash of purple covers * body before fading. 50
casts a protective spell to lessen the damage from light-based attacks. * bright flash of white covers * body before fading. 50
casts a protective spell to lessen the damage from dark-based attacks. * bright flash of black covers * body before fading. 50
enchants * weapon with the power of fire. * flames flare up around * weapon. 50
enchants * weapon with the power of earth. * chunks of dirt float around * weapon. 50
enchants * weapon with the power of wind. * air around * weapon swirls. 50
enchants * weapon with the power of water. * drops of water float around * weapon. 50
enchants * weapon with the power of ice. * ice chunks float up around * weapon. 50
enchants * weapon with the power of lightning. * sparks sizzle around * weapon. 50
chants a few words and summons a bright glowing white ball that floats towards * a moment the ball enters * and covers * body with a white healing light that clears * negative status effects. 100
chants a few words before * begins to glow with a crystalized light that then shatters around *. * then feels most of * positive status effects fading away. 200
gathers energy for a moment before spinning around the battlefield and cuts all targets with the axe! 30
slashes * with the axe before pulling the axe backwards over * head, slamming the weapon onto * with great force! 50
gathers energy as a white glow covers the axe. * then strikes * several times with the powered axe. 40
lifts the axe above * head for a moment before swifty bringing the axe down upon * for a small explosion of fire. 30
slashes * four times at a quick speed which ends with large ice crystals slamming into * 30
spins around with the axe before perfoming a backswing with the axe upon * which causes a small explosion of green energy. 30
quickly slashes * five times with axe, ending with an explosion of dark energy. 30
hurls the axe towards * like a boomerang, which covers * in a large sheet of ice. * hops into the air to catch the axe as the ice explodes. 25
performs a five hit attack upon * with the axe, causing a small explosion of light energy. 25
performs a backswing with axe upon * tossing the axe into the air. * leaps into the air to catch the axe, swinging the axe downward to strike * with a large lightning bolt! 25
slashes a random enemy twice with the axe before leaping into the air. * moment later, * slams the axe into the ground, cause blades of light blue energy to cut all of the enemies! 30
gathers energy before quickly slashing * with the axe, surrounding * with a sphere of water. * water sphere floats into the air a bit before exploding, sending * crashing into the ground! 25
cuts * with a quick burst of four hits that ends with a small explosion of light energy. 40
hits * with a backswing of the dagger before quickling stabbing * with the dagger, causing a large tornado to surround * 30
performs a quick series of slashes with the dagger upon * trapping * in ice before hopping into the air and stabbing * on the way down, shattering the ice. 30
covers the dagger in dark energy before cutting * with the dagger a few times. * then quick stabs * with the dagger, creating a small explosion of dark energy. 30
swings the dagger to the left, then quickly swings the dagger to the right, spinning around with * as well. * circle of green energy forms around * before exploding around the battlefield! 45
stabs * several times with the dagger at a high speed! 50
performs a backhand swing with the dagger, which causes a small cyclone to slam into * 30
stabs * with the dagger before twisting the dagger and slicing upwards with it! 30
pulls the dagger back for a moment before quickly unleashing a five-hit attack upon * with the dagger! 35
lights an arrow on fire and fires * at * 15
takes aim at * and fires an arrow strong enough to pierce armor! 15
takes careful aim at * before quickly firing an arrow that has a flat tip. * arrow slams into * solar plexis and stuns *! 15
hits * with the bow before hopping back and firing an arrow at * 25
lines up all of the enemies and fires an arrow strong enough to pierce all targets! 45
fires an arrow at * which also causes a cyclone to slam into * 30
aims the bow at the sky and fires an arrow. * a moment, a storm of ice arrows hits the battlefield! 60
takes aim at * and fires an arrow that hits * with powerful * energy! 30
takes aim at * and fires an arrow that hits * with powerful * energy! 30
takes aim at * and fires an arrow that hits * with powerful lightning! 30
takes aim and fires an arrow that hits all targets before stepping back as multiple energy arrows storm the battlefield! 60
summons an arrow of powerful energy and takes aim with the bow for a moment before firing the devastating energy arrow into * 50
screams as * body morphs into demon form. 50
holds up * and yells "BANKAI!" * flash of light appears and when * disappears, * clothes have changed and * has changed shape into a long black katana. 50
holds * in front of * and says "Bankai". * drops * and * disappears. * huge blades appear behind * and shatter into millions of tiny little blades that look like sakura petals, ready to be used to help fight. 50
holds up * and yells "Bankai! * flows over * body starting at * right arm which ice forms in the shape of a dragon's head around * sword hand, encasing the sword up to the hilt; which also changes from the shape of a four-pointed star to that of eight-pointed star. 50
activates the true power of the zanpakutou to enhance * body 50
compressess all of * power into one final boost to * body. * the end of the battle, all of * power will disappear. 20
casts * final spell, a secret spell that drains the power of the wand into * body giving a massive but temporary boost in power. * the end of the battle, all of * power will disappear. 20
uses an ancient secret technique of the * that allows * to draw power directly from the blade. * feels * body gaining a massive, but temporary, boost in power. * the end of the battle, all of * power will disappear. 20
begins to morph and change into a large demonic beast. 10
absorbs * 18 and transforms into * perfect form. * power increases and * laughs. "Finally, * have achieved my perfect form!" 10
uses some of the power * has absorbed from the planet to transform into * second form. * tentacles split and grow larger, and * entire body becomes harder. 10
blasts * with a large column of fire! 10
covers * with a large wave of water! 10
blasts * with a barrage of ice crystals! 10
casts a smaller but more potent explosion of * energy upon * 10
looks at * and raises * staff. * moment later, a large tornado engulfs * and slams them into the ground. 10
swings * staff at * direction and several large ice shards shoot towards * 10
points towards * moment later, several large pillars of flame explode from the ground and close in upon * causing large fire damage. 10
charges up energy and then does a roundhouse kick strong enough to hit everyone! 10
leaps up into the air and performs two very quick kicks on * sending * backwards. 5
runs forward and hits * with * head! 5
sends several sharp and poisoned feathers flying at * with amazing speed. 5
looks at * and opens * cape, releasing two large black orbs of energy that resemble small meteors that fly into * 5
glows with a red energy as * charges up * most powerful dark energy. * a scream, * releases * and the entire battlefield explodes in flames! 10
looks at * and bends to a knee before * giant shield slams towards * with amazing speed! 5
glows with a yellow aura as * slams * massive sword into the ground, sending massive shockwaves to everyone within range! 10
glows with a blue aura as * spins * weapon around, sending waves of energy towards everyone 10
consumes all remaining life to create a massive explosion on * 10
swells up to five times * normal size before violently exploding into a rain of fire on all targets. 10
swells up to five times * normal size before violently exploding into a rain of fire on all targets and leaving behind a massive crater. 10
has built up enough power from the orbs dwelling within and shatters, creating a gigantic bomb dealing massive damage to everyone. 10
has not been freed in time! * darkness within swells and the * shatters with evil power, creating a gigantic bomb dealing massive damage to everyone. 10
begins laughing like a madman as * body swells up three times * normal size. "If * must die, then * will take you with me!" * body begins to glow and then explode in a violent energy that consumes the battlefield. 10
glows as the gunpowder that makes up * body begins to ignite. * seconds the * expands and explodes violently. * explosion hits everyone on the battlefield. 10
forces an invisble explosion of energy to explode from around himself, throwing all of * opponents away by a large radius. 10
blasts * with a wave of energy, forcing * to move slower than usual. 10
quickly dashes towards * and slices with the sword as * does. * then spins to face * and swings * sword down across * back before moving away. 10
smirks as lightning begins to dance on * sword. * slices * multiple times before leaping back, swinging * sword to send the lightning into * 10
holds up * sword as a blue energy covers * as * drives * into the ground. * energy shoots towards one target then splits to hit everyone else on the field. 10
cups * hands to * side and starts to charge up energy. " * huge blue beam of energy shoots out and slams into * 10
cups * hands to * side and starts to charge up energy. "Chou * gigantic blue beam of energy shoots out and slams into * 50
cups * hands to * side and starts to charge up energy. "" then without warning * disappears and re-appears behind * "HAAAAAAAA!" * by surprise, * takes the full force of a gigantic blue beam of energy! 50
holds one hand up into the air as a gigantic saw blade of energy begins to form. "Kienzan!" * energy is flung towards * 10
holds up * giant scythe as smaller sycthes appear out of thin air and begin to fill up the battlefield. * fly towards and slice up all the targets 10
flies up into the air before swinging * giant scythe straight down towards * 10
leaps up into the air and slashes * on the way down 10
shoots a sticky web all over * 5
bites into * 5
charges up electric energy around * body before * leaps into the air and flies forward over the ground towards * 10
leans back and slams into * with all * speed 10
dives into the ground and causes a mini-earthquake to attack all targets on the field. 10
shoves the massive sword into the ground, sending out waves of dark energy to hit all targets on the battlefield 10
leaps towards * and goes into a frenzy with * sword, slashing as many time as possible before leaping back out of * reach. 10
throws the sword into the ground before taking off into a run towards * close enough, * performs a kick on * sending * flying backwards. * picks up the sword again. 5
opens * mouth and charges up a huge red ball of energy in front of it. * the ball of energy shoots out and covers the whole battlefield with a powerful dark energy. 20
swings * massive tail around the battlefield, hitting all targets. 20
leaps forward at * and bites with * fangs 10
spews out a light colored mist all over * 10
sucks a deep breath in before releasing a huge plume of dragon fire upon the entire battlefield. 10
sucks in a gust of air before giving a loud roar and spewing a powerful breath all over the battlefield, hitting all targets 10
gives off a gigantic roar that strikes fear into * heart. 10
glows a bright yellow before ramming * stinger into everyone one last time, performing a final sting. 10
buzzes loudly as * goes crazy, flying around the battlefield stinging all the targets 10
flies forward and stings * 10
rushes * and attacks three times, knocking * backwards. 10
pulls out a lit bomb and looks at the enemies on the battlefield but instead of tossing * towards them, * slips and falls to the ground before exploding violently, killing the goblin and damaging all foes on the battlefield. 10
pulls out a lit bomb and glares at everyone before tossing * right before * explodes. * bomb damages all foes on the battlefield. 10
rushes towards * and slices with * claws. 10
stands up on * hind legs and swings * claws forward, causing a gust of powerful wind to slice all targets on the battlefield. 10
gives off a loud roar that strikes fear into * heart. 10
releases tons of bubbles that cover the battlefield and explode into water damage on all enemies 10
lunges at * and snaps hard with * pinchers. 10
uses a powerful blood magic to deal damage to all targets within range and absorb some of the damage back into *Gself. 10
raises * weapon high above before charging * with a dark energy and slicing * down right on * 10
laughs as a dark aura spreads from * bones and towards * 10
grabs * and bites into * neck, draining some blood from * to recover * health! 10
holds * hands out and fires a large orange beam right into * 10
thrusts * claws into the ground, causing a sheet of ice to fall from the sky and slam into all targets on the battlefield. 15
touches a * and gains the ability to shoot fireballs. * aims at * and shoots several large sized fire balls before the power runs out. 5
touches a magic star that makes * start glowing with a holy energy. * runs towards * and does several powerful attacks before backing away as the power runs out. 5
summons a powerful wall of water to surround * body before plowing right into * with great force. 10
charges up a ball of water in * mouth before releasing * onto the battlefield. 10
is surrounded by hearts and says "Come hither!" to * throwing the hearts at * then says, "Fight, my love!" and laughs. 10
jumps over * and uses * rod to create multiple green triangles of lightning energy to slam into * 10
switches to a blue and gold rod with a curved hook and swings * arm back, sending a tornado to slam into * 10
says "Take this!" and lunges towards * to stab * with * scarf. 10
causes a large bolt of lightning to slam into * 10
causes a large column of flame to fall from the air and onto * 10
causes an explosion to hit everyone on the battlefield! 10
causes a large column of water to surround everyone on the battlefield! 10
causes a large piece of ice in the shape of a boulder to slam into * 10
opens two portals in the air. * moment later bouncing balls of energy fill up the battlefield while * just laughs! 10
summons a large clown head and hops on top of it. * laughs and leaps towards * with the clown head to crush * below! 10
summons a large clown head and hops on top of it. * laughs and the clown head smiles before quickly spitting a ball of fire at * 10
shouts "Blood * and makes paint stroke motion. * lines of blood energy slam into * 10
shouts "A painting of the soul!" and summons a portrait. * moment later, a demonic starfish rolls into * to cause poison! 10
summons a blank portrait and enters it. * then uses the portrait to shoot around the battlefield, slamming into everyone! 10
shouts "A painting of the soul!" and summons a portrait. * moment later, strange demons slam into * to cause a curse effect! 10
says "Take this!" and opens * mouth wide as tons of small french dolls fly out of * and slam into * they explode, * can feel they are cursed dolls! 10
shoots a string around * in an attempt to control * actions. 10
says "I need * this!" before opening a large iron maiden and throwing a small wooden doll into it. * doll then causes * to be teleported in * place. * iron maiden slams the door shut, the spikes slamming into * 10
places * right arm under * chin. * then lifts * up and slams * hard onto the ground. 10
slams * onto the ground. * removes an elbow pad and runs to the left and right before stopping at * then drops down, slamming * elbow in * face! 10
lifts * up and holds * sideways on * shoulders. * moment later, * falls backwards to slam * into the ground. 10
jumps towards * with * right arm out, slamming * arm into * neck and sends * crashing to the ground. 10
lifts * up by * waist and then slams * into the ground, causing extreme pain to * back! 10
flings the metal strings at * causing cuts. 10
is testing the steal power type tech on * 10
grabs * and laughs! "Your power will be mine mortal!" * black energy covers * hand and * feels * power beginning to leave * body. * feels stronger as * absorbs the power. 10
latches out at * with * tentacle and begins to absorb some of * power. 10
takes in a deep breath before shouting out "FUS * which hits * with unrelenting force, sending * flying back! 10
takes in a deep breath before shouting out "YOL * which hits * with a forceful blast of fire! 10
takes in a deep breath before shouting out "FO * which hits * with a forceful blast of ice! 10
takes in a deep breath before shouting out "STRUN * heavy storm covers the battlefield and a moment later, lightning suddenly strikes all monsters on the battlefield! 10
aims * right arm towards * and says "DELETE!" before firing a blue laser at * 10
places * hands on * shoulders and gives * a paralyzing shock! 10
has two * hold * down as * places headphones of sorts onto * ears. * headphones gives a shock to * and takes over * brain! 10
sets the setting on the gunstick to the lowest and shoots a small laser at * which paralyzes * body! 10
simply fires a normal charged laser from * gunstick and into * 10
yells out "EXTERMINATE! * from the suit's speaker and charges the laser to maximum power. * larger blue laser is fired from the gunstick a moment later, which slams into * with great force! 10
rears * head back as * gathers power. * moment later, a large white beam shoots out of the dragon's mouth and into * 10
gathers power as a sphere of dark energy appears above the * moment later, * hurls the dark sphere at * 10
summons multiple knives and hurls them at all targets on the battlefield! 10
glows with a bright blue energy then releases the energy as a massive tsunami that swallows the whole battlefield. 10
shoots a stream of black ink on * 10
leaps at * and starts bashing * over and over with all of * tentacles. 10
takes aim at * with * railgun and fires, sending a round into * with great speed! 10
loads a nuclear warhead into the railgun and takes aim. * moment later, the warhead is unloaded onto the battlefield, hitting everyone with a giant explosion! 10
quickly slams * foot right into * sending * staggering back! 10
grabs * and bites into * neck, draining some blood from * to recover * health! 10
shouts out "Soul * and takes life out of all enemies to recover * own! 10
summons four small spirits that slam into * 10
runs at * and slams * tusks into * 10
charges at * with full speed and slams into * 50
charges at * with full speed but then disappears into a puff of black smoke. * second later, * re-appears behind * and and slams into * from behind. 50
stops cold before activating several missiles that were hidden around the battlefield. * missiles slam into the ground at the heroes' feet, causing explosive damage. 50
flies high into the air before dive-bombing the battlefield, sweeping around and hitting everyone 50
rears up on * hind legs before slamming back down onto the ground sending a shockwave of energy across the battlefield hitting all targets. 10
does a backhand gesture whichs makes a dark fireball appear and travel towards * at a high speed! 10
dashes towards * and lands three quick punches upon *! 10
shouts out "Play time is over!" and dashes twoards * then yells out "Cry! * die!" as * unleashes a barrage of attacks upon * 10
gathers power as a large ball of fire appears in * left hand. * then throws the ball of fire to the ground, which then sends a large column of dark fire hurtling towards * 10
shouts out "Power * and slams * right fist at the ground, causing energy to shoot through the ground and hit * 10
shouts out "Burn * and dashes towards * with * right fist out, which is covered in a light blue flame! 10
waits for * to jump into the air and shouts out "Rising * as * does an upside down kick towards * 10
yells out "Power * and slams * fists into the ground multiple times, causing large columns of energy to explode around the battlefield! 10
says "Are you okay? * as * shoots across the battlefield and hits * with * right fist, causing a giant explosion of energy! 10
"You cannot grasp the true form of * attack, * 10
* ... * ..... * hurts... * .... 10
unleashes a deadly psi attack to everyone on the battlefield! 10
cuts * wrist, casuing some blood to spill out. * blood then turns into a ball of red energy that slams into * 10
cuts * wrist, casuing some blood to spill out. * blood then turns into a ball of red energy that slams into * 10
crosses * arms and floats into the air as the ground ignites into a black flame, hitting everyone on the battlefield. 100
summons a dagger that glows a dark red. * quickly slices * a few times with it, sending poison into * body!! 10
screams in anger as haunting images of defeated foes fly out of the ground all around him. * ground begins to shake, and the sky is filled with lightning. * ghosts enter * body, * eyes turn red and darken as well... 10
performs two quick slashes of * sword upon * 10
performs a flurry of sword slashes upon * 10
charges towards * and slashes once with the sword, then kicks * before performing a final slash. 10
rushes towards * and unleashes a flurry of quick sword strikes upon * 10
summons a large ball of fire and sends * towards * 10
gains a flame aura as * wings turn into pure flame. * then charges forward, stabbing * with the sword and unleashing a giant flame explosion 10
floats higher into the air before dropping down, driving the sword into the ground. * line of fire extends towards the middle of the battlefield, causing fire to form under all enemies. * explosions erupt from the fire, hitting all enemies. 20
summons a large red dragon. * dragon waits for a moment before gaining a flame aura and rushes towards * . * dragon slams into * and causes a large explosion to happen. 40
stabs * with * sword before removing * and doing a quick backhand swing with the sword. 10
charges towards * with the sword. * then slashes at * before stabbing with the sword once again. 10
stabs * with the sword and performs a rising sword slash. * then spins around and unleashes a few more slash attacks with the sword at a fast speed. 10
says "Die.." to * as * begins a series of sword swings that's almost like a dance of death. 10
hurls * sword at * impaling *. * energy is drawn out from the sword and into * healing * injuries. * then calls the sword back as the energy fades. 10
crosses * arms as * sword has a red sphere appear above it, which then pulls all enemies into another dimension. * moment later, the dimension is destroyed by * causing a large amount of damage. 10
drives the sword into the ground as a shadow covers the entire battlefield. * dark purple dragon rises from the shadow and charges forward, a powerful explosion of dark energy occuring as the dragon flies past the battlefield. 50
flies up into the air and then dives into * slashing and biting before flying back up out of * reach. 10
begins to cast an ancient spell upon * feels * head feeling rather fuzzy.. 10
calls forth the power of the dead to curse * 10
covers * with a glowing green substance that makes * feel less defensive. 10
grabs * by the face and sprays a bright green gas causing a random status effect. 10
thrusts * hands to the ground, which causes the floor of the battlefield to be covered in ice dealing damage to all * enemies. 10
cups both hands and thrusts them forward at * sending out a blast of ice 10
throws a smokebomb at * feet. * covers * and gets into * eyes. 10
throws a shurikan covered in poison at * 10
sneaks behind * and draws a small cursed kunai. * a swift motion, * thrusts * into * back. 10
leaps up at * throat and rips a massive amount out. * the * can be heard laughing somewhere in the background. "I *warned* you, but did you listen to me? * no, you *knew*, didn't you? * it's just a harmless little *bunny*, isn't it?" 10
summons a copy of * which then uses * * attack! 10
summons a copy of * which then uses * * attack! 10
summons a copy of * which then uses * * attack! 10
covers * right fist in dark energy and swiftly punches * and causes a curse status! 10
hurls multiple balls of fire at * which causes * to become a statue! 10
spits a large ball of fire towards * 10
spits a ball of fire at * which then explodes into a pillar of fire. 10
spits a large ball of fire at the battlefield, which then explodes to hit everyone on the field! 10
summons four swords that are then tossed towards * direction, causing cuts! 10
summons many swords above the battlefield that are then tossed at all enemies on the field! 10
summons a single sword and then proceeds to stab * with it! 10
slowly backs up before quickly rushing forward and slamming right into * 10
takes aim and unleashes a barrage of fireballs that are tossed at all enemies in a wave pattern! 10
hurls a ball of fire towards the ground which then shoots towards * at a high speed! 10
takes out a large grenade with * manipulator arm and tosses * at the battlefield which explodes and hits everyone in range! 10
hits * hard enough with * manipulator arm to cause stun! 10
delivers a hard kick towards * with one of * legs! 10
leaps into the air and then stomps on * 10
latches onto * and gives * a powerful shock! 10
summons two other * and they all leap onto * moment later, they give * a paralyzing shock before leaping off! 10
opens * "face" and sticks * into a large pool of water, gathering * up. * moment later * looks back at * and fires a huge compression of water at * which is strong enough to cut metal! 10
fires a barrage of missiles that hits everyone on the battlefield! 10
delivers a hard kick towards * with one of * legs! 10
takes aim and fires a barrage of bullets towards * 10
hurls two hundred cactuar needles into * 10
hurls five hundred cactuar needles into * 10
is covered in a light aura. * then leaps towards * and hits * with a powerful dropkick to dispel any positive status effects! 10
is covered in a light aura. * closes in on * and then quickly performs a powerful uppercut that sends * flying back into the air! 10
fires a stream of powerful energy that slams into * 10
hurls * polearm at * which causes * to become a statue! 10
hits * with all four of * wings! 10
summons a bow and creates a light arrow made out of pure energy, before taking aim and firing the devastating arrow into * 10
summons a powerful wind that hits everyone on the field and knocks them back! 10
summons the boatsman of the river * to the battlefield! * then hits everyone with powerful * energy! 10
summons a huge beam of energy in the shape of a large sword and hits * with it! 10
summons numerous ghosts that surround * 10
causes a gigantic explosion of dark purple to cover the battlefield! 10
projects an image of the * that approaches * image slashes at * to cause curse! 10
summons dark purple energy orbs that attach onto * orbs glow red and siphon health from * and adds * to * 10
performs an upside down spinning kick upon * 10
leans back then places * arms forward and hurls a ball of energy from * hands that slams into * 10
stand on one * legs and begins a barrage of kicks with * other leg, which appears to be a blur to * 10
holds * arms back as * gathers power while a blue aura appears around herself. * moment later * thrusts * arms forward and hurls a much larger ball of energy to the battlefield, hitting all targets! 10
spins into the air towards * and slams the back of * heel into * with a high amount of power! 10
hits * with * * then performs a vertical version of the * launching * into the air. * moment later * knocks * back down to the ground and * then stomps on * 10
cups * hands to the side and gathers energy. * moment later, * thrusts * hands forward and hurls a ball of energy towards * 10
cups * hands to the side and gathers energy. * moment later, * thrusts * hands forward and hurls a ball of red fire towards * 10
performs a rising punch that launches * into the air! 10
hops shortly into the air and performs a spinning kick towards * 10
cups * hands to the side and gathers a large amount of energy. * moment later, * thrusts * hands forward and unleashes a giant ball of energy onto the battlefield! 10
hops shortly into the air and begins to perfom a spinning kick in place that draws in all enemies to get hit! 10
performs a rising punch that hits * three times and sends them flying even higher into the air! 10
performs a rising punch upon * which then causes an explosion of fire to happen! 10
spins towards * and hits * with a much stronger rising punch and repeats this a few more times! 10
opens * shoulders to reveal many cannons. * a moment, a volley of * energy is fired and hits all targets on the battlefield! 10
summons a large spear made of * power and hurls * towards * 10
flies higher into the air and gathers power. * moment later, * fires a large blue energy sphere that slams into * to cause an explosion! 10
summons four spheres of dark blue energy and hurls them at * 10
flies high into space and begins to gather power. * moment later, a hugh beam of energy is fired that causes a massive explosion! 10
flies high into space and stops near the moon. * focuses power into the moon, casuing * to glow yellow. * moment later, a massive beam of yellow energy slams into the earth, causing a gigantic explosion! 10
releases the spikes on * wings and hurls them towards * to cause large cuts! 10
hops into the air and causes a bright light to cover the battlefield with enough power to cause searing pain! 10
runs up and scratches * with * nails to cause poison! 10
causes a soothing light to engluf the battlefield, healing all allies. 10
summons a trail of lights that resembles train tracks. * speeds through the trail and slams into * 10
summons a trail of lights that resembles train tracks. * speeds through the trail and slams into * 10
turns around and kicks * with one of * hind legs! 10
claws at * before leaping back and charges right into * at a high speed! 10
quickly spins in a circle and causes a mini-tornado to surround * 10
howls loudly at the moon and causes powerful * energy to engulf the battlefield! 10
runs up to * and bites with * fangs! 10
bites * a few times and hops back. * moment later, * howls and a large ball of * energy slams into * 10
causes large tornados to cover the battlefield! 10
rushes torwards * and slashes multiple times with * claws! 10
summons a circular blade of wind energy and hurls * towards * 10
roars loudly and creates a massive ball of fire to cover the battlefield. * moves back and rips out a chunk of earth and hurls * towards the battlefield, causing the ball of fire to explode! 10
rips a small chunk of earth and covers * with fire. * juggles with * for a moment before hurling * towards * 10
covers * fist with fire and delivers a hard punch upon * 10
summons a massive tidal wave to cover the entire battlefield! 10
performs a sudden strike with * tail to cause stun! 10
summons a large stone and has a waterfall crash right into * $+! 10
leaps into the air and hurls * staff to the middle of the battlefield. * dances around the staff for a moment before huge bolts of lightning strikes the entire battlefield! 10
summons a large cloud above * moment later, * begins to storm on * and then strikes * with a small bolt of lightning! 10
charges lightning into * staff and strikes * a few times to cause paralysis! 10
holds * arms above * head as the battlefield starts to cool. * moment later * thrusts * arms forward and covers the battlefield with ice. * then snaps * fingers and the ice explodes! 10
raises * hands up and a large ice crystal falls from the sky and slams into * 10
rushes towards * and leaps into the air. * moment later * comes down and slams the back of * heel into * 10
lifts the battlefield with great power and hurls * into the air. * a few minutes, the battlefield crashes into the earth! 10
slams * right fist into * and sends them flying into a mountain, destroying the mountain in the process! 10
grabs two giant rocks and then crushes them together with * in the middle of the rocks! 10
blasts * with two forceful shots of water! 10
charges forward and bites * with flame-cloaked fangs! 50
causes a strong electric blast to crash down on upon * 20
slams * right fist into * body, sending * flying back several feet. 10
slams both of * fists into * body, sending * flying out of sight entirely! 20
grabs onto * arm and says "Hadou #96, * massive pillar of fire shoots up from the ground in the shape of a katana's blade. 100
performs an upside down triangle motion with * left hand, creating * in the process. * spikes shoot out towards * to trap * onto a nearby wall. 10
holds * palm out and says, "Hadou #33, * torrent of blue energy shoots out towards * causing a large explosion. 10
pulls back both of * leaving a trail of blue energy. * then says, "Hadou #73, * and thrusts * palms forward, sending a massive burst of blue energy towards * 50
points * index finger at * and says, "Bakudou #61, * beams of light energy surround and slam into * holding * in place. 20
holds * palm out and creates an orb of red energy. * says "Hadou #31, * and sends the orb towards * causing an explosion of fire to hit * 10
points at * with their index finger and says, "Hadou #4, * concentrated burst of lightning then pierces through * body! 10
stabs * with the stinger of * sending poison into * body. * butterfly-shaped stamp then appears on * $'s body, which is on the point of theattack. 30
raises * right arm up as a large gold cylinder with black markings appears on the armor base. * takes aim and waits for a moment before firing the missle at the battlefield. * missile explodes on contact, causing a massive explosion! 100
closes in on * and punches at * causing a massive burst of wind the slam into * and sends * flying back. 20
performs a simple swing of * creating a large inferno of flame upon * 10
creates several massive pillars of flame around the battlefield, trapping all enemies. * a moment passes, the pillars close in on the battlefield, destroying everything in their path. 50
concentrates the intense flames along the edge of the blade. * then rushes forward and slashes * cutting through * entirely with the blade. 100
swings the blade at * sending a concentrated blast of heat and fire towards * 50
vanishes and reappears next to * and makes a slashing motion, drawing a circle. * the moves out of the way as a massive ice pillar shoots up and encases * 10
takes a battle stance as ice particles rise from the ground. * particles build up at the tip of the zanpakutou before being released as a massive wave of ice that covers the battlefield. 20
gathers moisture in the air to the tip of the zanpakutou before turning the moisture into ice to greatly extend the blade. * then spins around to slice all targets. * the ice continues to freeze in the surrounding area. 30
stabs the zanpakutou into the ground, creating a trail of ice towards * ice freezes * from the base up, eventually transforming * into ice. 20
spins * around before rushing towards * then swiftly moves around * a few times, striking * each time with * 10
spins * around as water flows from both ends of the halberd. * hops into the air and hurls * to the center of the battlefield, which causes a massive burst of water to expand out from the halberd to hit all enemies. 20
fires several purple lasers at * 10
spits out an infero of flames upon the battlefield! 10
rams into * at a quick speed before turning around and ramming into * a second time! 10
pauses for a second and fires a purple laser at * 10
shoots a ball of flame out of the eye which bounces along the ground before slamming into * 10
charges forward and slams into * at a high speed. 10
charges across the battlefield and slams into everyone at a high speed! 10
wraps itself around * and squeezes tight! 10
charges forward and slams into * 10
begins to spin at a high speed and quickly slams into everyone on the the battlefield! 10
rams into * at a quick speed before turning around and ramming into * a second time! 10
begins to spin at a high speed and quickly slams into everyone on the the battlefield! 10
rams into * at a quick speed before turning around and ramming into * a second time! 10
grabs * and squeezes tight before slamming * down onto the ground. 10
turns the hand into a fist and quickly hurls itself towards * 10
floats above * and takes aim before firing a cannon ball at * 10
spins around before floating above the battlefield and unleashes a rainstorm or lasers down upon everyone! 10
quickly sneaks behind * and slashes * across the back! 10
grabs * and squeezes tight before slamming * down onto the ground. 10
charges forward and slams into * at a high speed. 10
charges across the battlefield and slams into everyone at a high speed! 10
wraps itself around * and squeezes tight! 10
locks onto * and fires a red laser at * 10
spits a medium-sized speed at * 10
positions itself above * and spits two medium-sized balls covered with thorns down upon * 10
unleashes numerous spores across the battlefield, hitting everyone. 10
latches onto * and bites into *, draining some of * blood! 10
fires several lasers upon the battlefield, htting everyone! 10
pulls back * fist and quickly slams * into * 10
grabs * and squeezes tight before slamming * down onto the ground. 10
spits out two bubbles which then slam into * and explodes upon contact! 10
summons a large torando upon the battlefield. * a moment, numerous sharks storm the battlefield, attacking everyone! 10
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